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Uttarakhand Technical University 2010-Final Year B.A Tourism Studies B.T.S TS- 01 (Foundation in Tourism) - Question Paper

Thursday, 07 February 2013 04:50Web

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Univesity Name: Uttarkhand University
Paper name: (Foundation Course in Tourism)
Academic Year: 2010
Courses: B.T.S.third Year exam

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Roll No............................

B.T.S. (Final Year) Examination 2010 TS- 01 (Elective Course/,fPNd iio;de) (Foundation Course in Tourism) (qtfvu e vi/nj md;*e) Time: 3 Hours    Maximum Marks: 70 le; : 3 wV    : 70 Section -A/Hix d

1. Fill in the blanks.    (10x1=10 Marks)

fjDr lfttuT dh f dift, i

1.    Mohenjodaro is the largest site of Harappan Civilization which is situated on the

banks of.............river.    (Beas/Indus)

HlgutkMi gMiiU IXTT dT id CMT LFTy g tT fd ............................. d

fduij fLFTT g i    (cTl/fluET)

2.    Taj Festival is organized at................................................(Delhi/Agra)

TTt HglRlO ....................................................................... e eUTXT tTTT g i (feyt/VTXjT)

3.    City Code for Mumbai is....................................................(BOM/BLR)

ecb "Tgj dT dTM .......................................... g i    (BOM/BLR)

4.    A statement issued to be published or broadcasted by the Media as News is known as ........................................................................(Press release/Press Conference)

ipj eT/xet e ypifjr-yiifjr gTU d fy, tTfr fd; xX odt; dr

........................dgT gi    (ii

fOKfT/iomnTTT lEeyu)

5.    The origin of Sikh faith is traced to.......................................

(Guru Nanak Dev/ Guru Govind Singh)

f%D[T etP d iLFTTid ..........................................................Fa

(:uHd no/x: xfun fig)

6.............................. highways are the principal routes connecting the Union

Capital with the State Capitals.    (National/State)

...................................... jTteX 0 ig[T eX g tT P"t dh jTt/nUr di" jr; dh

jTtfxT l tteT g i    (jT'Vhx/jTT;)

7.    Which festival of Muslims is related to sacrifice?


fye erf dT dTu it f w l ifrr g ?


8.    Service is usually rendered at the..................................................Premises.

(Providers/ Customers)

Iot,..........................................d fij e gh ynru dh tTh g i

(mqycET dTU ory/mwiDTT)

9.    A Souvenir Shop in a tourist destination is a...................................product.

(Core, Peripheral)

fdlh iXvd LFiy e ,d iTOfUxj dh ndu............................................mRiTn gm g i


10.    Media Costs are.........................(rigid/ negotiable)

Ipj ei/me dh nj..........................................................(fLFj girr g/cnyr t idTr g)

Section -B HTTX- [

2.    Attempt any five questions.    (5x4=20 Marks)

fdg iTp fl"UT d mrj ntft,i

1.    Why are special permits required?

fo"? yO?T vefr cm yur iMrr g ?

2.    Name four dance forms of India along with their state of origin?

HTijr dt pj u; dyTvt dT uie ,0" mudT rnnxe LFy crib; i

3.    Why do people go to hill stations in summer?

xe d fnuT" e yix igTM ij cm tir g ?

4.    What is the need for tourism policy?

iPvu Urfr omi vici";d g ?

5.    Mention the duties of a salesperson?

f0d; ifff/i d dr<;1 dT meyi drft, i

6.    Mention the malpractices in shopping?

[ijlnnij! e /Nt /tM dl gTtfr g ?

Section -C HTTX- X

3.    Attempt any five questions.    (5x8=40 Marks)

fdg iTp i"UT' dT gy drft, i

1.    Describe the effects of pollution on tourism? iPvU ij iT. d iMU oiy iH-no dT Cu drft, i

2.    What is the difference between a travel agency and a tour operator? Name a few renowned tour operators.

Vcy ,tt vlj vj vTijvj e cm vrj g i dN ifl) vj vTijvj d uie crib, i

3.    How do the various Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) help the weaker sections of the Crafts Men?

fOfO/i Xj ijdijr ilft, fdi idij jc RileimT dr igimri djT g i

4.    What is the role of newspapers and magazines in disseminating tourism information?

iPvu left ipuT fCKifir djU e leiPij i=T vTj if=dTvi dr cm fdT g ?

5.    Describe the effect of tourism on the local culture of a destination? iPvu fdi idij ,d LFiy dr LFirUr; ldfT dir ifr djr g ?

6.    Write a note on the handicrafts of India?

H-TTjr d gLrf"iei ij fWTr drft, ?

7.    How tourism is dependent on transport industry? iPvu fdi idij ifjcgu mix ij fUj g ?

8.    Describe the obstacles in the tourism development.

iPvu d fOdTi e vU oiy vcjT/idf dT Cu dlft, i


Roll No............................


B.T.S. (Final Year) Examination 2010 TS- 01

(Elective Course/,fPNd iio;de)

(Foundation Course in Tourism)

(qtfvu e vi/nj md;*e)

Time: 3 Hours    Maximum Marks: 70

le; : 3 wV    i.ld : 70

Section -A/Hix d

1. Fill in the blanks.    (10x1=10 Marks)

fjDr lfttuT d f drft, I

1.    Mohenjodaro is the largest site of Harappan Civilization which is situated on the

banks of.............river.    (Beas/Indus)

efgutmMt gMiu #;tt dT #c# cmt LFiy g tT fd ............................. un d

fduij fLFTT g I    (cTl/fluET)

2.    Taj Festival is organized at................................................(Delhi/Agra)

Tit eglRiO ....................................................................... e eUTOT tTTT g I 00/VIW)

3.    City Code for Mumbai is....................................................(BOM/BLR)

ecb "Tgj dT dTM .......................................... g I    (BOM/BLR)

4.    A statement issued to be published or broadcasted by the Media as News is known as ........................................................................(Press release/Press Conference)

ipij eisgeT e uPiRd-uiiRr giU d fy, tijh fd; X; oDrc; dt

........................dgT gi    (ii

(OKfa/ioinniri iryu)

5.    The origin of Sikh faith is traced to.......................................

(Guru Nanak Dev/ Guru Govind Singh) fiD[T /rf d iLFTTid ..........................................................FT" I

(X,:und no/x: xlfdn fig)

6.............................. highways are the principal routes connecting the Union

Capital with the State Capitals.    (National/State)

...................................... jiteiX 0 ig[T eX g tT n"T dr jitenUh dr jir; dh

jTtf;T 1 tlMT g I    jVto/jTTq)

7.    Which festival of Muslims is related to sacrifice?


gfLye erf dT dTu it f iFii 1 iCf/Tr g ?


8.    Service is usually rendered at the..................................................Premises.

(Providers/ Customers)

ioT,..........................................d fij e gh inu dh tTh g i

(mqycT djiU oier/wTiDTT)

9.    A Souvenir Shop in a tourist destination is a...................................product.

(Core, Peripheral)

fdi i4vd LFiy e ,d iiOPwj dh diu............................................mRiin gin g i


10.    Media Costs are.........................(rigid/ negotiable)

Ipj ei/pe dr nj..........................................................(fLFj gpr g/cnPr t idPr g)

Section -B HTTX- [

2.    Attempt any five questions.    (5x4=20 Marks)

fdugh iTp i"UT d mrj nft,i

1.    Why are special permits required?

fOpci iO"i vuf Dpi1 ypr iMpr g ?

2.    Name four dance forms of India along with their state of origin?

H-njr dr pj up dyTvt dT uie ,0" mudT mnxe LFy crTbp i

3.    Why do people go to hill stations in summer?

xe d fnur e yTx igiM ij dpt tip g ?

4.    What is the need for tourism policy?

ipVU PrfP Dpi1 VT0"Pd g ?

5.    Mention the duties of a salesperson? fOdP fffi d dropT dT meyT dhft, i

6.    Mention the malpractices in shopping?

[ijlnnij! e /Nt /tM dl gTPr g ?

Section -C HTTX- X

3.    Attempt any five questions.    (5x8=40 Marks)

fdgr iTp s?UT dT gy dtft,i

1.    Describe the effects of pollution on tourism? ipvu ij in'T.T d iMp oiy iH-TTO dT OpU dtft, i

2.    What is the difference between a travel agency and a tour operator? Name a few renowned tour operators.

Vcy Vj vj VTjj e dpt vrj g i dN f) Vj VTjj d uie crib, i

3.    How do the various Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) help the weaker sections of the Crafts Men?

fOfO/T Xj ijdiP iLFii, fdi idij jc ffqpf dr igiPrT djp g i

4.    What is the role of newspapers and magazines in disseminating tourism information?

iPvu IcPr ipuT fOKifir djp e leipij iPT Vlj ifPdTvi dr dpt fdT g ?

5.    Describe the effect of tourism on the local culture of a destination? ipvu fdi idij ,d LFiy dr LFirPp iLf dir ii-fOr djrT g ?

6.    Write a note on the handicrafts of India?

HTfjT d gLflei ij fViuTl drft, ?

7.    How tourism is dependent on transport industry? ipvu fdi idij ifjogu mlix ij fpHfj g ?

8.    Describe the obstacles in the tourism development.

ipvu d fOdTl e VlP Oiy VOp/TdT dT OpU drft, i



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