M.A-M.A English 1st Year Paper – V : MODERN LITERATURE – III (1850 – 1950) (Acharya Nagarjuna University - Center for Distance Education, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh-2013)
M. A. (Previous) DEGREE EXAMINATION, DEC. - 2013
First Year
Paper – V : MODERN LITERATURE – III (1850 – 1950)
Time : 03 Hours Maximum Marks : 80
Question No. 1 in Unit – I is compulsory.
Answer any Two questions from unit–II and Two questions from unit- III
All questions carry equal marks
UNIT - I (4 × 5 = 20)
1) Annotate Four of the following:
a) One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
b) My face, my moon, my everybody’s moon,
which everybody looks on and calls his.
c) They ride, direction where the tyres press,
they scare a flight of birds across the field:
Menu that is natural, to the will must yield.
d) I see that I am speaking in vain to a
hardened heart. You reject our protection,
and are determined to turn us all against you.
e) He who was living is now dead
We who were living are now dying
with a little patience.
f) Ganga was sunkew, and the limp leaves
waited for rain, while the black clouds
gathered for distant, over Himavant.
g) To give the phrase, the sentence, the
structural member, the entire composition,
song or essay, a similar unity with its subject and with itself, style is in
the right way when it tends towards that.
h) The first condition of this must be, of
come, to know yourself, to have ascertained
your own sense exactly.
UNIT - II ( 2 × 15 = 30)
2) Examine the use of the myth of ‘Ulysses’ in Tennyson’s poem.
3) Discuss Browning’s ‘Andrea del Santo’ as a classic example of the dramatic
4) Do you agree with the view that in The Waste Land eliot projects ‘ the superb
trinity of culture, sex and religion, as the primary goal of humanity? Explain.
5) Write an essay on the concepts of ‘Nationalism’ and ‘Protestantism’ in st.
6) Discuss the poetic qualities in Dylan Thomas’ poem.
7) Write a note on pater’s views on style.
Unit – III (2 × 15 = 30)
8) Critically examine the poems of W.B. yeats prescribed in the light of the
symbolism used.
9) Write an essay on the concept of pessimism in Hardy’s
The Mayor of casterbridge.
10) Discuss the thematic Concerns in sons and lovers.
11) Examine the use of the technique of stream of consciousness in
To The Light House.
12) Consider Beckett’s Waiting for godot as an absurd play.
13) Write an essay on the significance of the title of the play
The Cocktail Party.
14) Write short notes on Four of the following:
a) Theme of Gunn’s ‘In the Move’.
b) Structure of ‘The Waste Land’.
c) Character of Michael Henchard.
d) Epilogue in st. Jaon
e) Theme of ‘My Last Duchus’.
f) Jennyson’s Poetic art.
g) The protagonist in Sons and Lovers.
h) Stream of consciousness technique.
Earning: Approval pending. |