Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) 2009 B.E Engineering Chemistry model - Question Paper
Sunday, 10 February 2013 07:35Web
Class: I/IV B.Tech. Sub. Code: CHS 1002
Time: three Hours Max. Marks: 70
ans ques. No.1 compulsorily and 1 ques. from every unit.
1. one x 10 = 10 marks
(a) What is meant by brackish water?
(b) Define the process of reverse osmosis.
(c) What are silicones?
(d) What are the limitations of glass electrode?
(e) Give an example of solid-state lithium battery.
(f) Explain why an iron pipe does not rust when connected to zinc, but rusts rapidly when it is in contact with copper.
(g) What is galvanic series?
(h) Why does a part of a nail inside the wood undergoes corrosion easily?
(i) Define molar absorption coefficient.
(j) What is the wave number range of IR region of electromagnetic spectrum?
2. 15 marks
a) What are the contributing factors for caustic embrittlement? How it can be prevented? (5 marks)
b) Write a note on the following: (10 marks)
i) Sedimentation ii) Coagulation iii) Sterilization
c) What are conducting polymers? discuss the mechanism of conduction in conducting polymers. provide 1 application in electronics. (12 marks)
d) Draw the structure of siloxane polymer found by the hydrolysis of dichlorodimethyl silane. (3 marks)
3. 15 marks
a) What are reference electrodes? define the construction of Calomel electrode. provide its anodic and cathodic reactions. (8 marks)
b) What is the principle underlying conductometric titration? explain the titration curve found in the titration of weak acid against a strong base. (7 marks)
c) Describe the construction of Ni-Cd battery with relevant reactions occurring during discharge. Mention 2 applications of this battery. (10 marks)
d) Write a note on lithium batteries. (5 marks)
4. 15 marks
a) Write short notes on galvanic corrosion and stress corrosion. (10 marks)
b) Write a note on electroless plating. (5 marks)
c) What is corrosion? explain differential aeration theory of corrosion. (7 marks)
d) Discuss i) anodic protection ii) cathodic protection (8 marks)
5. 15 marks
a) Write a note on Frank-Condon principle. (6 marks)
b) Using UV-visible spectroscopy, how the molecular weight of a sample can be determined? (4 marks)
c) How will you distinguish benzene from ethyl alcohol using IR spectroscopy?
(5 marks)
d) What is the principle of infrared spectroscopy? define the different molecular vibrations of diatomic molecules. (10 marks)
e) The fundamental vibrational frequency of CO is 2140 cm-1 and the decreased mass of CO is 1.14 x 10-26 Kg. compute the force constant of the molecule. (5 marks)
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