Uttar Pradesh Board of Technical Education 2011-1st Sem B.Pharm UPTU Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Question Paper
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 80
Note: (1) Paper contains three Sections-Sections A , B and C.
(2) Section A is compulsory.
(3) All parts carry marks as indicated.
1. Attempt all questions. Give the appropriate answer of the followings: ( 1 x 16 = 16 )
(i) The molecular weight of ammonium chloride is:
(a) 53.49
(b) 54.49
(c) 52.50
(d) 51.49
(ii) Calcium (20Ca47) is used as:
(a) Urinary marker
(b) Faecal marker
(c) Both
(d) None of the above
(iii) The molecular formula of Talc is:
(a) 3MgO.4SiO3.H2O
(b) 4MgO.4SiO3.H2O
(c) 2MgO.4SiO3.H2O
(d) All of the above
(iv) Which of the following is a chemical antidote?
(a) Sodium antidote
(b) Sodium nitrite
(c) Activated charcoal
(d) All of the above
(v) Which of the following is a physiologocal antidote:
(a) Sodium thiosulphate
(b) Sodium nitrite
(c) Activated charcoal
(d) All of the above
(vi) Zinc sulphate is used externally as:
(a) Antiseptic
(b) Astrigent
(c) Both
(d) None of above
(vii) The molecular weight of sulphur dioxide is:
(a) 64.06
(b) 64.09
(c) 63.90
(d) 65.00
(viii) The molecular formula of zinc sulphate is:
(a) ZnSO4.7H2O
(b) ZnSO4.5H2O
(c) ZnSO4.6H2O
(d) ZnSO4.8H2O
(ix) Hydrogen peroxide is:
(a) Oxidising agent
(b) Reducing agent
(c) Expectorant
(d) All of the above
(x) Which of the following agent (s) are expectorant?
(a) Ammonium salt
(b) Iodine
(c) Antimony potassium tartrate
(d) All of the above
(xi) pH of bacteriostatic water for injection USP XVIII:
(a) 4.5-7
(b) 5-7
(c) 4-6
(d) 6-7
(xii) Sodium metasulphite is used:
(a) Antioxidant
(b) Expectorant
(c) Dentrifices
(d) Astrigent
(xiii) 32P is used as:
(a) Dermatological purpose
(b) Ophthamamic purpose
(c) Both
(d) None of the above
(xiv) Rediopharmaceuticals for imaging for liver are:
(a) 99m Tc
(b) 113m Tc
(c) Both
(d) All of the above
(xv) Which of the electrolyte is used fo replacementtherapy:
(a) NaCl
(b) CaCl2
(c) KCl
(d) All of the above
(xvi) Magnesium salt is:
(a) Non-systemic antacid
(b) Systemic antacid
(c) None of the above
3. Attempt any six of the following: ( 4 x 6 = 24 )
(i) Write a note on acid base balance and combination therapy.
(ii) What are antioxidants? Give the methods of preparation and identification test of Sodium metasulphite.
(iii) Write a note on cathartics.
(iv) Discuss the hazards of radiopharmaceuticals.
(v) Discuss and compare method of preparation and properties of light and heavy magnesium carbonate.
(vi) Discuss Werners theory of co-ordination.
(vii) Write a note on antidote.
(viii) Discuss the principle involved in limit test of arsenic.
3. Attempt any four of the following: ( 4 x 10 = 40)
(i) Describe the principle,process and apparatus used in limit test for lead.
(ii) Describe method of preparation and uses of boric acid and povidone iodine.
(iii) What are major physiological ions and explain the role of magnesium as Intracellular ions.
(iv) Write a detailed note on transition elements and their compound of phermaceutical importance.
(v) Enumerate the application of radioisotopes in medicine.
(vi) Write abour calcium gluconate and sodium bicarbonate.
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