Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) 2007 Post Graduate Diploma International Business - Question Paper
International Business - May 2007
(DIB 02/DMM 02)
P.G DIPLOMA EXAMINATION, MAY 2007 Marketing Management / International Business Paper-II : INTERNATIONAL MARKETING
Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks
Answer any FIVE questions
1. Distinguish between conceptual framework and institutional framework of International Marketing.
2. "Cultural Mistakes affect and lead to the failure of an International Company - Critically evaluate.
3. How does Business in countries following "Code Law be different from countries adopting "Common Law ? Explain
4. What is significance of Free Trade Zones in India ?
5. How should new product planning be done on a global scale ? Explain
6. Examine the objectives of International Pricing Policy
7. What are the different channels involved in International Distribution?
8. Explain the need and significance of Promotional Management t o International Marketing
9. Describe the process of International Market Research
10. Why is International Planning important ? Explain
(DIB 03)
Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks
Answer any FIVE questions
1. What is euro currency market ? Explain the functions of euro currency market.
2. Explain the interventions used by central banks in managing foreign exchange.
3. Elucidate the procedure for extension and cancellation of forward exchange contract.
4. Examine in brief the various swap deals in India.
5. Explain the nature of foreign exchange market of India.
6. Elucidate the external techniques of managing risk.
7. What are the factors that affect devaluation of currency ? Explain.
8. How are foreign exchange reserves managed ? Explain
9. Describe the different documents used in foreign trade.
10. Evaluate the role of monetary policy in the context of globalization.
Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks
Answer any FIVE questions
1. Explain the theory of Absolute Advantage and its significance to International Business
2. Why should any company go international ? Explain the reasons for International Business.
3. Describe the various organization structure types designed for managing global operations.
4. What are control systems ? What is the necessity for establishing control systems ?
5. Explain the significance of developing multinational corporate culture.
6. Discuss the nature of Human Resource Management in MNCs.
7. Why is there a growing importance attached to International Logistics? Critically evaluate.
8. Explain the main activities of Regional Trade groupings of Asia
9. What is the role of World Trade Organization in International Trade ? Explain.
10. Explain the significance of IMF and IBRD at promoting International business across the world.
(DIB 05 / DFM 05 / DBFM 05)
P.G DIPLOMA EXAMINATION, MAY 2007 International Business/ Financial / Banking & Financial Management
Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks
Answer any FIVE questions
1. What is the economic framework of International Financial Management
2. Discuss the unique elements of International Financial system.
3. Discuss the concept of balance-of-payments
4. Critically examine the impact of developments in the emerging foreign exchange markets.
5. Explain the rationale behind purchasing power parity theory.
6. Define exposure, differentiating between accounting and economic exposure
7. Discuss the general functions involved in International Cash Management
8. Explain various sources of International Finance.
9. Discuss the limitations of licence agreement
10. Write a brief note on management of receivables.
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