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B.H.M.S-B.H.M.S 2nd Year Forensic Medicine and Toxicology(Kerala University of Health Sciences-2014)

Thursday, 20 November 2014 04:34Nitha

Q.P.Code 201004 Reg. No.:…………………
Second Professional BHMS Degree Examinations – April 2014
Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Time : 3 hrs Max marks : 100
• Answer all questions
• Draw diagram wherever necessary
Essays: (2x10=20)
1. Explain mental health act. Describe the methods of admission and discharge of an insane
person in a mental hospital (2+4+4=10)
2. What are the constituent of snake venom. Mention the signs and symptoms, treatment and postmortem
findings in viper snake bite. (2+3+5=10)
Short Essays: (10x5=50)
3. Differentiate the coma of opium poisoning from other clinical conditions
4. General methods of treatment of poisoning
5. Treatment and post-mortem finding in organophosphorus poisoning
6. Ideal homicidal poison
7. Differentiate post-mortem staining from contusion
8. Differentiate ante-mortem hanging and post-mortem hanging
9. Rules for medico-legal autopsies
10. Artificial insemination and its medico legal problems
11. Powers of central council of homoeopathy
12. Signs of recent delivery
Answer briefly: (10x3=30)
13. Suspended animation
14. Strangulation
15. Coup and contre coup injury
16. Chronology of eruption of permanent teeth
17. Cognizable offence
18. Post-mortem finding in criminal abortion
19. Unethical practice
20. Phossy jaw
21. Hippus
22. Mac Ewan sign

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