Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) 2007 Post Graduate Diploma Business Management - - Question Paper
Business Management - May 2007
(DBM 03)
Business Management
Paper III - FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Time: Three hours Maximum: 75 Marks
Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks.
(DBM 03)
(5 x 15=75)
1. Discuss the role of a finance manager
2. What are the different ways of classifying financial markets ?
3. What is Capital Budgeting ? Explain the types of capital budgeting decisions.
4. How is degree of Operating Leverage and Degree of Financial Leverage measures ?
5. Discuss the various determinants of Capital Structure
6. How is cost of debt and cost of preference calculated ?
7. What are the two important characteristics of Current Assets ? Explain their implications for Working Capital Management.
8. Describe the five Cs of credit.
9. Discuss the important provisions of Company Law pertaining to dividends.
10. Write short notes on:
a) Liquidation value of a firm (b) Valuation of preference shares.
(DBM 04 / DMM 04)
Business / Marketing Management
Time: Three hours Maximum: 75 Marks
Write any FIVE of the following
(DBM 03)
(5 x 15 =75)
1. Define Marketing. Explain the concept of Marketing and Social responsibility.
2. What is Marketing Environment ? How Macro environment influence in marketing particularly developing country like India ?
3. Explain the bases for segmenting consumer markets.
4. Explain the Consumer purchase decision process and the use of Howard-Sheth model in understanding the process.
5. What is a Product life cycle ? Explain different stages in PLC.
6. Discuss various factors influencing pricing strategies.
7. What factors are considered while deciding the length and width of channel of distribution ?
8. What are the various methods of measuring advertising effectiveness ?
9. What is Marketing research ? Explain different sources of data collection.
10. How services marketing playing important role in India ?
Business Management
Time: Three hours Maximum: 75 Marks
Answer any FIVE questions
1. Discuss the importance of Managerial Economics
2. Explain the concept and state the importance of Market share of Demand.
3. What do you understand by cost-output relationship in short-run ?
4. How is the price determined by a firm under the conditions of monopolistic competition ?
5. Explain the pricing strategies to be used to determine the price of a new product.
6. How is profit affected by Inventory valuation ?
7. Critically examine the various methods of evaluating capital budgeting proposals.
8. "Sound Financial Management is a key to the progress for Corporation. Discuss.
9. Explain methods of determining price and output under oligopoly.
10. The following figures relates to Johnsons Ltd., manufacturing a varied range of products.
Sales Profit.
Rs. Rs.
Period I 15,000 400
Period II 19,000 1,150
(a) P/V ratio (b) The profit when sales are Rs.12,000
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