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Uttarakhand Technical University 2010 B.A (Previous) Administrative Theory - Question Paper

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Univesity Name: Uttarkhand University
Paper name: Administrative Theory
Academic Year: 2010
Courses: B.A. (Previous) exam

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Roll No

828 B.A. (Previous) Examination 2010 EPA-01 (Elective Course/ fsd 4id;de) Administrative Theory W"lllfUd H)iT Time: 3 Hours    Maximum Marks : 70 le;: 3 ?rV    S.lid: 70

Note: The Question paper is divided into three Sections A, B, and C

UTv: S"u a= 'v' c VTj it rhu [.Mr H fOfT t i [.m d fU&iiuij ssut dT mRrj ni Section-A [.MV

Answer all the questions from this section.

bi Hrrx d iHh a"UT- d mrj n i    10x2=20

1.    If there were no administration, government would be a discussion club, if indeed, it could exist at all. Who said ?

U"llH d VTTO H ijdlj ,d fOpTj fOe" dT CUdj jg tlfl i "f bldT vfLrRO cpt jtT to" ;t fdiU dtT ftt \

(a) Paul H. Appleby    (b) Woodrow Wilson

STy ,po ,fid4r    oj fOeiu

(c) Willoughby    (d) L.D. White

fOyrfr    ,yoMlo toTbv

2.    If our civilization fails, it will be mainly because of a breakdown of administration. Who said ?

f tHTj i;tt viQy tTTr t, Tr ,it yri usiin d aru d dijT tiff i

fdlU dtT \

(a) Lewis Meriam    (b) Prof. Donham

yfOi foe    Sro Mute

(c) Jawahar Lal Nehru    (d) Luther Gullick

toitj yiy Ut:    ysrc fd

3.    POSDCORB view was given by:

SlLMdTC nfVdlui fnT ti

(a) Urwick    (b) Fayol    (c) Gulick    (d) Marx

mfOd    Qdy    fd    hidI

4.    Public Administration is a -ykd u*iiiu g -

(a) Fine Art    (b) Natural Science

yfyr dyi    iifTd fOKiu

(c) Undeveloped Science    (d) Social Science

vfOdfir fOKiu    iieiftd

5.    In India the study of Public Administration as an independent discipline was started from:

htrt e Loru= fOi; d e yW i"iiiu d v;;u jm gv :

(a) Lucknow University    (b) Delhi University

fO"ofOiiy;    fney fO"ofOiiy;

(c) Jaipur University    (d) Allahabad University

t;jj fO"ofOiiy;    byigicin fO"ofOiiy;

6.    Public Administration word was first used in -

yW i"iiiu "icn d igyr cj srcix gv-

(a) America    (b) Germany    (c) Britain

(d) India


vfdi    teur    fCVu

7.    The origin of New Public Administration is associated with :

'uOu yw i"iiiu' d mnxe ic) g %

(a) Comparative Administrative Group

(b) Minnow brook Conference (d) None of these

be i dib ugr

ryuiRed i"iiifUd ieg l

(c) American Society of Pub. Ad. vfdU l1li;Vr ViQ iC0,M0 l

8.    Classical Theory is related with :

"iiL=l; (ijEqjixr) f1)iur wc) g :

(a) Bernard cjuiM l

(c) Fayol

(b) Taylor

Vyj l

Qdy l

(d) Hurzberg

gtcX l

9. The term hierarchy means : iniiiH di vFr g :

(a) Pyramidical structure

(b) Centralisation

(d) Co-ordination

(c) Unity of command

dl ,dri

10. Organisation is a form of human association for the attainment of common purpose. Who said ?

'ixBu iihm    dl jfr d fy; ,d eiuOl; ilft g' fdiU dg ?

(c) Dimock

(a) Pareto


(b) Simon libeu


(d) Mooney




3. Attempt any four questions from this Section.    4x5=20

bi H-nx l fdg ptr i"uT d mRrj ni

1.    Discuss any two principles of organization. ixBu d fdug nr fa)KiT dh pPT dhftP i

2.    Discuss the significance of Public Administration. yTd i"lliu d egRO ij idi"T Mify; i

3.    Distinguish between formal and informal organization.

VTiPifRd O vHliPlfRd 1XBU e Hp Li'S dlft; i

4.    Discuss the problems of Development Administration in India.

HRr e fOdii i"Tiiu dh leLPTvT dh fOOpuT dhft, i

5.    What are the problems of Public Corporations in India ?

Hiijr e yid fUxeT dh dpt ihlpi, g ?

6.    Write a short note on Leadership.

UrRO iR ,d fir fViiuTi fyi

7.    What is committed Bureaucracy ? ifTo Uldj"iigl dpt g ?



3. Answer any three questions. Each question carries ten marks.    10x3=30

fdu# riu i"uT d mRrj fyri iRpd i"u d ni Vd gi

1.    What is Public Administration ? What is its significance in a Public Welfare State?

yid i"TTiu dpt g ? ,d yTd de;iuidij1 rtp e midi dpt mmn;ri g ?

2.    What is Promotion ? Examine the various principles of Promotion.

inTuufr dpt g ? inTuufr d fOfHuu (Wi*r'l dT iRa-m dhft, i

3.    Discuss the functions of chief executive as general manager.

egTic/d d :i e ep f"TTl fdiR d diPT dh fOOpuT dh fOOpuT dift; i

4.    What is delegation ? What is its need in administration ? iRPTPTtP DPT g ? i"TT1U e bldh DPT VTO"PdTT g ?

5.    Write an essay on Communication.

iPTj ij ,d fupup fyTi

6.    What is Co-ordination ? Why is it important.

leuOPu dpt g ? Pg egROiyf dpt g ?


Roll No

828 B.A. (Previous) Examination 2010 EPA-01 (Elective Course/ 4ld;dH) Administrative Theory M"iiilUd H)ir Time: 3 Hours    Maximum Marks : 70 le;: 3 ?rV    70

Note: The Question paper is divided into three Sections A, B, and C

Urv:    'v' c Vj i rhu [.Mr e lO'+iiltr t i [.m d Pi&iiuij wtUl di mrj ni Section-A [.MV

Answer all the questions from this section.

bi htx d iHh a"Ut d mrj n i    10x2=20

1.    If there were no administration, government would be a discussion club, if indeed, it could exist at all. Who said ?

M"iin d vno H ijdij fOpij fOe" dT cud jg trMr i "f bid fro cpt jg rc" fdiU dg ftt ?

(a) Paul H. Appleby    (b) Woodrow Wilson

W ,P0    OMj fOelU

(c) Willoughby    (d) L.D. White

fOytfr    ,yoMto

2.    If our civilization fails, it will be mainly because of a breakdown of administration. Who said ?

f gejh itt viQy trr t, rr ,it yri usiin d aru d dji txr i fdiU dti \

(a) Lewis Meriam    (b) Prof. Donham

Hje    aio Mute

(c) Jawahar Lal Nehru    (d) Luther Gullick

toitj yy Ut:    ysj fd

3.    POSDCORB view was given by:

MiLMdi4 nfVdlui f ti

(a) Urwick    (b) Fayol    (c) Gulick    (d) Marx

mfOd    Q;iy    Xfd    hidI

4.    Public Administration is a -ykd u*iiiu g -

(a) Fine Art    (b) Natural Science

yfyr dyi    iifTd fOKiu

(c) Undeveloped Science    (d) Social Science

vfOdfir fOKiu    iieiftd

5.    In India the study of Public Administration as an independent discipline was started from:

htrt e Loru= fOi; d e yW i"iiiu d v;;u jm gv :

(a) Lucknow University    (b) Delhi University

fO"ofOiiy;    fney fO"ofOiiy;

(c) Jaipur University    (d) Allahabad University

t;jj fO"ofOiiy;    byigicin fO"ofOiiy;

6.    Public Administration word was first used in -

yW i"iiiu "icn d igyr cj jdx gv-

(a) America    (b) Germany    (c) Britain

(d) India


vfdi    teur    fCVu

7.    The origin of New Public Administration is associated with :

'uOu yw i"iiiu' d mnxe ic) g %

(a) Comparative Administrative Group

(b) Minnow brook Conference (d) None of these

be i dib ugr

ryuiRed i"iiifUd ieg l

(c) American Society of Pub. Ad. vfdu iiii;Vr viQ ico,Mo l

8.    Classical Theory is related with :

"iiL=l; (ijEqjixr) f1)iur wc) g :

(a) Bernard cjuiM l

(c) Fayol

(b) Taylor

Vyj l

Qdy l

(d) Hurzberg

gtcX l

9. The term hierarchy means : iniiiH di vFr g :

(a) Pyramidical structure

(b) Centralisation

(d) Co-ordination

(c) Unity of command

dl ,dri

10. Organisation is a form of human association for the attainment of common purpose. Who said ?

'ixBu iihm    dl jfr d fy; ,d eiuOl; ilft g' fdiU dg ?

(c) Dimock

(a) Pareto


(b) Simon



(d) Mooney




3. Attempt any four questions from this Section.    4x5=20

bi Hnx l fdg ptr i"uT d mRrj ni

1.    Discuss any two principles of organization.

ixBu d fdug nr fa)KiT dh pPT dlft; i

2.    Discuss the significance of Public Administration. yTd i"lliu d egRO ij idi"T Mify; i

3.    Distinguish between formal and informal organization.

VTiPifRd o vHliPifRd ixBu e Hn Li's dirt; i

4.    Discuss the problems of Development Administration in India.

HiTjr e fOdii i"Tiiu dh leLPTvi dh fOOpuT dhft, i

5.    What are the problems of Public Corporations in India ?

Hiijr e yid fUxet dh dpt ihlpi, g ?

6.    Write a short note on Leadership.

Uro iR ,d fir fViiuTi fyi

7.    What is committed Bureaucracy ? ifTo Uldj"iigl dpt g ?



3. Answer any three questions. Each question carries ten marks.    10x3=30

fdu# riu i"Ur d mRrj fyri iRPd i"u d ni Vd gi

1.    What is Public Administration ? What is its significance in a Public Welfare State?

yW i"TTiu dpt g ? ,d yid dcPiuidijl rtp e midi dpt mmn;ri g ?

2.    What is Promotion ? Examine the various principles of Promotion.

inFUr dpt g ? inFf d fuu    dT iRa-m dlft, i

3.    Discuss the functions of chief executive as general manager.

egTic/d d :i e ep vf/Rind fdiR d dTPi dl fOOpuT dl fOOpuT dift; i

4.    What is delegation ? What is its need in administration ? iRPTPltu DPT g ? i"TTiu e bid DPT VTO"PdTT g ?

5.    Write an essay on Communication.

iPij ij fupup fyTi

6.    What is Co-ordination ? Why is it important.

ieuOPu dpt g ? Pg egROiyf dpt g ?



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