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Uttar Pradesh Technical University (UPTU) 2007 M.B.A Economic Environment of Business - Question Paper

Monday, 22 July 2013 02:10Web

(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled in your Answer Book)

Roll No.

PAPER ID : 7067

Printed Pages : 3    MBA - 216

M. B. A.



Time : 3 Hours]    [Total Marks : 100

Note : (1) Attempt all questions.

(2) The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.

1 Answer any four of the following in about 5x4=20

250 words each :

(a)    What are the important elements of business environment? Discuss them in brief.

(b)    Point out the importance of environmental scanning for strategic management.

(c)    Elucidate the underlying philosophy of capitalism and elaborate its relevance in present business environment.

(d)    Explain the market socialism and state socialism and bring out the points of difference between the two.

(e)    Bring out the limitations and the problems associated with environmental scanning.

(1) How does international business environment affect the domestic business environment of a country?

2    Attempt any four of the following in about 5x4=20

250 words each :

(a)    State the main provisions of the Directive Principles of State Policy. Which have bearing on the business activities.

(b)    Discuss the various roles of government towards business.

(c)    Explain the nature and problems of industrial growth in India.

(d)    What are MRTPs? How are they regulated?

(e)    Write an explanatory note on the SEBI.

(1) Describe consumer protection and consumerism movement in India.

3    Attempt any two parts of the following : 10x2=20

(a)    What are the objectives of the Fiscal Policy in India? Also examine critically the functioning of fiscal system in India?

(b)    Underline the importance of Small Scale Industries in Indian economy and point out the problems faced and remedies available to them.

(c)    Write a critical note on the emerging role of multinational corporations in the global economy.

4    Attempt any two parts of the following : 10x2=20

(a)    Describe the salient features of Indias Technology Policy? How far has the policy succeeded in meeting out its basic objectives?

(b)    Why has social responsibility became so important for a business entity? How does it lead to corporate citizenship?

(c) Critically examine the implications of culture and values for industrialization and economic growth.

5 Attempt any two parts of the following : 10x2=20

(a)    How far has the Indias New Economic Policy succeeded in fulfilling its main objectives? Elucidate.

(b)    Elucidate the advantages and disadvantages that are being offered to India by globalisation.

(c)    Put forward the arguments for and against the Indias membership to WTO.

V-7067]    3    [ 10995 ]


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