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Osmania University (OU) 2006-2nd Sem B.E Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering 4/4 (E.C.E)(ESTER)SUPPLEMENTARY ,IL, Design of fault tolerant system - Question Paper

Thursday, 04 July 2013 08:25Web


Design of fault tolerant system

Code Ho.10344/N

PJCUZGF K3GINXSR.IHG B JE.4/4 (BCE) Il-Seoaster (Mew) Main Examination, April 2006 Subject1 Design of Fault. Tolerant Systems


Tlmei 3 Hours.    Max.Marksi 75

Hotel Answer all questions of Part A and any five questions from Part. B.

PA8T-A (25 narks)

1.    Define the following*    3

a) CbaXi.abi.llty b) Availability c) Maintainability

2.    Hhat 1 MTBF.    2

3.    T2>irentlata between transient and intermittent    faults. 3 4* Vtaat is Fail-Soft operation.    2 5* E&lfferentiate between observability and aontrollability.    3 6. Wiat is raeant by Fail Safe fa sign.    2 7* Mention the advantages of XtSSD technique.    3 B. Yhat is pluribus and where do you. use it.    2

9.    'What is self-checking PI*A. Give its structure.    3

10.    Define the terms Bioco/Bnao.    2

PART-b {SxlOSO marks)

11.    a) Hhat are temporary faults and what are the &&iiqtMfS that are used to

present then*    3

b) Per the eirouit below find the tests to deteat Sfc-e-0 and 8-a-l faults

It and k by using Boolean difference method.    7

* i> i




12* What Is fault-toleranoe Sacplain in detail the nethod of fault toleranoe

by a) Static redundancy b) self-purging redundantly c) Hybrid redundancy. 10

13. a) Design a eheck bit generator circuit for totally self checking ahecker

for Berger cede for the aase information bits % * 7# oheak bits * 3. 7

b) Hrlte short motes on self-ohooking aheaker far Lowoost residue aode. 3

14 Saqplain In detail, the features, rules and advantages of MU58> testable

circuits.    10

t    9    f

IS. Bacplain in detail The Keed-Kuller expansion technique and 3 level cet-AREM* design' for realisation of testable combinational logie airouits.    1


b!!t 8t "aul*r *** C0 1, lth ooBwr.tar. tor end colleatar circuits for 3-channel fin.    

17* Write short notes cut

1)    *tact at faults

2)    VKO rail aheaker



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You are here: PAPER Osmania University (OU) 2006-2nd Sem B.E Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering 4/4 (E.C.E)(ESTER)SUPPLEMENTARY ,IL, Design of fault tolerant system - Question Paper