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Saurastra University 2006 M.A English : -X(b) [Literatures] (New ) - Question Paper

Wednesday, 17 April 2013 04:00Web

M.A. Part-2 exam
English : Paper-X(b) [Literatures] (New Course)


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Seat No.


M. A. (Part-II) Examination

April / May - 2006 English : Paper-X(b)

[Literatures] (New Course)

Time : 15 Minutes]

[Total Marks : 10

[Objective Questions]

This paper comprises of two sections, A & B. Section A is multiple choice questions to be attempted in a different sheet and to be colleted after 15 minutes.

Section A is of 10 marks. (15 minutes)

Section B is of 90 marks. (165 minutes)

Instructions :






Multiple Choice Questions :    10

1    Orature is a term coined by _

(a)    Amos Tutuolo

(b)    Chinua Achebe

(c)    Pio Zirimu

(d)    None

2    'Among Believers' : An Islamic Journey is written by

(a)    V. S. Naipaul

(b)    Salman Rushdie

(c)    J. M. Coetzee

(d)    None

3 Which of the following is not written by V. S. Naipaul

(a)    India : A beautiful Tree

(b)    India : An Area of Darkness

(c)    India : A wounded civilization

(d)    India : A Million Mutinees Now

4 Walcott produced his first volume of poetry at the age of

(a)    15 years

(b)    18 years

(c)    21 years

(d)    27 years

5    Which of the following writers has not been awarded with Nobel Prize for literature ?

(a)    V. S. Naipaul

(b)    Salman Rushdie

(c)    Derek Walcott

(d)    J. M. Coetzee

6    Chinua Achebes Beware Soul Brother is a collection of

(a)    Essays

(b)    Short stories

(c)    Poems

(d)    Speeches delivered on Radio

7    Who joined Royal Air Force during the Second World War ?

(a)    Derek Walcott

(b)    V. S. Naipaul

(c)    Patrick White

(d)    J. M. Coetzee

8    Rushdie was born in the year _

(a)    1930

(b)    1947

(c)    1932

(d)    1937

9    Okonkwo is a character in Achebes novel_

(a)    Things Fall Apart

(b)    No Longer at Ease

(c)    Arrow of God

(d)    None

10    Which of the following is Rushdies first novel ?

(a)    Midnights children

(b)    Shame

(c)    Grimus

(d)    None

SR-7529 Seat No._

M. A. (Part-II) Examination

April / May - 2006 English : Paper-X(B)

[Literatures] (New Course)

Time : 165 Minutes]    [Total Marks : 90

Instructions : Attempt all questions.

2 (a) Write a detailed critical note on White's handling of 20 the theme of Genesis in his novel 'The Tree of Man'.


(b) Comment upon the two-fold structure of Achebe's    20

novel 'A Man of the People'.

3 (a) The narrator of Coetzee's 'Waiting for the Barbarlan's 20 experiences the crisis of conscience and identity throughout the novel'.Explain.


(b) Derek Walcoot beautifully presents his mother and 20 his motherland in his poems. Elaborate and illustrate.

4 (a) Discuss Naipaul's narrative technique in 'A House 20 for Mr. Biswas'.


(b) 'Rushdie's 'Shame' in a sense is also an impressive 20 feminist document'. Analyse.

5    (a) Rushdies 'Shame' clearly belongs to the fiction of 20

magic realism ? Elucidate.


(b) Patrick White makes profuse use of symbolism and 20 imagery in 'The Tree of Man'.

6    Write a short note on any one of the following :    10

(a)    Women characters in 'A Man of the People' ?

(b)    Irony in 'A House for Mr. Biswas'.

(c)    Walcott's use of metaphor's in 'The Bounty' ?

(d)    Colonel Joll.

SR-7529]    4    [ 700/20-10 ]


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