Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) 2009 B.E Engineering Chemistry Model s - Question Paper
Sunday, 10 February 2013 07:40Web
Class: I/IV
B.Tech. Sub. Code: CHS 1002
Time: three Hours Max. Marks: 70
ans ques. No.1 compulsorily and 1 ques. from every unit.
1. one x 10 = 10 marks
(a) Name any 2 coagulants.
(b) Differentiate a scale and a sludge.
(c) Name any polymer used in biomedical devices.
(d) What is a concentration cell?
(e) Write the importance of pH metric titrations.
(f) Why impure metal corrodes faster than pure metal under identical conditions?
(g) What is meant by corrosion?
(h) Though Aluminium has much higher place in the galvanic series, it indicates good corrosion resistance in moist atmosphere. Account for it fact.
(i) State Lambert’s legal regulations.
(j) What are chromophores?
2. 15 marks
a) What is meant by sterilization? discuss different disinfection methods of water.
(7 marks)
b) Write short notes on i) Electrodialysis ii) Reverse osmosis (4 + four marks)
c) What are silicones? How they are prepared from Grignard process? elaborate their uses? (10 marks)
d) Explain with examples conducting polymers. (5 marks)
3. 15 marks
a) Explain the method for the determination of pH using glass electrode.
(7 marks)
b) Describe the conductometric titration of HCl with NaOH. (8 marks)
c) Describe the construction and working of lead-acid battery with the reactions occurring during discharging and charging. (12 marks)
d) What are the advantages of Lithium batteries? (3 marks)
4. 15 marks
a) Why metals get corroded? discuss the electrochemical corrosion process.
(8 marks)
b) Write in brief on impressed current method of cathodic protection of metals.
(4 marks)
c) Discuss the effect of pH on corrosion. (3 marks)
d) Write a note on microbiological corrosion and pitting corrosion. (8 marks)
e) What is the principle involved in electroplating of metals? How is the method conducted? elaborate the different conditions to be maintained during electroplating? (7 marks)
5. 15 marks
a) Give the principle of UV spectroscopy. provide the different kinds of transitions involved in this technique with 1 example. (12 marks)
b) A solution of thickness three cm transmits 30% of incident light. compute the concentration of the solution, provided extinction coefficient, ?=4000 dm3mol-1cm-1
(3 marks)
c) What is the importance of fingerprint region in infrared spectroscopy? (5 marks)
d) Explain the subsequent application of IR spectroscopy: (10 marks)
(i) Determination of purity of a sample
(ii) Identification of nature of hydrogen bonding
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Earning: Approval pending. |