Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) 2005 B.A Political Science CONCEPTS, THEORIES AND INSTITUTIONS - Question Paper
Sunday, 10 February 2013 12:45Web
(Examination at the end of 1st Year)
Part 11 - Political Science
Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks
part A - (2 x 15 = 30 marks)
ans any 2 of the subsequent.
1. discuss the relations ranging from Liberty and Equality.
2. Bring out the Austin theory of Sovereignty.
3. Examine the nature and scope of political science.
4. explain the Social Contract Theory.
5. Discribe the various approaches to the study of political science.
part B - (3 x 10 = 30 marks)
ans any 3 of the subsequent.
6. Identify the merits and demerits of multiparty system.
7. discuss the concept of evolutionary theory.
8. define the characteristics of modern state.
9. describe Democracy and examine the devices of direct democracy.
10. Bring out the main features of parliamentary form of government.
11. describe legal regulations and discuss its sources.
12. Analyse the role of Judiciary in modern state.
part C - (3 x five = 15 marks)
ans any 3 of the subsequent.
13. (a) Judicial Review.
(b) Pluralism.
(c) General Will.
(d) Presidential form of Government.
(e) Functions of executive.
(f) Decline of legislature.
(g) The theory of separation of powers.
part D - (25 marks)
14. (a) ans the subsequent in 1or two sentences: (10 x two = 20)
( i ) Will of all
( ii ) State of nature
( iii) Sovereignty
( iv ) Adult franchise
( v ) Secular state
( vi ) Mass - media
( vii ) Written constitution
( viii ) Recall
( ix ) Bi - Cameralism
( x ) Public opinion
(b) ans the subsequent in a word or 2 : (5 x one = 5)
( i ) In which country Bi - party system is in operation ?
( ii ) Who is the writer of the Book 2 treatises on Civil Government ?
( iii ) Who founded the theory of Separation of Powers?
( iv ) Who is the dad of Political Science ?
( v ) Who defended "Popular Sovereignty "?
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