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Barkatullah University 2010-3rd Sem B.B.A (ster) - KETING MANAGEMENT, BHOPAL - Question Paper

Thursday, 17 January 2013 06:35Web

B.B.A. (IIIrd Semster) exam -2010
Time Allowed: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 35
Note: Attempt all parts.

Q.1. discuss any 5 of the subsequent. every ques. carries 1 mark:
i. Scope of marketing
ii. Industrial markets
iii. Target market
iv. Branding
v. Pricing
vi. Marketing channels
vii. Marketing info System
viii. Consumerism

Note: Attempt any 3 ques.. every ques. carries three marks.
Q.II. discuss the process of Buying Decision Making.
Q.III Write a short note on market segmentation.
Q.IV elaborate the elements of marketing mix? discuss.
Q.V. define the different pricing strategies followed by any FMCG Company in India.
Q.VI. Write a short note on Consumerism.

Note: Attempt any 3 ques.. every ques. carries seven marks.
Q.VII. What do you understand by consumer behavior? explain the importance of consumer behavior in competitive market.
Q.VIII. define different strategies used for positioning a product. discuss with suitable example.
Q.IX. discuss in detail the concept of promotion mix.
Q.X. What is the impact of organized retailing on selling a product in Indian Market in latest time? discuss with examples.
Q.XI What is the value of Marketing Research? How far is it significant in Indian economy?

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