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B.Sc-B.Sc Nursing 1st Year Nursing Research

Saturday, 29 November 2014 12:35Nitha

M.Sc.(N) [1st Year]


Nursing Research & Statistics

[Common for all Nursing Specialities]

 [NEW SCHEME-w.e.f. 2008 admission]

M.M. : 75                                                                                                           Time : 3 Hours.

Note :  Attempt all questions.

          Calculator is not allowed.


(Nursing Research)

1.         What are observational research studies ?  Describe any one in details.  List the advantages and disadvantages of the same.                                                    [2+8+5=15]

2.         What is evidence based practice ?  Outline the steps in Evidence based practice. Rate the types of studies based on their quality of evidence.                             [4+7+4=15]

3.         Write Short Notes on any FOUR of the following :                                      [4x5=20]

            (a)        Research Critique.

            (b)        Quasi experimental research studies.

            (c)        Ethical issues in research.

            (d)        Focus group discussion.

            (e)        Research hypotheses.



4.         The following table shows the anxiety scores of two groups of women with breast cancer with and without counseling intervention.

                                                                                    Mean               `t’         `p’ value


            (Without Intervention)                                     19.00               2.86     .011


            (With intervention)                                           25.00              

            (a)        Describe and interpret the data.

            (b)        What conclusions can be drawn from the study ?


5.         Write briefly an any THREE :                                                                      [3x5=15]

            (a)        `p’ value.

            (b)        Maternal mortality note.

            (c)        Odds ratio.

            (d)        Non parametric tests.



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