Alagappa University 2007 A.M.I.E Chemical Engineering graphics - Question Paper
Wednesday, 13 February 2013 09:30Web
Paper ID [CS309]
B.Tech (Semester - 5th)
Time : 03 Hours
Maximum Marks : 60
Instruction to candidates :
1) part - A is compulsory.
2) Attempt any 4 ques. from part - B.
3) Attempt any 2 ques. from part - C.
part - A
(10 x two = 20)
a) What is Clipping?
b) describe the term Aspect Ratio.
c) define the term antialiasing.
d) Differentiate betweeen Windowing and Viewing.
e) What do you understand by the term Morphing ?
f) What is uniform and differential Scaling.
g) provide matrix for reflectioon transformation.
h) Why are transformations needed.
i) What is a vanishing point?
j) List various kinds of Visible Surface algorithms.
part - B
(4 x five = 20)
Q2) What do you mean by Bezier Curves? explain their applications in Computer Graphics.
Q3) What is a perspective view? How is it obtained?
Q4) How is a circle plotted with the help of a midpoint circle algorithm?
Q5) elaborate fractals? How are fractals used in curve generation?
Q6) What is echoing? What is its effect?
part - C
(2 x 10 = 20)
Q7) explain the scan line polygon fill algorithm in detail. What is a stored edge table?
Q8) explain the detailed working of a cathode ray tube.
Q9) discuss the z-buffer algorithm. elaborate the advantages and disadvantages of using z-buffer algorithm?
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