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Uttarakhand Technical University 2010-Final Year B.A (Second Year) B.T.S EHI-04 India: from 16th to Mid 18th Century - Question Paper

Thursday, 07 February 2013 05:45Web

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Univesity Name: Uttarkhand University
Paper name: India: from 16th to Mid 18th Century
Academic Year: 2010
Courses: B.A.and B.T.S 3rd Year exam

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Roll No


Maximum Marks: 70

Time : 3 hours le; : 3 efV

B.A. (Second Year) B.T.S. (Final Year) Examination 2010 EHI-04

(Elective Course/ ,fPNd Hio;de) India: from 16th to Mid 18th Century

hrt i60t l 18 Ot 'idi<nh d e; rd

Roll No


Maximum Marks: 70

: 70

Note : Answer all the questions from this section.

bi Hiix e l lit yut d mrj n I

10 x 1= 10

1) Who was the founder of Lodi Dynasty? yint irur dT iLFmd dTu fit ?

2)    Where was the original place of Babar?

CTCj dT ey fUoii dgT ftt ?

3)    Who was the Mughal Emperor called Zindapir dtu gxy nid ftnT Hk dgyiri ftt?

4)    In which year Zaziyah Tax was abolished? tft;i dj fdi ol fd; w ftt ?

5)    Who was the author of Akbarnama?

VdCj UieT dT y[d dTu ftt ?

6)    Who built the Red Fort of Agra? vTXjT dT yiy fdyT fdiU cuoi;i ?

7)    In which year Shivaji died?

Riciiti dt e; fdi oT e gb?

8)    Where was Guru Nanak born?

X: UlUd dT tue dgT gVT?

9)    Which sufi saint's dargah is located in Ajmer?

vtj e fdi iQt ir dt nwg fLsir g ?

10)    In the second Battle of Panipat on one side was Akbar, who was on the other side?

mUmr d f}Tt; e ,d vj vdcj ftt nit vj dTu ftt ?

Section - B [UM - C

1. Write notes on any three of the following:

fUu e l fdugh rhu ij fWfr fFf,:


Indo-European trade.



Mughal Sikh relations

exy FIdi ic'/j


Akbar's Rajput Policy

vdsj dh jftir f


Irrigation system during Mughal's

exydfyn flPib <;cilfti


War of Succession

mRijf/ldij di ;)


Religious policy of Aurangzed

vjxtc dh /fifed f

Section - C [FM - l

2 x 15=30

Note: Attempt any two questions from this section

fUufffr e l fdugh nf hsuT d mrj ffh, \

1.    What is meant by the Mansabdari System? Describe its main features?

euicnfjh if d vf w g ? midh ie[ fOfwvt d ofu dhft; \

2.    Describe the expansion of the Mughal empire in the Deccon during the reign of Shah Jahan

'igitgi d jfT; dy e exy iieiT; d Fft e fOLrfj d ofu dhft; \

3.    Throw light on the condition of peasants and agriculture during Mughal period

exydfyru d"fd vfj f dh fLf ij idm Mify; \

4.    Describe the main industrial centres in the Mughal period.

exydfyru ie[ vflffXd dnf df ofu dhft; \

5.    Examine party politics in the court of Jahangir.

tgfXhj d njcfj e ny; jitf df ijhsrf dhft; \



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