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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2009 M.Com Commerce Security analysis and portfolio management - Question Paper

Thursday, 11 July 2013 04:35Web

ws 3

PG-233    MCO-22


(AY 2004-05 batch onwards)

Second Year



Time : 3 hours    Maximum marks : 75

SECTION A (3 x 5 = 15 marks)

Answer any THREE questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

1.    Briefly explain the features of an Investment Programme.

*0<5<sra aiifl.

2.    How does the new issue Market relate to the Stock Exchange?

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Q<sL|w<5ra cQpx?

3.    Modern Portfolio Management is based on the random Walk Model - How?

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AiuuMLra QstSlx guu?

4.    What is risk? Differentiate systematic risk from unsystematic risk.

Chiruk    got?    Cl Cot

ClA0x Gpukzx-

5.    Trace out the difference between traditional and modern portfolio analysis.

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GpUkOT ffiSLffi.

SECTION B (4 x 15 = 60 marks)

Answer any FOUR questions.

All questions carry equal marks.

6.    Explain in detail the various stages that involve in the Investment Process.

uGip ui|<sOT    OTS0ffi.

7.    Explain the relevance of Markowitz Model in Portfolio Analysis.

Xpan'ifl    nirUa|L< n'ViflOT Qu0zuu

8.    The risk and return of securities is determined by beta - Critically analyse the above statement using Security Market Line.

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9.    Explain the process of fundamental Analysis.

AUUfflL USUUTW UffiSap Ui|ffiOT |OT<S0<S.

10.    What is meant by Capital Assets Pricing Model? Explain its relevance in Portfolio formation.

GOTpm gotot?

AzU aOT Qu0zuzU ot0<s.

11. Explain the factors that influence the security valuation, using any two well known valuation models.

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ujn0? hG>uI Cs Vmk VOT OTffi0ffi.

12. Explain the methods that are adopted in a measuring returns on bonds and stocks.

ffUQ0uq pp uzVisOT ai0nwzU |nUs

OTU0pUL Ci p<SOT lUn0il?

4    PG-233


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