Uttar Pradesh Board of Technical Education 2007-2nd Sem B.Pharm BPharma - Physics Chemistry - Question Paper
Printed Pages : 2 PH -121
(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled in your Answer Book)
I RoN Na I I I I I I I I I 1 I
PAPER ID : 5046
Time : 3 Hours] [Total Marks : 80
Note : (i) Answer all the questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
1 Attempt any four of the following : 4x4
(a) What are the assumptions of kinetic molecular theory of gases ?
(b) Derive van der Waals equation of state for Real Gases
(c) Define surface tension. What methods are employed to determine surface tension ?
(d) Describe briefly ideal and real solutions.
(e) Define Molal Depression Constant. Write a method to determine the molecular weight of non volatile solute.
2 Answer any four of the following : 4x4
(a) State and explain first law of thermodynamics
(b) Distinguish between :
(i) Isothermal and adiabatic process
(ii) Reversible and Irreversible process.
(c) Describe briefly Joule Thomson Effect.
(d) Define: Adsorption, Absorption, Adsorbate, Adsorbent.
(e) Describe Langmuir adsorption isotherm.
3 Answer any four of the following : 4x4
(a) Define pH. What are the methods for determining pH of a solution ?
(b) Derive an equation for First Order Reaction.
(c) State and explain Kohlrausch Law.
(d) Write a note on: Complex Reactions
(e) Describe Homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis.
4 Write notes on any four of the following : 4x4
(a) Heat of Formation
(b) Enthalpy of solution and Enthalpy of Hydration.
(c) Heat of Combustion
(d) Heat of Neutralization
(e) Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions.
5 Answe any four of the following : 4x4
(a) State Phase Rule. What are its applications over water system ?
(b) Describe the validity of distribution law in case of association or dissociation of solute in one of the phases.
(c) What are the different types of crystal systems ?
(d) Write brief notes on :
(i) Partition coefficient
(ii) Congruent and Incongruent melting point
(iii) What are the features of a crystal ?
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