University of Pune 2010 M.Com Commerce ADVANCED COST ACCOUNTING AND COST SYSTEM (2002 Pattern) - Question Paper
Illl 11 IIII I II I II [3870] - 25
M.Com. (Part - II) (Term End) (Old) Examination, 2010 Group B : ADVANCED COST ACCOUNTING AND COST SYSTEM
Paper - III (Optional Paper)
Cost and Management Audit
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60
Instructions : a) Attempt all questions.
b) All questions carry equal marks.
c) Use of calculator wherever necessary is allowed.
1. What do you mean by the Annexures attached to the Cost Audit ? List down all necessary annexures required to be submitted along with the Cost Audit Report. 15
1. What is Cost Audit Programme ? Prepare ideal specimen form of Cost Audit Programme for the industry you are familiar with. 15
2. What is meant by the term Cost Audit ? What are the objectives sought to be served by Cost Audit and what are the advantages and limitations of Cost Audit ? 15
3. Write short notes on :
Enumerate the content of the Cost Audit Report including the annexure thereto prescribed by the Cost Audit Rules 2001. 15
4. Write short notes (any three) : (3x5=15)
a) Social audit
b) SystemAudit
c) Status of Cost Auditor
d) Audit notes and Working paper
e) Qualification of Cost Auditor.
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