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Anna University Coimbatore 2008 B.E Electrical and Electronics Engineering 080280028-LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS and applications - Question Paper

Wednesday, 16 January 2013 02:15Web

080280028-LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS and applications
TIME: three Hours Max.Marks: 100
ans ALL ques.
1. Mention the various classification of ICs.
2. What is photolithography?
3. why is dry etching needed in IC fabrication?
4. What is a voltage follower? where do we use voltage followers?
5. Mention a few applications of I to V converter.
6. How is sample/hold operation performed using OPAMP.
7. describe slew rate
8. Draw the equivalent circuit of op-amp.
9. What is input offset voltage discuss
10. List out the frequency compensation techniques used in op-amp.
11. Mention a few applications of IC 555.
12. What is positive clamper?
13. elaborate active filters? provide a few examples.
14. List the advantages and drawbacks of flash kind A/D converter.
15. elaborate the main components in IC 723.
16. Mention a few applications of isolation amplifier.
17. describe capture range of PLL.
18. What is pull-in time in PLL?
19. Mention the uses of LM 380?
20. What is an opto-isolator?

(5*12=60 MARKS)
ans ANY 5 ques.
21. define the various processes and steps in an IC fabrication technology. Draw relevant diagrams.
22. a) discuss briefly about the frequency compensation techniques in op-amp 8
b) define an ideal operational amplifier with its characteristics. 4
23. define the operation of Op-amp as
1) Inverting amplifier 2) Non-inverting amplifier
3) Summer 4) Difference amplifier
5) Differentiator 6) Integrator.
24. a) explain in detail about Comparator and its applications 6
b) discuss the operation of an Instrumentation amplifier with neat sketches 6
25. define in detail about A/D conversion by
1) Dual slope method
2) Successive approximation method.
26. a) With a neat sketch discuss about the internal block schematic diagram of IC 555 and provide its pin
details. 6
b) discuss how IC 555 can be used as a monostable multivibrator. 6
27. With relevant diagrams discuss about 565 PLL in detail and explain any 1 application of the PLL.
28. a) discuss briefly about IC 723 and show how it is used as low and high voltage regulator 6
b) explain in detail about switching regulators as buck, boost and buck-boost regulators. 6
*****THE END*****

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