M.A-M.A English 1st Year Paper - II : SHAKESPEARE (Acharya Nagarjuna University - Center for Distance Education, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh-2013)
M.A. (Previous) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DEC. - 2013
First Year
Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80
1. Question No.1 in unit - I is compulsory.
2. Answer any two questions from Unit II and Two questions from Unit - III.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
Unit - I
1) Annotate any four of the following.
a) Yea, and elsewhere, so far as my coin would stretch ;
and where it would not , I have used my credit.
b) Pior fellow ! never joyed since the price of oats rose ;
it was the death of him.
c) And I say the earth was not of my mind,
If you suppose as fearing you it shook.
d) I thank your grace for this high courtesy,
which I shall give away immediately.
e) The very place puts toys of desperation
without more motive, into every brain
that looks so many fathoms to the sea
And hears it roar beneath.
f) No, in despite of sense and secrecy,
unpeg the housket on the house’s top,
let the birds fly, and, like the famous ape,
to try conclusions, in the basket crup.
g) Nature is five in love, and where it’s fine
It sends some precious instance of itself
after the thing it loves.
h) For though I am not splenetive and rash
yet have I in me something dangerous,
which of thy wisdom fear. Unit - II
2) Critically examine the character of falstaff in Henry IV part I.
3) Consider Henry IV, Part I as a historical play in which genre shakespeare excelled.
4) Write a note on the significance of the grane diggers’ scene in Hamlet :
5) Examine the importance of Hamlet’s soliloquies in shakespears’s Hamlet.
6) Discuss the concept of Shakespearean tragedy as perceived by A.C. Bradley.
Unit - III
7) Bring out the autobiographical element in shakespeare’s sonnets prescribed.
8) Write an essay on the theme of mistaken identify in Twelfth night.
9) Consider Prospero as the shakespearean superman.
10) Write short notes on four of the following :
a) Features of a tragi - comedy.
b) The format of a sonnet.
c) Twelfth night as a romantic comedy.
d) Supernational characters in The Tempest.
e) The theme of forgiveness in The Tempest.
f) Character of Hotspun in Henry IV, Part I,
g) Character of polonius in Hamlet.
h) Shakespeareran tragedy.
Earning: Approval pending. |