Uttarakhand Technical University 2010 B.A (Previous) Govtand Politics in East Asia and South-East Asia - Question Paper
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Univesity Name: Uttarkhand University
Paper name: Govt. and Politics in East Asia and South-East Asia
Academic Year: 2010
Courses: B.A. (Previous) exam
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Roll No
B.A. (Previous)
Examination 2010 EPS-06
(Elective Course/ Hiq;de)
Govt. and Politics in East Asia and South-East Asia
Roll No
B.A. (Previous)
Examination 2010 EPS-06
frai tft frat e ijdij ,0 jitUlfa
Roll No
B.A. (Previous)
Examination 2010 EPS-06
Time : 3 hours le; : 3 /fV
Roll No
B.A. (Previous)
Examination 2010 EPS-06
: 70
Note : Answer all the questions. Each question carries 1 mark ift yUi d
1 x 14= 14
1) Which of the following nations of South-East Asia is not on the main land:
fu f; d fUu jjrVT e ' dTu f ug fLeir t: a) Myanmar b) Thailand
eNHK eiibyuM
c) Vietnam d) Indonesia
f0;ruiH bMlUfii
2) Which is the only country of South-East Asia which never got in chains of Western Imperialist:
fu 0 f; dT vdy ,it tT 'wivyoinr C/tu e ugr vt;t:
a) Myanmar b) Thailand
c) Malaysia d) Singapore
3) Which of the following countries have Buddhism as major religion:
fupuffrrdt e ' dgT cT) erf wu /rf g
a) Indonesia b) Myanmar
c) Philipines d) Vietnam
4) Which of the following country has Islam as major religion?
a) Brunei b) Indonesia
c) Thailand d) Laos
5) In which of the countries of South-East Asia, for very long time Chinese colonial administration got maintained.?
fFT iOr frar d fdi n?T e PtUr VNUOfd niu y+C ie; rd dixx jgr\
6) Western colonialism in South-East Asia started with the Portuges capture of:
mrj iOr fixr A iffAt mifUO'ioin dt ivrr fUnfyf[ir ij rtxiyt dt d 1TFT gb:
a) Singapore b) Malacca
c) Morocco d) Penang
7) What was the foundation of the principles of the Chinese Revolution:
PrUr difr d (1)i*ri' d vt/tr Fi:
a) Materialistic tradition of the Philosophy of China Ptu d n'iu'iiL= dt HfifTdoini qj+iji
b) Marxism-Leninism eiDloin-yfUuoin
c) Experiences done by C.P.C.
d) All of the above mxjxr
8) "Four Modernization" in the area of new economic policy of Deng-Ziao-Ping included:
MX-ft;Vi-fix dt ub vrfFid f d A pj vi(Udldjuii A fUfgr Fi
a) Industries, Agriculture, Defence and Technology mix, f, jsr o rdUld
b) Industries, Bureaucracy, Cooperative and Agriculture mix, fOnfMxriij, iiVt rTFX Ijdij
c) Industries, foreign-trade, Party and Government
d) None of these
9) The number of members in the Representative Assembly of Japan is:
tiiiu d ifff/T ix e inl dh im g-
a) 510 b) 511 c) 512 d) 513
Which of the following causes was responsible for the consolidation of regionalism during the regime of "Yi" Dynasty in Korea:
di j;i e o'T d nu diy d njiu fUu e l fdi dijT l f; on etcr gT xb:
dUQiiicin Western Imperialism
ifpet iieiT;cin
a) Buddhism b)
cT) /ie
c) New-Confuciousim d) uo-dUQ;iiciin What is the meaning of the following abbreviations:
fUEufyf[ir icnt d VT d; g%-
a) A.S.E.A.N b)
c) N.I.E.O. d)
Section - B
[Ug - C
4 x 5= 20
Answer any five questions. Each question carries 4 marks
fdugh i? i?UT d mRrj nft, i iRd i?u 4 Vd dT ti
1. What are two main political features of the system of confusions? fdufiii dh iuiyh d nT ie[ jitUfTd yamT dT meei dhft, i
2. Which areas were touched by Deng-Ziao-Ping in China through political reforms?
Pu e Mx-ft;TvT-fix jtUfTd i/rijT d ei/;e l fdu {T=T dr nvt x; g ?
3. How did capitalism developed in Japan?
TTTilU e itrCin dT fCdll dl gVT?
4. Write a short note on the role of India in the Korean war.,
dlR;i d ;) e Hjr dh fdT ij ,d fir fVmulh i
5) What are the main features of the Malaysian Constitution? eyfixib ifC/Tiu dh ie[T fCfarr, d; g?
6) Write a short-note on the significance of religion in Thai politics and Society.
FTib jtUfr Vj ieit e /re d egRo ij ,d fir fViUh fyf[i, i
7) Write a short note on the Civil War of Kampuchea.
dgfPxr d xg ;) ij ,d fir fViuTh fy# i
8) What are the basic objectives of ASEAN? 'vid;n'd ey mnn'; w t?
Section - C [UM - l
3 x12=36
Note: Answer any three questions. Each question carries 12 marks.
fdt #u i?uf d mRrj nft, I iRd i?u 12 vd dT ti
1. Critically analyze the deciding factors and variables of the foreign policy of China
ptu dh fOn?T Uf dT fU/TRl djU OTy dijdl ,0 ?vdT dT VleTlPUked fO'"TU| dhft, i
2. Discuss the historical context of the nationalism in Japan
tTiTu e Ri"voin d ,frtif1d in-T dr fOOpui dhft, i
3. Describe the federal structure of Malaysia. eyfi;i d iTh; <TP dT oUu dhft, i
4. Critically explain the success and failure of Democracy in Thailand.
FTlbeluM e dh IQddl VR VlQddl dh VTyTPUTRde c;|[;i dhft, I
5. Discuss the problems of integration of Vietnam and its impact on the economic development?
fO;ruie d ,dhdRU| dh ihl;iVT nr vifFTd fOdii ij iM bud iiOT dh ppT dR i
6. Evaluate the achievements and problems of ASEAN. vif1;iu dh midfC/iraTr vR ihl;iVT dT eYTdu dhft, i
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