Uttar Pradesh Board of Technical Education 2010-2nd Year B.H.M.S B.H.M - EHM-203 HOTEL ACCOUNTS - Question Paper
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Univesity Name: Uttarkhand University
Academic Year: 2010
Courses: B.H.M.S.Second Year exam
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B.H.M. (Second Year) Examination -2010 EHM-203 HOTEL ACCOUNTS TIME ALLOWED=03 Hrs MM=35
NOTE: This question paper is divided into three sections. Instructions and marks allotted to questions are given in the section itself.
NOTE: Section A contains 10 very short answer type questions. Answer must be restricted to a sentence or word. All questions are compulsory and each question carries 01 (one) mark.
Define the following terms:
1. Capital
2. Assets
3. Liability
4. Profit
5. Expenses
State the following statements are True or False:
6. Accounting deals with quantifiable information.
7. Accounting aims to communicate financial information to investors only.
8. Income statement reveals the result of operations during a particular period of time.
9. Business obligations towards outsiders are termed as liabilities.
10. Balance of petty cash book is an asset.
NOTE: Attempt any 05 questions only. Each question carries 02 (two) marks.
11. Accounting equation holds well under all circumstance. Elaborate by giving at least one example.
12. Discuss the advantages of subsidiary books.
13. What do you mean by petty cash book?
14. Point out the objectives of preparing a budget.
15. What are the different kinds of cash book?
16. Discuss management accounting as an effective tool of financial control in hotel business.
NOTE: Attempt any 03 questions only. Each question carries 05 (five) marks.
17. What is accounting? Explain its objectives.
18. Discuss briefly the importance of accounting in hotel business.
19. What is the purpose of maintaining Visitors Tabular Ledger?
20. Profit maximization Vs Wealth maximization Discuss.
21. What are the sources of finance in hotel business?
22. What is a budget? Why it is significant for a firm?
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