Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) 2007 A.M.I.E Chemical Engineering Casting and finishing - Question Paper
Sunday, 10 February 2013 03:15Web
part - A1805
learn and interpret all the ques. carefully.
Kindly keep your answers to bare minimum of content. Concise and to-the-point answers will be graded high.
Q1) A computer needs an operating system to give all programs with essential services that involve use of machines resources. Linux is also an operating system but it has more features than Windows. Mention how is Linux various from Windows.
Q2) Make a list of software's installed on your computers in Windows XP or Vista and list the prices of these software's in a tabular fashion list. obtain out the Open Source software's which can be used as a replacement to these software's compute how much money you can save by using Open Source software's in this way.
Q3) The kernel interacts with the hardware and Shell interacts with the user study the mechanism how kernel interacts with Shell and discuss it in your own words.
Q4) You have used a command ls in your labs in directory /bin also there is a file /bin/ls are these 2 equivalent if yes then discuss how is it happening.
Q5) Copy a file with permissions 444.Copy it again and discuss your observations.
Q6) With improper command usage and examples, clearly discuss the role of permissions when applied on Regular Files and Directory Files.
Q7) discuss the role of subsequent operators in linux highlighting their essence in Linux operating system.
a) Pipeline operator : |
b) Indirection Operator
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