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Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) 2006 LL.M Torts and Crimes - VI - CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE - Question Paper

Sunday, 10 February 2013 05:50Web

First Year : Torts and Crimes

Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks

ans any 5 ques..
All ques. carry equal marks.

1. Critically examine cognizable and non cognizable offences and Bailable and non bailable offences.

2. discuss arrest and detention. Write about medical exam of arrested person and non compliance with the rules of search procedure.

3. ‘An order under part 144 cr.p.c. is intended to prevent danger to life, health, safety or peace or Tranquility of the members of the public” - discuss. What is the duration for the operation of the order?

4. discuss the meaning and purpose of investigation and Trace and differences if any from inquest, inquiry and Trial.

5. elaborate the relevant provisions of Cr.p.c. to deal with the cases relating to environmental pollution?

6. explain the provisions under Cr.p.c. with regard to Bail, Bail Bond and Anticipatory Bail. When can the granted Bail be cancelled? provide reasons and illustrations.

7. provide an account on various kinds of Trials under Cr.p.c. with examples.

8. What is a Judgement? Can it be recorded in an a bridged form? Can a Judgement be altered after its pronouncement?

9. State the procedure for maintenance under Cr.p.c. of wife, children and parents.

10. Write short notes on any 2 of the following:
(a) Approver.
(b) Police diary and its use.
(c) Dismissal of a compliant
(d) Charge.

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