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Karnataka State Open University (KSOU) 2009 B.Ed C.C.Mof Teaching Social Studies - - Question Paper

Thursday, 16 May 2013 07:35Web

IlfllllHIWllGWUIlWlllH    BEd MC 06/07 (06)

B.Ed. Degree Examination, October 2009 (D.E. Revised Scheme) CONTENT-CUM-METHODOLOGY OF TEACHING SOCIAL STUDIES

Time : 3 Hours    Max. Marks : 100

Note x All Sections are Compulsory.

'    a


Answer any four of the following in about three pages each.

stadbdiddratodidsddta    dbd: dddidQ:    (10x4=40)

1.    Social studies is both a Science and Art. - Justify this statement with proper illustrations.

dto& erabdd)    adb dbdb drabta db. - id>ddy h serabdb


2.    What is meant by Biographical Approach ? How would you make use of Biographies while teaching social studies ? List out its merits and demerits.

edd Q33. rftaedd> .db qoddedb c dto& edrabdddb rftaeQdbdrt edd Q3>. .dbddb >ed ert soetabpQ c h 5.dbd rtbra dbdb edrtbrartedb d dtoQ.

-J        Sr]    -J    _D     eJ

3.    What are the different types of resources to teach social studies ? How do you make use of community resources in teaching social studies ?

edrabd dtaeddrt gdbd ppd rioddtaprtb ratodid) C dxrarabd oddtaprttedb ert dto& edrabd dtaeddrab6 sodbPQ c

*2)    *    co

4.    What is the importance of organising excursions in teaching social studies ? What are the precautions followed while conducting the excursions in social studies ?

dto& edrabd dtaeddrab> d.ddrtdb ddrtta$dbd)dd d.dbbJrtedb c ddto&

2)        CO t2)Cp

edrabd dtaeddrab6 d.drtdb rdrQbdrt edbrioriderod dbbortdtartedb c

2)    CO '

5.    Explain the need and importance of Social Studies Room. How do you equip it ?

d)K eriajbrf idQb ertd dodo doddddb <Ddo%>. >ed eddo Sert kd rfodD<Qc

   -!><        oj.

6.    Explain the characteristics of a good social studies text book. What are its uses for a class room teacher ?

iddb dK edbd dd,diA)id rtbra-otfrarttfdb )dQ*>. ddrb birt edd

_D    l     -2    c0>    <

idertrtedb c

SECTION - B )>rt- a

Answer any six of the following in about a page each.

h iAdd)rt>d)dsddta f d| dcs tod: dddiQ-    (6x5=30)

7. a) State the values of teaching social studies.

d)K edajbd deddb dSSairtsdb

' <

b)    What is unit plan ? How is it different from a daily lesson plan ? di cxtaeKd qoddedb c gdo Qd>d, dsd cxtaeKdftod Sert spddsAd c

O    oi.

c)    Explain the use of time-charts to develop time sense in social studies.

dtoK edbddQ iso dd rabdb doo ssodd drttf wrabdb dQ.

*2)    CO    -J    L    l

d)    How do you make use of TV and Radio programmes to supplement your teaching of social studies ?

d>K ebd deddrt dpdidsA ddddrd dbdb dsdbQ isbFdbrtdb Sert t))ita$b>Q c

e)    What is the need of unit-test to the social studies teacher ?

d)K edajbd b3i)rt di dQeb ertddedb c

*2)    c0>        c0>    

f)    List out the characteristics of a good lesson plan in social studies teaching. dK edajbd deddb6 dsd cxtaeKdb rtb-orartsdb d dQ.

a        n    cOi    oj. ej

g)    Highlight the role of Dramatisation in teaching social studies.

dK edbd dtaeddbQ dsSeidrad dsdddb dQ.

*2)    *    CO    -J

h) What are the advantages of Hobby Clubs in social studies teaching ? dK edbd deddrt dds idfrteodsrtbd d,taeKdrtTOd)d) c



- &

ratod)d3ddta wdb d.drteA do> tod: dddiQ:

8. a) Write the instructional objectives for the lessonBuddhism.

dddod qow d>dS, dtaeddtaededAVdo wdoQ.

Q    -6    &    <

b) How do you introduce the lesson Democracy ?

dbd, qow d>d| >ed deA &eS >edoQ c


c)    Write five review questions and five sentences of black board summary for a lesson of your choice.

cede fcb. dtod dsd szsA todS. sdo d)dosdd ddAVO db3O sdo dSr Ajsosoddb

d    -d    _D    6    t


d)    Briefly explain the sources you use to teach the lesson Mourya Dynasty ?

djraOr sdtod dtaedA ratod dotaosddAVb wVOaQ c odddsA adQ.

e)    What are the major understandings in the lesson Akbar ?

eSpqow dsddwdbd d,d OdSAdd ?

f)    State 5 activities to teach National flag.

rodd qow duddO dtaeQOdQ sdb wodSAVdb

*c3    j.        ro    j,

g)    Construct a time line to show Shivajis achievements.

dsrao dAVO dtaeQOd todo Ssoderaodo d&.

h)    Make a list of teaching aids required to teach the unit Defence of our country.

ddo dedd dys dd qow dSd dtaedrao wVwdbdsd dsdtaedSdraAVo d

/    6        *    ro    oj, j



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