Barkatullah University 2009 B.Ed , -10,Teacher in Emerging Indian Society - Question Paper
Thursday, 17 January 2013 05:45Web
Teacher in Emerging Indian Society
Paper 1
Time Allowed: three Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Attempt all 6 ques..
Q.1 Write answers of the subsequent in 100 words- [Marks 20]
(a)Basic education
(b)Man characteristics of humanistic education
(c)Play-way method
(d)Objectives of education in relation to time and place
Q.2 State the relationship of philosophy and education. How do they effect every other? OR [Marks 16]
Write an essay on philosophy in understanding educational practices and issues.
Q.3 What do you mean by philosophical bases of education. discuss the realism with reference to
Buddhism. OR [Marks 16]
discuss the naturalistic philosophy of Rousseau.
Q.4 current a comparative study of the educational views of Tagore and Gandhiji. OR [Marks 16]
Analyse the views of Swami Vivekanandji regarding women education and mass education.
Q.5 Write an essay on any 1 of the following- [Marks 16]
(a) Provision of Education in Indian constitution
(b) Secularism
(c) national integration and emotional integration
Q.6 Education is a powerful instrument for bringing social change. describe social change and justify
the statement. OR [Marks 16]
discuss about National Literacy Mission and Serve Shiksha Abhiyan.How they are complementary
to every other.
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