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Veer Narmad South Gujarat University 2011-2nd Year B.A SB-0127 Home Science ( 3 ) - Question Paper

Thursday, 25 April 2013 07:05Web


Second Year B. A. Examination March / April - 2011 Home Science : Paper - III

(Family - Meal Planning)

Time : 2 Hours] : (l)

6silq<3i Puunkiufl SnwiA u* qsq d-onql. Fillup strictly the details of signs on your answer book.

Name of the Examination :

[Total Marks : 45 ""'N Seat No.:

S. Y. B. A.

Name of the Subject:


-Subject Code No.





-Section No. (1,2,.....)

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Student's Signature



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Instructions : (1) As per the instruction no. 1 of page no. 1.

(2) Question 1 is compulsory.

1 Answer the following questions in short :    9


State the importance of fibres in the diet of old people


State two causes of having obesity.


Explain the meaning of supplementary food.


How do measles and chickenpox occur in children?


What is meal planning?


Give definition of table setting.


Give definition of balanced diet.


Write two disadvantages of bottle feeding.


State two physical difficulties of a pregnant woman.

2 Write about the nutritional requirement and nutritional 12 problems during adolescence.


2    State the nutritional requirement of school going children. 12 Give information about their food choice and eating habits.

3    State the nutritional requirement of an under nourished 12 person. Discuss the points to be considered while planning

his diet.


3    What is old age? Write about the nutritional requirement 12 of old people. Explain the physical changes during this age.

4    Write short notes : (any three)    12

(1)    Main points to be considered while planning of meal.

(2)    Method of food service

(3)    Importance of breast feeding.

(4)    Nutritional requirement of a pregnant woman.

(5)    Effect of tea, coffee and alcohol on the athletic performance of an athlete.

(6)    Measures to prevent malnutrition in industrial workers.

SB-0127]    3    [ 200 ]


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