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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2006 Certification Computing MS Powerpoint and MS Access - Question Paper

Sunday, 07 July 2013 09:10Web

MS Power point and MS Access

it. Consider a database for EMPLOYEE and their dependents and show the steps of creating tableB, giving queries, making forms and reports etc in MS-Access,

MS-Access-uSlo) 0 employee database-emu 2_(rF,ajn\s<l    queries Qffirr<jgj report ctuui. QgjetnCrrL

16.    How to create a report with grouped data? grouped data Qnw($l report cruui tumfiuugi

17.    How to see a whole page in report and also explain how a print a report?

(tP(! uffiissan eruuin- (5 report-uS)&> arnli_ (LpiiL|iii? iDprptlLb sruuu). report-antu print Glffujsugj creiFruCT) urprffliLjii @j61uti_ (5GU6wrLb.

18.    How to display data from more than one table? Use a query as a base of the form.

strrrpiffigj GiDrbuL_i_ table aSl0j5gj sruut. data-ensu table-nSlci) arrilglajgj.    query-anuj emiDUJLDrrffi encugj


TERM-END EXAMINATION - JANUARY, 2006. MS-POWERPOINT AND MS-ACCESS Time : 3 hours    Maximum marks : 100

SECTION A (8 x 5 = 40 marks)

Answer any EIGHT questions.

1.    What are the advantages of conducting a presentation?

Presentation Q<?iusurrfib uojwt ercsiarr?

2.    How to make an effective presentation? truui 90 jb)6u presentation-amu e_0ajimg>eugj?

3.    What are the basic component of a slide?

Slide - &> elcttgtt component-anuj urbjfil am.tDGL|Lb?

4.    Explain the steps to create a title slide.

Title slide-ao iu ctuul a_0surffi@sugj crairiD 6iiLt(y30ii|Danuj r5!uiSI<K.

5.    How can a graph be created and viewed in different formats?

Graph-ouj eruui u ajenaojirafr format-w t*0ajrrl LDfbpLb    eSIiy, Qmugj urfruugi cranuan efilifleurra


6.    What is text tool for?

Text tool CTKnprra) astrar?

7.    How to change the fonts, size and colour of text?

sruuii). font, size LDrfjgjm colour-) uj $0 text-ffi(g mrnrjipicugi crsduap efil&jiftisa&jih?

8.    How to create a Microsoft Access database?

gtuuii). Microsoft Access database-cnuj e_06urr@ajgj creiruan <grf)luiii){$lffi?

9.    How to add new tools in your existing toolbars in MS-Access? Write the Bteps,

MS-Access-uSld> otljul (tf, ljIuj tool afraniD 2_(njeurrs$    cruut toolbar-d) q@ieugi?

euQpenpcnerT cfilsurflffisemb.

10.    How to use Access Wizards to create objects?

Access Wizards-eniu j>6ug;gi object-ojiu cruuii). e_0ajir@6U)?

Answer any SIX questions.

11.    Create five Power Point slides detailing the process of practical examinations. It should be a self-running demo.

Practical examinati on-erc uj urpffiliij Gfi!ai[r)>srT 5 slides-uSleb e-0Qjrr$    pirsfrrraGGU Lorrnjitb

anaoLflSiurr (self-running demo) 6i_6li_Gajffr($liii.

12.    Create R minimum of 3 advertisement slides about any product (s) or service with animation, transition and sound effects automatically.

TjSrrajgi <0 product-a@ 3 advertisement slides-eniu    animation, transition uippib

sound effects-eniu jsrrajib.

13.    How to create a slide show with time delay and user input?

}0 slide-uSla) cruuii). time delay qgjajgi LDfbgjtii slide-uSleb sruui. input QatrQuugj srarucn (grSluiSl.

14.    How to create 5 slides    using different design templates?

Templates 2_uGiurrlgi    ctljui. 5 slide-emuj

sfilujtrtfiDra s0suir(gajgj    efilajiflaffiGtb?

3    2244


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