M.A-M.A Economics 1st Year Paper – IV : EVOLUTION OF ECONOMIC DOCTRINES (Acharya Nagarjuna University - Center for Distance Education, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh-2013)
(DEC 04)
M.A. (Previous) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DEC. - 2013
First Year
Time : Three hours Maximum : 80 marks
Answer any Five questions
All questions carry equal marks
1) What are the principles of Thomas Mun?
2) Describe the relationship between agriculture and net product.
3) State the principles of population of Malthus.
4) Discuss Marx as a classical writer.
5) Bring out the controversy on says law of market.
6) Critically examine the Doctrine of Church.
7) Explain the views of National Planning Committee on development.
8) Describe the Indian thought on Khadi and Village Industries.
9) Describe the contribution of Fisher to modern economics.
10) Enumerate the features of representative firm as used in Marshal.
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