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Tamil Nadu Open University (TNOU) 2006 Certification Computing Certificate in MS-Excel - Question Paper

Sunday, 07 July 2013 09:05Web

Certificate course in MS-Excel

14.    Write the steps to create an Ms-Excel worksheet to draw a pie graph for your own sample data.

MS-Excel worksheet-uSla) pie graph-aniu e_6Mri_irfr sulfyjantpiaflnar @if)luiSlL.&|tb.

15.    Write down the steps to create an Ms-Excel worksheet and do various options of FUl-series.

ueo 6uenisiuirir FiU-series-uSleb 2_0ttt option>uj stuul create Qffujeugj sresrrr) ajjenrDaafiOT (grffluiSI

16.    How to convert text in to a column?

Gruuiij. Qi(rF| text-enuj column torrfbjD (tptiULb?

17.    Explain pivot table and pivot chart report.

Pivot table LDjbpih pivot chart report ujbjfil a51ifleutr<s


18.    Explain the concept of auditing. Auto format and conditional formatting.

Auditing, auto format and conditional formatting aniu upil efileujrinrrffi OiflefllaasqLb.


Time : 3 hours    Maximum marks : 100

SECTION A (8 x 5 = 40 marks)

Answer any EIGHT questions.

1.    What are the basic features of Spread Sheet?

Spread Sheet>-eb elsttstt (Lps&uj cSHiuuoil e_uGturrffifcjOT srsrrad?

2.    Explain how to create a workbook.

Workbook couj ctuui e_06urs0ffljgi?

3.    What are the built-in functions vised to find the maximum number, minimum number, total and average?

Maximum number, minimum number, total, average 6wr{jJiSl4<s erTr function srwrga (gp&luiSi.

4.    How to create different borders in worksheet?

ua> euenau-irrarr border-r>uj worksheet-uStaj eruuii). a_0&j(Tffi@eugj?

5.    Discuss how string formatting and number formatting can be done Excel Sheet.

String formatting    Number formatting-aniu

CTUuiq. Qffujeugj ernuan {g/fluiS!.

6.    Explain the steps to add three rows and two columns in a sheet.

6TUUH). }(T5 Sheet-u5)d> 3 row-ejib. 2 column-Qpih

0h.L_t_LlLI@6LJgj Sr6eiU6S}; SnJTU*.

7.    What is the method to sort the list of numbers in ascending and descending order?

GTOTraanGTT sruuu). Ascending LDrrjguii descending order-uSla) LDrrfbgjieugj rnu> (jfffluiSI*.

8.    How to split windows into panes?

Windows-aniu eruui panes LDrrjbpsygi?

9.    What is Goal seek, and track changes feature of Excel?

Goal seek LOppib track changeb-duj uprfjl efflajiRaaajib.

10.    Discuss the concept of Auto filter and advanced filter of Excel.

Auto filter sniuiL|Lb, advanced filter es>u_tu_|Lb uprjl

(ip(Lpenif)iijra effleiT4M56L|Lb.


Answer any SIX questions.

11.    Explain how to create a MS-Excel work sheet to calculate the employee pay. Find out the gross pay, detection and net pay.

cruuuj- MS-Excel work sheet-entu s-0&jrrffil employee-uSlwr esrluj6n 6wrsli_ Gojasir($ti) crsnp tjD6i|Lb. Gross pay, detection Lorbfpjib net pay eruui. S6wr(5ii5lii).uugj crwruantqu) GsuewrglLb.

12.    Write a macro that formats a worksheet to have a line of spacing of 1.5 lines. The font is Arial and font size of 10 points. The documents should have left, right and top margin as 2.

Worksheet uSIa) a_sneiT rj-asir euifls5(c[50 jbQJiGcu 1.5 line spacing Qffirruujb@ macro cr(ip Gsussrrglih mppLb font-anuj Ajial sraup LflrrrprDGtjLb, size aoiu 10 points    ansuaas Gcuewrgnb. Left, right and top

margin-eouj 2 << @0a Geu6wrih.

13.    How to create an Excel sheet to calculate mean and standard deviation for the data 75, 59, 60, 63, 49, 58, 64, 72, 76, 78, 72?

Mean and standard deviation-anuj 6)aiTaj0ib srewrsKCTfjffig) cruui. aerargnSliuugi rrannj (jpanrrjenuj e5laj[fl4ib.


75, 59, 60, 63, 49, 58, 64, 72, 76, 78, 72.

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