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Uttarakhand Technical University 2010-2nd Year B.A Tourism Studies B.T.S Ecology, Environment and Tourism - Question Paper

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Univesity Name: Uttarkhand University
Paper name: Ecology, Environment and Tourism
Academic Year: 2010
Courses: B.T.S. 2nd Year exam

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B.T.S. (Second Year) Examination 2010 TS- 05

(Elective Course/,fPNd iio;de)

Ecology, Environment and Tourism / ilffsTfTdt, i;lojui VTj i4cu

Time: 3 Hours    Maximum Marks : 70

Section -A HiX d

1. Fill in the blanks.    (10x1=10 Marks)

fjDr Lenut dt f dlft, I

i.    Lepchas are original inhabitants of the...............................Hill tracts.

(Darj eeling/Nepal)

ypT................................d igiMt {T= d ey fUo\1i g1 (nijf Ji/Uw)

ii.    ..................................tree is associate with Buddha, Indra and Vishnu God.

(Ashok Tree/Mango Tree)

..............................Osr dT Ict c), bn, fOT vTfn dcn l g1 (v"TTd osr/ve osr)

iii.    A mount of water vapors or moisture in the atmosphere is known as...............


ciiHUMd e tdcw ; uet dt ei=T dr................................................................. dgT gi (vinrT/cifi'tRitu)

iv.    A collective term denoting the animals living in a particular region is.


,d {T= fOTr e ii, tiU oy trvr d fy, idx e yi; tiu oiyT iiefgd "icn


v.    Buildings of historical interest converted into hotels are known as


,fTgif1d egRc dt beijrt dt fofTr d cut, x, gTvy dt......................................

dgT gl    (fCkiia/RiTV)

vi.    ........................ movement was started in 1983 in Salkani forests in Sirsi

district in Karnataka.    (Apikko/Chipko)

..........................................vFny duTvd d fill tuin d iydiUr cut e 1983

e    WT    gVT    ftt I


vi i.....................lake in Orissa is considered a tourist paradise . (Renuka/Chilika)

mMlii dt................................>y i4vdt d fy, lcX eiUr tiTl g i (judT/fpYdT)

vii i.......................... in Kashmir has the distinction of possessing the worlds

highest 18- hole golf course.

d ..................................... LFTTU dt fWT dT icl fd Plb fLTT 18

giy ciyT xTyq enu giU dT Xjo wr g1    (xyeX/Jtuxj)

ix. Highest peak on the north of Nainital is......................(China Peak/Deopatha)

mrj e UUlriy dt icl Pt PTVt................................g1 (pTbur itd/nd)

x. A consumer that eats only plants is a.....................(Herbivore/Carnivore)

,d miHiDri tf dcy i/fi l HTtu iiir dT g.......................................dgyir g1 ("iidigijr/eiligijr)

Section -B HTTX- [

2. Write short notes on any five of the following.    (5x4=20 Marks)

fdgt iiP ij fur fViuft dtft, i

1.    What do you understand by conservation of Resources? lui/Tuf d ij-Fi l vii d; ie>r g1

2.    What is pollution and how is it harmful to our environment?

w g vij ;g gej i;iojui d fy, fdi idij gfdijd g ?

3.    Distinguish amongst Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores and give two examples of each.

"iidigifj;!, efigjT vj iCgjT d ez; Hin crib, vij iRd d nf mnigjui ntft, i

4.    How do hotels and resorts effect the environment?

gvy rtftt fMV m;1ckui d Lrj dr fdi j ifr dT g ?

5.    Write four lines on the nature of traditional society in the hills of Uttarakhand? mRrjmrM dt ifd e iijifjd net dt if ij Pij ifDr;i fyf[i, i

6.    Write a short note on Golf tourism?

XTyq i4vu ij ,d fir fyf[i, ?

Section -C HTTX- X

3. Attempt any five questions.    (5x8=40 Marks)

fdugt iTp aWt dT gy dtft,i

1.    Describe important measures to control environmental degradation?

Mlcjufi; dr fU;f=r dU d egROiyf mid dT oufu dtft, i

2.    Describe some of the impacts of tourism on environment and society. i;lcjui vj leit ij d dN inoT dT oufu dtft, i

3.    Explain the relationship between environment and tourism.

i;lcjui vij i4vu d e/; iC/fi dr Liv dtft, i

4.    Only alternative tourism provides an alternative answer to the problem of tourism? Explain.

"Odfcid irfvu gt iftfvu dt 1HL;i dT ,d OdfYid mRTj iL djTT g"? ie>ib, i

5.    What is sustainable development?

fVdi fCdii d; g ?

6.    Write a note on ozone layer depletion. vitiu ijr a-fun ij ,d fViiufl fyf[|, i

7.    Write a note on Adventure Sports in India?

Hfijr e iigfld [Tyf ij fViiuTt fyf[|, i

8.    Explain traditional Indian way of Life? ijEijixr H-njrt; ttcu if dt Liv dtft, i



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