Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) 2005 LL.M VIII- WAGES AND MINIMUN LABOUR STANDARDS - Question Paper
Sunday, 10 February 2013 08:00Web
Second Year
Labour Laws
Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks
ans any 5 ques..
All ques. carry equal marks.
1. Distinguish ranging from minimum wage, fair wage and residing wage. explain the basic principles that should be kept in view while determining wages for industrial workers in a country like India.
2. Examine briefly the main provisions of Minimum Wages Act 1948. What improvements would you suggest for its more effective and wider enforcement.
3. discuss the liability of employer for payment of wages. elaborate the permissible deductions from the wages of an employee under the payment of wages act ?
4. discuss the different provisions relating to promotion of health, safety and welfare of the workers in factories under the Factories Act.
5. What is Bonus? discuss the provisions relating to .set on. and .set-off. of allocable surplus under the payment of bonus act 1965.
6. What is the procedure for fixation and revision of minimum wages under the minimum wages act 1948.
7. explain the principles developed by the supreme court of India with regard to fixation and revision of dearness allowance to industrial workers.
8. discuss the obligations of employer with regard to health, safety and leave to be followed under the shops and establishment act and elaborate the penalties for non-compliance of the provisions.
9. discuss the concept of labour welfare and state provisions of the factories act 1948 relating to health, safety and welfare.
10. Write short notes on any 2 of the subsequent :
(a) Theories of wages
(d) Full bench formula
(c) ILO convention on wages
(d) Denial of minimum wages as forced labour.
Earning: Approval pending. |