M.Com-M.Com Accountancy 2nd Year Paper-I : INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (Acharya Nagarjuna University - Center for Distance Education, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh-2013)
M.Com. (Final) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DEC. - 2013
Second Year
Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80
Answer any Five of the following (5 x 4 = 20)
1) a) Gains from international business.
b) Factor proportion theory.
c) Terms of trade.
d) Regional groups.
e) MNC.
f) Host country.
g) Objects of IBRD.
h) International business of LDCs.
i) Global strategic management.
j) International product.
Answer any Four of the following (4 x 5 = 20)
2) Explain the process of international business.
3) State the steps in the planning of MNCs.
4) Explain the challenges in international HRM.
5) What is the significance of multilateral trade agreements?
6) How do you evaluate the performance MNC?
7) How do MNC formulate plans?
8) Bring the trend in international business.
Answer any Two of the following
(2 x 20 = 40)
9) Critically examine the opportunity cost theory of international trade.
10) Distinguish between domestic trade and international trade.
11) What are the considerations in the selection of managers in MNCs?
12) Explain the control systems employed by MNCs.
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