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Other Bachelor Degree-Bachelor of Physiotherapy 3rd Year Orthopaedics(Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot, Punjab-2014)

Sunday, 30 November 2014 09:51Nitha

B.P.T. [3rd Prof.]



(Old Scheme - Prior to admission 2009)

M.M. :  90                                                                               Time : 3 Hours   


All questions are compulsory. Answer to each question upto 5 lines in length. Each question carries 2 Marks.                                                                       [20]  

1.       Foot Drop-causes.

2.       Skeletal Traction.

3.       Open Fractures.

4.       Involucrum.

5.       Claw Hand.

6.       Tom Smith Arthritis.

7.       Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

8.       Gout.

9.       Frozen Shoulder.

10.     Dynamic Cock-up Splint.


Attempt any 8 questions. Answer to each question upto 2 pages in length. Each questions carries 5 Marks.                                                                                  [40]

1.       Osteomalacia.

2.       Osteosarcoma of Distal Femur.

3.       Galeazzi Fracture.

4.       Characteristics of Ideal Amputation Stump.

5.       Ankle sprain and its management.

6.       Adhesive Capsulitis.

7.       De Quervan’s Disease.

8.       Congenital Talipus Equino-Varus (CTEV).

9.       Erb’s Palsy.

10.     Definition of Fracture and Dislocation?  Differences between dislocation and  subluxation.

11.     Compartment Syndrome.

12.     Below Knee Amputation.


Attempt any 2 questions. Answer to each question upto 5 pages in length. Each questions carries 15 Marks.                                                                                [30]

1.       Describe the clinical features and stages of Tuberculosis of Hip.  Outline the management briefly.

2.       Indications for above Knee Amputation, Post Operative and Prosthetic Management of patient with above Knee Amputation.

3.       Outline the mechanism, causes and principles of management in patient with recurrent shoulder dislocation

4.       Describe briefly ligaments in and around the Knee Joint :-

          Diagnosis, Management and Complications of Knee dislocation.


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