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Bangalore University 2006 B.A Optional English V Sem, , Optional Eng-Literatures of India- - Question Paper

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B.A. (V Semester) Examination, December 2006

(New Scheme)

OPTIONAL ENGLISH (Paper - V) Literatures of India - An Introduction

he writing, ref Hours

Max Marks: 90

Instruction: Attempt all the Sections.

iture and Ide cist criticism.;

SECTION - A (Poetry)

j Answer any one of the following:    15


| a) The verses of Bhartrhari and Parthasarthy set up similar oppositions between j the poet and the critic. Comment, iividual Will b) Analyse Syed Amanuddins denouncement of labels and classifications in Dont Call me Indo-Anglian.

[) Write a short note on any one of the following:    5

|y;JJnread library books in Small-Scale Reflections on >a Grfiat,House. t jp nian-made sun in Hiroshima, ife image of man in Adigaspoem.

SECTION - B (Short Fiction)


yer any one of the following:

Implore the literal and metaphorical significance of the title of the story The Shroud.

How far ij;

3) jflqw does the communal discord affect the relationship between the two families in Roots ? Comment,

is the image of the writer that emerges from your reading of the Birthday "1


SECTION - C (Essay)

III. Answer any one of the following:

a)    Briefly trace the history of Radhika Santawanam. How does it reflect the course of womens writing in India ?

b)    What argument does S.V. Srinivas present in The Politics of Failure ? What are your views on the subject ?

SECTION - D (Novel)

A)    Answer any one of the following:    1

a)    The Guide, like most RK Narayans novels., reveals an absence of India.

Y    Do you agree ? Substantiate.

b)    How do Raju and Rosie get transformed during the course of the novel ?

B)    Write a short note on any one of the following:    '-'"ll-"

a)    The conclusion of the novel.

b)    Marco.

c)    The metaphorical significance of the Railways.

SECTION - E (Drama)

\) Answer any one of the following:    1

[A] single myth written by the Brahmin Somadeva has been employed by authors in different cultures since the eleventh century AD, changing in the process from a Sanskrit parable to a German novella that in turn became the inspiration for a Kannada play in India. How does Karnads Havavadana recast the original myth and towards what end ?

b) Who, according to you, is the protagonist of the play, Havavadana ? Substantiate your answer.

i Write a short note on anyone of the following:

a)    The use of Masks in the play.

b)    Music in Havavadana.

c)    The role of the Bhaaaw**0 TT


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