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Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University 2007-4th Sem B.E Electronics

Saturday, 19 January 2013 10:50Web


B. E. (Fourth Semester) Examination, Nov.-Dee,, 2007

(AEI, El, Et and T Engg. Branch) SIGNALS and SYSTEMS Time Allowed : Three hourx Maximum Marks : 80 Minimum Pass Marks : 28

Note : Part (a) of each unit is compulsory. Attempt any two parts frlm (b), (c) & (d). Answer should be brief and to the point. Unnecessary long anrer may result in loss of marks.


(a)    Define linear time tsvzristf system.

(b)    CSxek wbedaer the foikrwiag syscm is :

Q) Sftfr or &/a2tac

I 2 I

(u) Linear or non-linear

(iii)    Causal or non-causal

(iv)    Time invariant or time variant Given that:

(c) Skctcli Uk followiag signals unci calcubtc Jhcir energies:    7

(i)    r **(/)

(ii)    m(/)-u(/-I5)

(d) Give the graphical and mathematical representation of following sequences :    7

(i)    Unit step sequence

(ii)    Unit ramp sequence

(iii)    Unit sample sequence

(iv)    Exponential sequence


2. (a) Define Fourier transform of a signal x (<). What is the condition for existence of Fourier transform of signal x (/).    2

\b) State and prove following properties of Fourier transform :

(0 Linearity

(ii) Tune shifting (Hi) Time scaling (e) For (he transfer function :




Find tbe response (r)due to input x (j - sin hu<0

00 For the continuous time periodic sigrul

*(r) = 2+cosy/j+4sifty/j

determine the fundamental frequency ft, and fourier


series coefficient C such that x (0 ]L .


3. (a) Define State of a system.

(b) Find the stale spacc representation of the following

systera whose differential cquatioo representation is.




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