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Barkatullah University 2010-3rd Sem B.C.A Computer Application (ester) , 2009-10 ACCOUNTING MANAGEMENT , BHOPAL - Question Paper

Thursday, 17 January 2013 06:45Web

B.C.A. (Third Semester) EXAMINATION, 2009-10

Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks : 35
Note : Attempt all ques.
Objective kind ques.
Q.1 State whether the subsequent statement are actual or false.
i. Doubly entry system of accounting was invented by R.N. Carter.
ii. The expression depreciation is to be charged to 10% and 10% p.a. carry the identical meaning.
iii. The balance of cash book shows cash in hand.
iv. Trial balance is prepared after preparing the profit and loss account.
v. Ideal current ratio is 2:1
Short ans kind ques.
Q.II. What is journal? provide its proforma.
State the meaning of Trial-Balance and current its proforma.
Q.III. What do you mean by depreciation in accounting?
Write short note on original cost method of providing depreciation.
Q.IV. What is cash-Book? provide a specimen of 3 column cash-Book.
What is Bank Reconcilliation statement?
Q.V. What is adjustment entries?
State the utility of Final Accounts.
Q.VI. discuss the current Ratio and Gross Profit Ratio.
discuss Stock Turnover and Liquidity Ratio.

Long ans kind ques.
Q.VII What is double entry system? explain its advantages and importance.
Sitaram is not very efficient in book-keeping he has prepared the subsequent trial balance and has requested you that if it is correct- accept it and if it is wrong accurate and prepare it again-
Dr.(Rs) Cr.(Rs)
Sitaram’s capital 1.556
Sitaram’s drawings - -
Leasehold premises 564 -
Sales 741 2756

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