Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) 2005 B.A Political Science INDIAN GOVERNMENT OF POLITICS - Question Paper
Sunday, 10 February 2013 12:35Web
(Examination at the end of 2nd Year)
Part 11- Political Science
Time : 3 hours Maximum : 100 marks
part A - (2 x 15 = 30 marks)
ans any 2 of the subsequent .
1. define the powers and functions of the Supreme Court.
2. Disucuss the role of Mahatma Gandhi in Indian National Movement.
3. discuss the powers and functions of Rajya Sabha.
4. Examine the powers and functions of President of India.
5. explain the unitary features of Indian Constitution.
part B- (3 x 10 = 30 marks)
ans any 3 of the subsequent .
6. Analyse the role of Governor in Centre - State Relations.
7. discuss the powers and functions of Lok Sabha.
8. Examine the fundamental rights enshrined in the Indian Constitution.
9. discuss the impact of social and economic factors in Indian Politics.
10. discuss the characteristics of Indian Constitution.
11. Examine the powers and functions of Prime Minister of India.
12. Writen an esay on Coalition Government in India.
part C - (3 x five = 15 marks)
ans any 3 of the subsequent .
13. (a) Regional Parties.
(b) 42 Constitutional Amendment.
(c) Colonialism.
(d) Directive Principles of State Policy.
(e) Simon Commission.
(f) United Progressive Alliance.
(g) Fundamental Duties.
part D - (25 marks)
14. (a) ans the subsequent ques. in one or two sentences: (10 x two = 20)
(i) Article 17.
(ii) Council of Ministers.
(iii) Mandamus.
(iv) Concurrent List.
(v) National Development Council.
(vi) Speaker.
(vii) Moderates.
(viii) Chief Election Commissioner.
(ix) The role of opposition party.
(x) Right to property.
(b) ans the subsequent in a word or 2 (5 x one = 5)
(i) Discovery of India written by
(ii) Who is the President of Telugu Desam Party?
(iii) Who is the Governor of Andhra Pradesh?
(iv) In which act reservation to Muslims was introduced in India?
(v) Which article belongs to constitutional amending procedure of India?
Earning: Approval pending. |