Acharya Nagarjuna University (ANU) 2006 Diploma Marketing Management EXPORT KETING - Question Paper
Thursday, 07 February 2013 05:35Web
Octomber 2006
Time: three Hours
Marks: 100
1. All ques. are compulsory.
2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
* Q.1(a) discuss in brief (any four):- 8
* (1) State any 4 difficulties faced by Indian exporter.
* (2) What is brand piracy?
* (3) What is "Deemed Exports"?
* (4) What is Export House?.
* (5) What is "negative list of exports".
* (6) What do you mean by 3 faced competition?
* (7) What is counter/buy back trade?
* (8) What do you mean by service exports?
* (b) State with reasons, whether the subsequent statements are actual or false (any three):- 6
* (i) Gains in International market are equally shared by all countries in the world.
* (ii) Procedural complexities is still treated as major barrier in export marketing.
* (iii) WTO has changed UNCTAD.
* (iv) Indirect exporting is suitable for small exporting firms.
* (v) Cottage and Handicraft sector is provided special status in 2002-07 Exim policy.
* (vi) Dumping refers to free sale of goods in foreign market.
* Q.2 ans any 3 from the following:- 18
* (a) describe "Export Marketing" and discuss the features of export marketing.
* (b) Critically evaluate the direction of India's export trade since 1995.
* (c) describe "Trade Barriers" and discuss diffrent kinds of "Tariff Barriers".
* (d) explain in brief the provisions of "TRIPS and TRIM's" clauses of WTO.
* (e) Write a note on "European Union"(EU).
* (f) Distinguish ranging from "Domestic Marketing and International marketing".
* Q.3 ans any 3 from the following:- 18
* (a) discuss diffrent channels of distribution available in export marketing.
* (b) elaborate the diffrent factors to be considered while selecting the product in overseas market?.
* (c) explain the role of STC in export promotion.
* (d) Highlight the prominent features of India's Foreign Trade Policy: [FTP] 2004 -2009.
* (e) describe 'Branding'. discuss various branding strategies available to exporter.
* (f) Write a. note on 'Product Life Cycle'.
part II
* Q.4(a) ans in brief (any four):- eight
* i. What is break-even point in export pricing?
* ii. What is skimming pricing strategy?
* iii. State any 4 functions of RBI.
* iv. What is Certificate of Origin?
* v. State any 2 methods of Pre-shipment Inspection.
* vi. What facilities are offered in Red clause L/C and Green clause L/C?
* vii. Why marine insurance cover is necessary in export marketing?
* viii. What is a role of Customs appraiser in shipment stage?
* (b) provide full forms of the subsequent abbreviations: – six
* i. SIDBI
* ii. FICCI.
* iii. EPCG
* iv. FEMA.
* v. LIBOR
* vi. ADB.
* Q.5 ans any 3 from the following:- 18
* (a) elaborate the objectives of pricing?
* (b) Distinguish ranging from "Pre-shipment and Post-shipment Finance".
* (c) State and discuss different specific policies of ECGC that cover export risks.
* (d) explain the Forfeiting Scheme of EXIM Bank.
* (e) describe Letter of Credit and explain the parties to L/C.
* (f) discuss the registration procedure involved in export marketing
* Q.6 ans any 3 from the following:– 18
* (a) What is Proforma Invoice? How does it differ from commercial invoice?
* (b) discuss the importance of subsequent documents: (i) Mate's receipt. (ii) Bill of Lading.
* (c) explain any 6 incentives available to Indian exporter.
* (d) Briefly discuss the functions of ITPO.
* (e) explain the role of subsequent organisations in export promotion.(i)FIEO(ii)EHTP
* (f) From the subsequent data compute NET FOB price in US $:-
Ex Factory Cost Rs. 1,00,000.00
Labour Cost Rs. 10,000.00
Packing Cost Rs. 12,000.00
Transportation Rs. 8,000.00
Profit 10% of FOB Cost
DBK 10% of FOB Price
Conversion Rate 1$ = Rs. 45
Earning: Approval pending. |