Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) 2009 B.Com first year english - Question Paper
Sunday, 10 February 2013 08:35Web
B.A., B.Com., B.Sc., and B.B.M. Degree Examinations, March, 2009
(Examinations at the end of 1st year)
Time : two Hours Maximum: 50 marks
I a) ans any 1 of the subsequent in about 50 words:
(Short ans ques. from prose text) 1x4 = four marks
i. Attempt a character Sketch of Mr. John.
ii. What type of America does king envisage in his speech ? I Have a Dream??
iii. How is progress described in the essay prescribed for your study?
iv. What were the tricks performed by the conjurer? Was he successful at it?
b) ans any 5 of the subsequent in about 25 words: five x two = 10 marks
(Very short-answer ques. from prose text)
i. Comment on the appropriateness of the title of the story ?The Best Investment I
Ever Made?
ii. What did the conjurer produce from an absolutely empty cloth?
iii. What is 1 of the ?The discouraging discoveries of our disillusioning century??
iv. What according to Dr.B.R.Ambedkar, are the ideals of the society?
v. Who is the ?Great American? that king refers to at the beginning of his speech?
What was his achievement?
vi. Where do the children go when they are ?failed out? of school?
vii. Why was the Quick Man puzzled?
viii. Why did the conjurer decide to take revenge?
II a) ans any 4 of the subsequent in about 25 words each:
(Very short-answer ques. from poetry) four x two = eight marks
i. elaborate the different activities of autumn defined in the 2nd stanza?
ii. What, according to the poem Dover Beach, was the state of Faith at 1 time?
iii. How is the ?the unknown citizen? identified? Why does the ?State? erect a
monument for him?
iv. Why does Tagore pray for strength? How does he wish to use it?
v. What do you think the poet compares herself to a spider and caterpillar in stanza five of
the poem ?Myriad-Winged Bird ?? What is the effect of using these images?
vi. Write briefly about the speaker of the poem ?Telephone conversation?
II a) ans any 4 of the subsequent in about 25 words each: four x two = eight marks
(Very short-answer ques. from Further studying Book (Non-detailed text)
i. How does Tolstoy show that little girls are wiser than men?
ii. Who tries to pacify the angry men and what does she say to cool them down?
iii. elaborate the issues encountered by the boy on the way to the river?
iv. How does Portia show her affection for Bassanio before he selects the casket?
v. What does Antonio say in his letter?
vi. How does Philip tame Mrs. Higgins?
IV learn the subsequent passage carefully and ans the ques. that follow : (From
Prose text) five x one = five marks
He had been in the city only 6 months. Utterly friendless, he made bad
companions, and like a young fool began to bet on horses. Soon he had lost all his small
savings, pledged his belongings, and owed the bookmakers a disastrous amount. In an
effort to recoup, he took a sum of money from the office safe for a final gamble which, he
was assured, was certain to win. But this last resort failed. Terrified of the prosection
which must follow, sick at heart, sunk in despair, he shut himself in his room and turned
on the gas.
i. How long had he been in the city?
ii. What did he make?
iii. Which word in the passage is antonym of ?lose??
iv. What does ?Book-maker? mean?
v. What did he do when the last resort failed?
V Fill in the blanks with he accurate form of the verbs provided in the brackets:
10x ½ = five marks
i. When we ________ , the telephone ________ (eat, ring).
ii. After the guest _______ , the host __________ (go, rest).
iii. The President _________ the nation tomorrow (address).
iv. The Prime Minister __________ to the victims yesterday (speak).
v. There _________ none to look after the old woman (be).
vi. I_________ ?Hamlet? now (read).
vii. Slow and steady ______ the race (win).
viii. I ______ for the bus for the last 2 hours (wait).
VI ans the subsequent by choosing the right answers : five x1 = five marks
i) ?Brave? means
a) timid b) fear less
c) beautiful d) generous
ii) The meaning of ?Sorrow? is
a) dull b) brief
c) grief d) happy
iii) The antonym of ?ancient? is
a) old b) modern
c) shame d) smooth
iv) The opposite of the word ?marriage? is
a) divorce b) celibacy
c) pain d) pleasure
v) 1 who dos not believe in the existence of God is called
a) autocrat b) atheist
c) theist d) stoic
VI accurate the subsequent sentences: five x1 = five marks
i. Neither Shakespeare nor Milton belong to Greece.
ii. There be destiny that shape our ends.
iii. Rich should help poor.
iv. The old woman died with cancer.
v. The farmer ploughed the land by a tractor.
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