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Other Bachelor Degree-Bachelor of Physiotherapy Physiology(Baba Farid University of Health Sciences, Faridkot, Punjab-2013)

Saturday, 29 November 2014 06:08Nitha

B.P.T. [1st Prof.]



 (Old Scheme - Prior to admission 2009)

M.M. :  90                                                                                                             Time : 3 Hours


All questions are compulsory. Answer to each question upto 5 lines in length. Each question carries 2 Marks.                                                                                                                    [20]

  1. Transfusion Reaction.
  2. Bile Pigments.
  3. Golgi Apparatus.
  4. Vitamin A.
  5. Action Potential.
  6. Forced Expiratory Volume.


Attempt any 8 questions. Answer to each question upto 2 pages in length. Each questions carries 5 Marks.                                                                                                             [40]

1.         Digestion of Amino Acids.

2.         Enterohepatic Circulation.

3.         Postural Reflexes.

4.         Anterior Pituitary Hormones.

5.         Renal Circulation.

6.         Glucocorticoids.

7.         Prolactin.

8.         Cardiac Muscle.

9.         Composition of Bile.

10.       Taste Pathway.

11.       Muscular Dystrophy.

12.       Types of Hypoxia.


Attempt any 2 questions. Answer to each question upto 5 pages in length. Each questions carries 15 Marks.                                                                                                                       [30]

1.         Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous system.

2.         Regulation of Respiration.

3.         The functions of Lever.

4.         Cardiac output and factors affecting it.


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