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Uttarakhand Technical University 2010 B.A (Previous) Indian Economic Development Since Independence - Question Paper

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Univesity Name: Uttarkhand University
Paper name: Indian Economic Development Since Independence
Academic Year: 2010
Courses: B.A (Previous) exam

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Roll No


B.A. (Previous)

Examination 2010 EEC-12 (Elective Course/ ,(Pw* ild;*e)

Indian Economic Development Since Independence Lor=rr d cm hint dT vi(Fd (Odii

Time: 3 Hours    Maximum Marks : 70

ie; 3    iyiid; 70

Note: The Question paper is divided into three Sections A, B, and C

Ute-    'v' C Vlj 1 rhu [.MT e (Oiiftr t i ad [.m d (U&iiuiN i"UT dT maN n i



Answer all the questions from this section.

bi httx d iTh a"UT d mRrj n i    1x5=5

1. Put tick mark () against correct statements and cross (x) against incorrect statements.

UhP tn, i, dSTuf e 1 itt d iTeU itt dT    () aarf iya dafUT d iTeU dfi (x) dT tUTTu

yxT, i

i. As the economy develops, the share of service sector in national income decreases.

( )

vafcOL-sff ftdfad tat t,    nV; vt; e lof {f= df V"T ?TVaT traf ti

( )

ii.    Success story of HYV Programme is limited to rice and wheat only.    ( )

qpooTboOto drfde dt iQyri dt dtUt /ttu o Xg ad tt Ka ti    ( )

iii.    The Prime Ministers Employment Scheme is related to unemployed people belonging to the age group of 18 to 20 years.    ( )

a/fHH=l jWiK ;ftUT df wt 18 1 20 of dt vt; d CNtiNT 1 ti    ( )

iv.    In India, the apex institution for agricultural finance is NABARD    ( )

Hffja e ( (Oa ta lOfpp iLSff utctM ti    ( )

v. Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru was in favour of the development of heavy industries. ( )

ao toitjyiy Ut: Hffjt d (Odii d aar e Ff i    ( )

2. Fill in the blanks:-    5x1=5

Na L-STTUf dt ( dtft,:-

i.    Annual estimates of Indias National Income and per capita income are prepared by

HfTja dt jfVh; vt; aarf ( ((a vt; d orffd vgeH....................................}tn (d; trT ti

ii.    Per capita income is calculated by dividing the National Income by...............

( ((a vt; dt iht NfVt; vt; dr.............................1 htti ndN ana dt tat 11

............................1s the president of Planning Commission of India.

htrt d ;JtuT vratx d v;st.......................................tTT ti

iv.    Plan- Period of 11th Five Year Plan is............................

xiiKtOf iPoTh; ;JtuT dh iiltuiof/T...............................................ti

v.    Problem of Balance of Payments arises, when exports are .................... than the


hjxttu dh hr; mRiu tTT t, f fUqfr v;TT l.........................11



Answer any three questions from this section.

bi httx e l fdt Tu d mr* n i    3x10=30

1.    Define poverty and discuss main causes of poverty in India.

xtM dT MfjHTifiJd dhft, rTT ;jT e xM d ygw djjTT dT o4u dhft, i

2.    Difine the concept of economic growth. What are the main obstacles to economic development in a developing country like India?

vjfFTd of) d hr;; dT ifjjjfTr dhft,i Hjjjr ti fOdJiThy n?T e vjfFTd fOdii d ie[T vojT/d' tro dJu-l t ?

3.    Discuss the achievements and failures of Indian Planning.

HjijTh; fU;ltu dh myfC/raT ,0 viQyrivJ dh fOOpuT dhft, i

4.    Describe the role of credit in the development of agriculture. What are the main sources of rural credit in India?

dfT d fOdJi e _t dh fdT dT o4u dhft, i Hjjjr e f _t d e[; It d; t ?

5.    Define small scale industries. What are the major causes of industrial sickness in these units ?

yj miTxT dT ifj+Tifr dhft,i ?u mlTXT e VllTfXd :tt d e[; dj d; t ?



Answer any two questions from this section.

httx e i fdt nT i?uT d mr* n i    2x15=30

1.    Describe the basic features of Indian Economy. What changes have occurred in Indian economy as a result of economic planning ?

HjijTh; vsJcw-stt dh ey O'l'JdivT dT OTu dhft,i vjfFJd fu;Jtu d Qyo:M Hjjjrh; vsJo;ol-sjt e d; ey ifjOru t, ti

2.    Explain the role of agricultural in the development of Indian economy.

HjijTh; vsJo;ol-sjt d fOdii e f dh fdT dT OTu dhft,i

3.    What do you mean by economic liberalization? Write an essay on the economic liberalization in India.

vifFTd mmftdjj i vTi d; iwT t ? tnt e vfFTd mnijldjui ij ,d era ff, i

4.    Define sustainable development. Discuss the basic issues regarding sustainable development in the areas of water, forest and energy resources.

otuh; fOdTi dT ifjmfiTr dhft,i otuh; fOdii dh ifd; e ty, ou o tJ 1it/tu d i ifTT eyjr ennT dh <;i[;i dhft; i



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