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Pre University Board 2008 P.U.C Physics, Chemistry, Maths & Biology - Question Paper

Tuesday, 05 February 2013 01:55Web

[ Turn over
Code No. 36
Total No. of ques. : 42 ] [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 8
June, 2008

Time : three Hours 15 Minutes ] [ Max. Marks : 90

( English Version )
Instructions :
i) Draw diagrams wherever necessary.
ii) Unlabelled diagrams do not get any marks.
ans the subsequent ques. in 1 word or in 1 sentence every :
5 × one = 5
1. Write the initiator codon.
2. Name the simple residing tissue in plants.
3. describe guttation.
4. Name the energy currency of the cell.
5. Name the hormone responsible for bolting in biennial plants.
ans any 5 of the subsequent in two to five phrases every : five × two = 10
6. List the various types of nucleotides in RNA.
7. Mention the tools used in Genetic engineering.
8. Differentiate ranging from trachea and tracheid.
9. describe water potential. Mention its components.
10. describe growth. Mention 1 example every for growth promoter and growth
inhibitor in plants.
11. Mention any 2 commercial applications of Naphthalene Acetic Acid
( NAA ).
Code No. 36 6
ans any 4 of the subsequent in about 200 to 250 words every
wherever applicable : four eight five = 20
12. List and discuss any 5 features of Genetic code.
13. discuss the steps involved in DNA fingerprinting technique.
14. discuss the steps involved in super-ovulation and embryo transfer in cattle
15. What is secondary growth ? discuss extrastellar secondary growth in dicot
16. define Munch’s mass flow hypothesis with an experimental model.
17. State Blackman’s legal regulations of limiting factors. discuss any 4 external factors
affecting the rate of photosynthesis.
I. ans any 1 of the subsequent : one eight five = 5
18. Write the schematic representation of Kreb’s cycle with the
preparatory phase.
19. provide reasons for the subsequent in 1 sentence every : five ¥ one = 5
a) Eukaryotic genes are split genes.
b) Golden rice plant is a transgenic plant.
c) As the wind blows the rate of transpiration increases.
d) RQ value of glucose is 1.
e) Carotenoids and Xanthophyll are called accessory
photosynthetic pigments.
( ques. only from the Practical syllabus )
II. ans any 1 of the subsequent : one eight five = 5
20. a) Draw a neat labelled diagram of T.S. of young monocot root
( enlarged portion ) to show anatomical details. 4
b) Name the tissue in the hypodermis of Dicot stem. 1
21. discuss potato osmoscope experiment with labelled diagram. 5
7 Code No. 36
[ Turn over
ans the subsequent ques. in 1 word or 1 sentence every :
5 eight one = 5
22. Write the phenotypic ratio of monohybrid cross.
23. What is afforestation ?
24. Name the gametokinetic factor.
25. describe cardiac output.
26. Name the organic connection ranging from the mother and foetus that helps in
the physiological exchange.
ans any 5 of the subsequent in about two to five phrases every :
5 eight two = 10
27. Mention the possible blood groups of the progeny whose mother is
heterozygous for Group-A and dad is heterozygous for Group-B.
28. Differentiate ranging from species diversity and habitat diversity.
29. What is soil erosion ? Mention any 2 methods of soil conservation.
30. Write any 2 differences ranging from T-Lymphocytes and B-Lymphocytes.
31. What is hyperacidity ? Mention 2 causes.
32. List the differences ranging from sperm and ovum.
ans any 4 of the subsequent in about 200 to 250 words every
wherever applicable : four eight five = 20
33. describe criss-cross inheritance. discuss this with reference to colour
blindness in man.
34. What is Biodiversity depletion ? discuss any 4 anthropocentric causes
of biodiversity depletion.
Code No. 36 8
35. describe breathing. discuss the mechanism of breathing.
36. List any 5 hormones of the adenohypophysis ( anterior lobe ) and
mention 1 function every of them.
37. discuss the steps involved in urine formation.
38. discuss the generalised structure of ovum.
I. ans any 1 of the subsequent : one eight five = 5
39. Draw a neat diagram of the sagittal part of human brain and tag
the subsequent parts :
Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Pons, Medulla oblongata, Corpus callosum,
Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Sulcus. 5
40. provide reasons for the subsequent in 1 sentence every : five eight one = 5
a) Alleles I A and I B are co-dominant.
b) Accumulation of CO two in the atmosphere outcomes in global
c) In the absence of Enterokinase, protein digestion is incomplete.
d) During fasting, the level of glucagon increases in blood.
e) Cleavage in frog’s zygote outcomes in unequal blastomeres.
( ques. only from the Practical syllabus )
II. ans any 1 of the subsequent : one eight five = 5
41. a) Draw a neat diagram of hepatic lobule and tag the subsequent
parts : 4
Hepatic triad, Hepatic chord, Sinusoids, Central vein, Hepatic
artery, Hepatocyte.
b) Name the connective tissue covering of liver. 1
42. a) Draw a neat labelled diagram of areolar tissue. 4
b) Name the biochemical test to detect the presence of glucose in
the urine of diabetic. 1

Total No. of Questions : 40 ]    [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 16

Code No. 35

June, 2008


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]    [ Max. Marks : 100

( Kannada Version )

: i) Xo A, B, C, D ot E 00 aco@ artrt$. 0>    t On).

co *    c    _o

ii) <aan - a n 10 oxn>o, <aan - b n 20 oxrt>o, <aan -c n 40 oXrt>o, <aan - d n 20 oxrt>o oto

7        _D

<aan - e n 10 oxndot


- A

X>A 0a 44rt>o ton :    10 x 1 = 10

CO    _0 y oi    oi    _0

<oo XooSoO.


4321 4322 4323 4324

3. , ooao ( Z 6 , + mod 6 ) d 2 + 6 4-1 + 6 3-1 d 0oJ ?

4.    A oo B    ,3>aeo    i + j + 2k    3 i - 3 j + 2k

_o    cp    J    _    J

P (oo AB o o.oos>Ado P ,3 aeo ,QeSo Xoo&SoO.

7    ~ 6    co    cp

5.    y-XoX ;,5FdoS oOo ( a, 0 ) SXeodS oadoS    ,oeXdraSo XooSoO.

6.    ( x + 1 ) 2 = - 4 ( y - 3 ) - a<o deZrt    XooSoO.

7. cos - 1 ( sin 330 ) o dd 0o ?

8. 1, ro, ro 2 rt >o aXX    ( 1 + ro - ro 2 ) dd 0oj ?

9. y = e + x WOTrt, djy Xoo&SoO.

10. | e x 1 1 + tan x + dx dd <oo. XooSoO. cos x +    *

- B

x>nS)n>    o :    10 x 2 = 20

11. 352 oo 891 - o.,3.B>. ( G.C.D. ) So XooSoO.

_0    c

Xe dX.X o<n> o XooSoO.

1 4

3 2




14.    i + 3j + 2k , 2 i - j + 3k doo i + j + k    ,/3od o$or& doonn> $>>XCo oo dodCo o,rt>, oort>A d, -

   *    y    co    6    &    co


*    ct

15.    oo - Co ( 3, 2 ) doo Co deZ x = 1    - ,oeXdrao XooSoO.

2 tan - 1 *\J 1 + XX = V1 - x 2 0oo

16. sin

17. do> oo do>X >oerib oo y = x ,d>deZCo doed Xeoo

x 2 + y 2 - 4x - 6y + 10 = 0 o <odA $eQ,o S

, oeXd ra o Xoo&SoO.


18. ( 1 - i ) 9 = 16 - 16i 0oo

19. y = log I 1-COS X )    d = 2 cosec x 0oo

a te e V 1 + cos x !     dx

20.    y 2 = x X,deZrt 0> ,fX) x-XX 45 Coj Xeo&o/Sdd,

Xx-eZCo doe ooo XooSoO.


21.    J x ( 1 - x ) 7 dx d Coo XooSoO.


22. ( y - 2) 2 =4a( x+1) ,oeXdra    ><deort$&,

, oeXd ra o Xoo&SoO.


- C

3 x 5 = 15

23. a) 756 -    ,oZ6>r    B)rt> dd

dO&StfDO.    3

b) a/bc    ( a, b ) = 1 Wart a/c 0O srap&.


24.    3x + y + 2z = 3

2x - 3y - z = - 3

x + 2y + z = 4

,deddrart> dO>drt>;y XeS d o dodSO.


ci    cp

25.    dProd rtra z de <dort> dOS> * d, a * b = a + b + 3, V a, b e z

0O da,z>,ad, o dOdraeid ,oab< 0O sraa&.    5

6 6

26.    a) a = i - 2j - 3k , b = 2 i + j - k    c = i + 3j

- 2k d, cT n ,d/aoddaAdd ,d<0 b*

CO    _D    CO

doo c de add/ ,aSdo dodsO.    3

_0    c


b) 2 i + j + k doo i - 2j + 3k d) 0>dd ,d/30d drarrt>aAd d, ,d/aod    erardd

*    CO 7        _D    c

dodSO.    2

27. a) x 2 + y 2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 dX ( x 1 , y 1 ) d0a>0

,,SrX dd dodSO.


j <*J    CO    c

b) 3x - 4y + 6 = 0 , d> deZrt oodaAdd do


, oeddrart >d dodaO.


28. a) 9x 2 + 5y 2 - 36x + 10y - 4 = 0 QeFd Do a<D deZrt> eXdrarto, Xod&SdO.    3


14    4

b) <0 = -3- Do e = 3 dD 3dO> ( Hyperbola x 2 y 2

) wf d 2 - 7-0 = 1 ,DeXdraD XoDaO.    2

a 2 b 2    01


29. a) tan - 1 x + tan - 1 y + tan - 1 z =    ,

xy + yz + zx = 1 0O    sraQn).    3

2 5 b) sin 2 0 - cos 20 = 4 , DeXd ra    OdD XoDSDO.


III. X>A /jrodi .odo 44 O :    3x5=15

30. a) x Dt XDOD ax    D< rt$0 XoDSDO.    3

b) y = tan - 1 ( 4 4X 2 ] WOTrt , djy = 4 + 2 0OD ,3Q. 2

2 2

31. a.) y = ( sin - 1 x ) + ( cos - 1 x ) W"3rt ,

( 1 - x 2 ) y 2 - xy 1 - 4 = 0 0O sraQft.    3

b) x = 3 sin 20 + 2 sin 30 dd

y = 2 cos 30 - 3 cos 20 ,

dy = - tan 0 0OD sraQ&.    2

dx    2


32. a) y = ea    deZ<o rtrX@

,,FdeZ< o & d ,oZ wAdo

co    o    <*J    cp    >    _o

0oo    3


1 f

b) | S|n X . C (S X dx dd. XoDSD.    2

11 + sin 4 x    01


1 2

2 _ 3 tan x

33. a) | -j-~-t- dx d (d. XoDSD.    3

11 + 2 tan x    *



( 1 + e x ) ( 1 _ e x )

dx d <d0, XoDSD.    2

34. aers 9x 2 + 16y 2 = 144 d erar X< ao XoDSD.    5

2 x 10 = 20

35. a) o oro>A    XS d    ,oeXdrao

x 2 y 2

o _ 7-9 = 1 d    o    6

a 2 b 2














36. a) cos a + cos p + cos y = 0 = sin a + sin p + sin y

i) cos 2a + cos 2p + cos 2y = 0

sin 2a + sin 2p + sin 2y = 0

ii) cos 2 a + cos 2 p + cos 2 y = 2

sin 2 a + sin 2 p + sin 2 y = 33 0Oo


c c c c c c    c c c 2

b) [ a x b b x c c x a ] = [ a b c ] 0O    4

37. a) oo rte> doed,. Perar 8 .,o.Poe. /,.oJ o,>    w rte>

-e    _o

500 n

3 .,o.Poe.    rte> doo    Sodod

drt>o dodoSoO.    6


b) sin 0 + sin 20 + sin 30 = 0 , Poedd ,3d/, dOddo dodoSoO. 4

6    ot


38. a) J 1 , sin x cos x dx = 0O    6


cos 2 x    n

+ sin x cos x    33


b) X> ddc , Poedd rad ,3d/w dOddo dodoSoO :

dy 1 + y 2    2

xy dX = 17X2 1 1 + x + x 2 >     4

- E

X>A /)ad    toOn :    1x10=10

39. a) cT + I) + ~c = 0 doto | cT | =3, | ~b | = 5 doto | ~c | = 7

wart , a doto b do Xedo XodoSoO.    4

7    _D    c

b) V3 - i ,o3erar ,oZ6o dort>o XodoSdo d)rt>ot wnarora

td rtodon.    4

y co

c) 2 202 ,oZ.oo 11 Ood aftnart $ood dad deddo

6    ct            ct

dodoSoO.    2

40. a) odo oXe Xerad drar dot odo roo dt nd ,oZ,</Ad.

y    -o    -o cp    6


Xerad nerar rtOddarteyadd 0ddo roort> do Xe 0odo


teOn.    4

b) J cot 4 ( 3x ) dx (o dodoSoO.    4

c) y = log 5 VT - x 2 x n , oopnd ot d dsn.    2

( English Version )

Instructions : i) The question paper has five Parts - A, B, C, D and E. Answer all the parts.

ii) Part - A carries 10 marks, Part - B carries 20 marks, Part - C carries 40 marks, Part - D carries 20 marks and Part - E carries 10 marks.


Answer all the ten questions.    10 x 1 = 10

1. Find the number of incongruent solutions of 9x = 21 ( mod 30 ).

4321 4322

2. Evaluate

4323 4324

3.    In a group ( Z 6 , + mod 6 ) , find 2 + 6 4 1 + 6 3 1 .

4.    Find the position vector of the point P which is the mid-point AB where


the position vectors of A and B are i + j + 2k and 3 i - 3j + 2k .

5. Find the equation to a circle whose centre is ( a, 0 ) and touching the y-


6. Find the equation to directrix of ( x + 1 ) 2 = - 4 ( y - 3 ).

7. Find the value of cos 1 ( sin 330 ) .

8. If 1, ro, ro 2 are the cube roots of unity, find the value of ( 1 + ro - ro 2 )

9. If y = e + x , find dU. .


10. Evaluate | ex 1 1 4 tan x + dx.

cos x


Answer any ten questions.

10 x 2 = 20

11. Find the G.C.D. of 352 and 891.

1 4

3 2

12. Find the characteristic roots of the matrix

13. Prove that a group of order three is Abelian.

14. Find the volume of the parallelopiped whose co-terminus edges are the

A    A    A    A    A    A


vectors i + 3j + 2k , 2 i - j + 3k and i + j + k .

15. Find the equation to the parabola whose focus is ( 3, 2 ) and its directrix

is x = 1.

16. Prove that

- x

17.    Find the equation of a circle passing through the origin, having its centre

on the line y = x and cutting orthogonally the circle x 2 + y 2 - 4x - 6y + 10 = 0.

18.    Prove that ( 1 - i ) 9 = 16 - 16i.

19.    If y = log ( 1-cos x + , then prove that = 2 cosec x.

a    e ( 1 + cos x +        dx

20.    Find the point on the curve y 2 = x the tangent at which makes an angle

of 45 with the x-axis.


21.    Evaluate J x ( 1 - x ) 7 dx.


22.    Form the differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary constant ( y - 2 ) 2 = 4a ( x + 1 ).


I. Answer any three questions :    3 x 5 = 15

23. a.) Find the number of positive divisors and sum of all such positive divisors of 756.    3

b) If a/bc and ( a, b ) = 1, then prove that a/c.    2

[ Turn over

24.    Solve by matrix method :

3x + y + 2z = 3 2x - 3y - z = - 3

x + 2y + z = 4.    5

25.    Prove that the set z of integers is an Abelian group under binary operation * defined by a * b = a + b + 3, V a, b E z.    5

26.    a) If a = i - 2j - 3k , b = 2 i + j - k and c = i +

A    A    __

3j - 2k , find a unit vector perpendicular to a and in the same plane on b and c .    3

b) Find the area of a parallelogram whose diagonals are the vectors


2 i + j + k and i - 2j + 3k .    2

II. Answer any two questions :    2 x 5 = 10

27.    a.) Find the length of the tangent from the point ( x 1 , y 1 ) to the

circle x 2 + y 2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0.    3

b) Find the equations of tangent to the circle

x 2 + y 2 - 2x - 4y - 4 = 0, which are perpendicular to

9x 2 + 5y 2 _ 36x + 10y _ 4 = 0.

b) Find the equation to the hyperbola in the standard form


2 2 x 2 y 2


0~2 _ b""2" = 1 given that length of latus rectum = -3- and



e = 3 .

29. a.) If tan _ 1 x + tan _ 1 y + tan _ 1 z = 2 , prove that

xy + yz + zx = 1.



b) Find the general solution of sin 2 0 _ cos 20 = 4

III. Answer any three of the following questions :

3 x 5 = 15


_ 1 1 4x , dy 4 1 1 -2 + prove that dX = -


dx 4 + x :

4 _ x

30. a) Differentiate ax w.r.t. x by first principles. b) If y = tan

31. a) If y = ( sin 1 x ) + ( cos 1 x ) , prove that

( 1 _ x 2 ) y 2 _ xy 1 _ 4 = 0.


b) If x = 3 sin 20 + 2 sin 30, and

y = 2 cos 30 _ 3 cos 20


prove that X" =

. 0 _ tan 2


32. a) Prove that in the curve y = e a the subnormal varies as the

square of the ordinate and subtangent is constant.    3



1 f

, , ,    . sin x . cos x

b) Evaluate | -4- dx.    2

+ sin 4 x


33. a) Evaluate | 23 tanx x.    3

+ 2 tan x

dx.    2


b) Evaluate

( 1 + e x ) ( 1 - e x )

34. Find the area of the ellipse 9x 2 + 16y 2 = 144 by integration. 5


Answer any two of the following questions :    2 x 10 = 20

35. a) Define hyperbola as a locus and derive the standard equation of the

hyperbola in

the form

x 2

a 2 -

y- = 1

b 2 = 1




a 2

b) Prove that

a 2



3 ! 2 = ( a 3 - 1 ) .




2 1

36. a) If cos a + cos p + cos y = 0 = sin a + sin p + sin y , prove that

i) cos 2a + cos 2p + cos 2y = 0

sin 2a + sin 2p + sin 2y = 0

ii) cos 2 a + cos 2 p + cos 2 y = 2

2 2 2 3 sin 2 a + sin 2 p + sin 2 y = 2 .    6

b) Prove that [ a x b b x c c x a ] = [ a b c ] .    4

37. a) The surface area of a sphere is increasing at the rate of 8

Find the rate at which the radius and the volume of the sphere are

500 n

increasing when the volume of the sphere is 3 c.c.    6

b) Find the general solution of sin 0 , sin 20 , sin 30 = 0.    4


f 2

1 cos x    n

38. a) Prove that I -j-:--dx = = . 6

J 1 + sin x cos x    3yf3


b) Find the general solution of the differential equation


Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 10 = 10

39.    a) If a + b + c = 0 and | a | = 3, | b | = 5 and | c | = 7,

find the angle between a and b .    4

b)    Find the cube roots of a complex number V3 - i and represent them in argand diagram.    4

c)    Find the remainder when 2 202 is divided by 11 ( least positive remainder ).    2

40.    a.) The sum of the lengths of a hypotenuse and another side of a right

angled triangle is given. Show that the area of the    triangle is


maximum when the angle between these sides is 3 .    4

b)    Evaluate J cot 4 ( 3x ) dx.    4

c)    Differentiate w.r.t. x :

y = log 5 V1 - x 2 .    2


9x = 21 ( mod 30 ) ,&oeddraX@ dd,d    Oadrt$ ?

Code No. 35

Total No. of Questions : 40 ]    [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 15

March, 2008


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]    [ Max. Marks : 100

( Kannada Version )

: i) X A, B, C, D    E 00

0>    t o%.

CO    *    c    _D

ii)    - a n 10 oxn>o, - b n 20 oxn, -

c n 40 oxnb,    - d n 20 oxn>o

7 _0

>mrt - e n 10 oxndt


- A

X>A 0>    t 0 :    10 x 1 = 10

CO    _D y oi    oi    _0

5 - x 2y - 8 03

2. A =

a /tx wd, x y n> d ?

4.    ,do    dza.

5.    x 2 + y 2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 dd 0ddo    ,&F,oo dod a0 ao ?

6.    y2 = I2x d ddod a$od dd X& odort> aderdrt>o

~y    co    c


7.    tan ( tan - 1 3 ) + sec - 1 { sec - 1 ( - 2 ) } d d ?

8.    i nayad <dedod0 ( Multiplicative inverse ) doO.

9.    x 0r doOo y = f( x ) adod 4 dadd dd< rtoaodd da6za,w Xa.

sin x

- B

X> Adn>Y /d)dadd &o    O :

10 X 2 = 20

11. z doe ,darort,do d/d ( Congruence modulo ) m ,oodd) z doe o<a ,oodaAdood dda a = b ( mod m ), z doe oosa , ooddaAdood 0odo ,ap.

2001 2004

13.    0 ,oXo< ( G, * ) (o V a e G, a - 1    = a wd, ( G, * ) (o 0

eS(o* ,oXo< 0o eo.

14.    Xi + 2j - k i - 3j + 2k    d <0 ,ert>3Ad X

(dD XodSO.


15. x = 3 + 2 cos 0    y = 1 + 2 sin 0    ,oeXdrart$o

erary XodSO.

_0    c

16.    Xa = 10, J@eoJ ( e ) = 2 wrort, d<(o (Hyperbola)

2 2 - hr

x 2 y 2

,oeXdra, o - 7-9 = 1 d XodSO.

a 2 b 2

17. tan 1 = sin 1 2 + cos 1 +1 wd , x & ?

2    2V2

18. e 1 + i n/3 + e 1 - i n/3 = e 0O sra&.

19. 1 aa j + 3 bj = 2 wd , ( a, b ) )0y djX"    ?

20.    ( 1, 3 ) d x 3 + xy + y 2 = 13 deZ rt ,fX    XoDSO.

21.    I --o dx & ?

sin 2 x cos 2 x

eXdrax d&.

- C

i. x>Adn>, C/ddhdd o-o dno o&

3 x 5 = 15

23. 39744 - 0dh dhX h&Xrt> ,oZ, dod 0dh dhX

r-5    4    (b,    4    8\    _0    r-5    4    (b.

> d n >o Xodaoo.


   _0    c

a 2 + bc



24. a)

b 2 + ca



= - 2 ( a - b ) ( b - c ) ( c - a ) 0odo

c 2 + ab



SShn).    3

b) X;doD ><CododoJ x doo y n> d XodoSoO : x + 2y = 7

4x - 5y = 2.    2

25. a) rto}h5hd ,heX\ ( Multiplication modulo ) ped,

H = { 1, 2, 4 } 7 0OOO G = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } 7 ,oXo< d,oXododo ,h>a&.    3

b) ,oXo< doX dCodd aXXdhAd 0oo ,hp&.

A    A

26. a)


1    - j + Xk , 4 i + 2j + 9k , 5 i + j +    14k doo, 3 i +

A    A

2    j + 7k 0o ,art>o h<o, ,do odort>    & 3 ,Qrt>hAd d,

u    cp co 7

X d Coo. XodoSoO.    3


b) 2 i - j + 2k dd Q3, dod aXX ,ad. XodoSoO.

'    J    zh CO    ci

II.    0do    JOS :    2 x 5 = 10

27. a) x 2 + y 2 - 6y + 1 = 0    x2 + y 2 - 4y + 1 = 0

kootA $ea,    3x + 4y + 5 = 0 ,d> deZ<o oe

deoo4> eddra doDSO.    3

b) ( 4, 2 )    ( - 5, 7 ) )0rt> OT.,

, oedd ra doDSO.    2


x 2 y 2

28. a) y = mx + c ,d>deZ< 2 - 7-9 = 1 dKod, (

a 2    b 2    *

Hyperbola ) SrdOTrteyarto O doSO.    3

b) y 2 - 8x - 32 = 0    ( Parabola )    doSO. 2

- , la(a + b + c)    - , lb(a + b + c)    - , I c(a + b + c)

. tan 1 V bc-+ tan 1 V ca-+ tan 1 V ab-

0 0O sraa&.    5

III. d>    .odo dStrtrt JOS :    3x5=15

30. a)    J Jpo x n ,00S0J, cosec ( ax ) aja.    3

b) sin x    loge x JjBOOa&doJ ajRS).    2

Code No. 35    6

31. a) ex + e y = e x + y wd d, djy- = - e y - x 0odo ,aQ&.    2

b) x = tan 1 "\J 1 + t , y = cos 1 ( 4t 3 - 3t ) wdd, djy- = 6

0odo ,a&.    3

32. a) y = sin 2 -j cot - 1 yj 1 + j wdd, djy = - tt 0od ,aQ. 3

f .

sin x

b) I -j-: dx dd doo dodoaoo.    2

J 1 + sin x    


cos x

33. a) I :2--:-- dx dd<doo dodoaoO.    3

J 2 sin 2 x + 3 sin x + 4    01

b) J , 2 dx d d doo dodoaoO.    2

yjx 2 - 4

x 2 y 2

34. ,d/d< daaod 25 + q = 1 Qerdd X\eodo dodoaoO. 5

- D

X>A d/d)dadd drt O :    2 x 10 = 20

x 2    y 2

35. a) Qerdd da6Z6dobR $. dd Doeddrad a"2    + b"2" = 1

wdr ddd dodoaoO.    6

2 3

wdd, yas0-aso< d;doedodocf d<d>eA, A

b) A =

2 5

odedodo ( A _ 1 ) dodoaoO.    4

36. a) 0dh XdeCo 5hoXrttf a dooda* d;doeCodo >d&&

'    co    y    <i

doo. ,h&.





b) {h, >Codo

sin A sin B sin C

0od ,a dd 3Co ,h&. 4

(?)    co

37. a) a 3d> dd, rtod &.eraFd> wCodo ortFrt,e5hdd w

wCod iXdhAdeXodo ,h>p&.    6

b) ( V3 + 1 ) cos 0 + ( V3 - 1 ) sin 0 = 2 0oodd ,hd/, dOhddo,






0od ,h&.

38. a)

= V5 log


sin x + cos x

V2 + 1 6

V2 - 1


b) dbc" = ( x + y - 1 ) 2 d X< , oeXd rad aa&.


- E

X>A C/d)dhdd oo dn .O& :

1 x 10 = 10

39. a) 1 + i ,oZ,Co 'doort>oj XodoaoO. d)n>ocf wnhrora

,d >eO&.



b) x 2 + y 2 - 8x - 6y = 0 d doo. x - 7y - 8 = 0 deZ dod

>dod {h,d d do Xodoaoo.


J    6    co

c) 7 123 , oZ,Co aXX ,h (aa ,h)d oXdoJ XodoaoO.


O    Cp    Cp    c

40. a) | ~a | = 13, | ~b    | = 19 | ~a + ~b | = 24 | ~a - ~b |

<0 ?    4

b)    J tan 4 x dx    XoSO. 4

c)    y = log yfcosx    , djy XoSO. 2

Instructions : i) The question paper has five Parts - A, B, C, D and E. Answer all the parts.

ii) Part - A carries 10 marks, Part - B carries 20 marks, Part - C carries 40 marks, Part - D carries 20 marks and Part - E carries 10 marks.


Answer all the ten questions :    10 x 1 = 10

1. Find the least positive integer x satisfying 2x + 5 = x + 4 ( mod 5 ).

5 - x 2y - 8

is scalar matrix, find x and y.

2. If A =


8.    Write the multiplicative inverse of i.

9.    Define the differential coefficient of a continuous function y = f ( x ) w.r.t. x.

10.    Evaluate f 1-cS X dx.

J sin 2 x


Answer any ten questions :

10 x 2 = 20

11. The relation Congruence modulo m' is an equivalence relation on z or

prove that a = b ( mod m ) is an equivalence relation on z.

2001 2004 2007 2010

12. Evaluate

13. If in a group ( G, * ) V a E G, a 1 = a, then prove that ( G, * ) is an

Abelian group.


14. If the vectors Xi + 2j - k and i - 3j + 2k are orthogonal, find X.

x 2 y 2

16. Find the equation of the hyperbola in the form a""2 - 2 = 1. Given

that transverse axis = 10, and eccentricity ( e ) = 2.

17. Find x if tan 1 = sin 1 1 + cos 1 +1 .

2 2>/2

18. Prove that e 1 + i n/3 + e 1 i n/3 = e.

19. If 1 a) + 2 b") = 2, then find at ( a, b ).

20. Find the length of the sub-tangent to the curve x 3 + xy + y 2 = 13 at ( 1, 3 ).


21. Evaluate | -2-2 dx.

sin 2 x cos 2 x

22. Form the differential equation by eliminating the parameter c.

sin 1 x + sin 1 y = c.


I. Answer any three questions :    3 x 5 = 15

23. Find the number of all positive divisors and the sum of all positive

24. a) Show that

2 ( a - b ) ( b - c ) ( c - a ).


b) Find the values of x and y according to Cramer's rule :

x + 2y = 7

4x - 5y = 2.


25. a) Prove that the set H = { 1, 2, 4 } 7 is a sub-group of the group

G = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } 7 under multiplication modulo 7. 3

b) Prove that the identity element of a group is unique.


26.    a.) If the vectors i - j + Xk , 4 i + 2j + 9k , 5i + j + 14k


and 3 i + 2j + 7k are the position vectors of the four coplanar points, find X.    3

A    A    A

b) Find the unit vector in the direction of 2 i - j + 2k .    2

II. Answer any two questions :    2 x 5 = 10

27.    a) Find the equation of the circle which cuts the two circles

x 2 + y 2 - 6y + 1 = 0 and x 2 + y 2 - 4y + 1 = 0 orthogonally and whose centre lies on the line 3x + 4y + 5 = 0.    3

b) Find the equation of the circle having ( 4, 2 ) and ( - 5, 7 ) as end points of the diameter.    2

28. a) Find the condition for the line y = mx + c to be a tangent to the

2 2

hyperbola    1    3

b) Find the focus of the parabola y 2 - 8x - 32 = 0.    2

29. Prove that


c ( a + b + c ) ab

0 5

, , a ( a + b + c ) tan - 1 \l-bC- + tan '

b ( a + b + c )    - ,

ca-+ tan - 1

III. Answer any three of the following questions :    3 x 5 = 15

30. a.) Differentiate cosec ( ax ) w.r.t. x from the first principle. 3

b) Differentiate sin x with respect to log x.    2

31. a.) If ex + e y = ex + y prove that djy = - e y x .    2

b) If x = tan 1 "\J 1 + t , y = cos 1 ( 4t 3 - 3t ) , prove that





, prove that dx"

+ x x


32. a) If y = sin



sin x



+ sin x

b) Evaluate

J 2 sin 2 x + 3 sin x + 4

b) Evaluate J , 2 ~ dx.    2


yjx 2 - 4

2 2 xy

34. Find the area of the ellipse 25 + = 1 by integration method. 5


Answer any two of the following questions :    2 x 10 = 20

35. a) Define an ellipse. Derive the equation of the ellipse in the standard


2    2

4 +     = 1. 6

a 2    b 2

, find A 1 by Cayley-Hamilton theorem.    4

2 3 2 5

b) If A =

36. a) State and prove DMoivres theorem for rational index.    6

b) Prove that the sine rule

a    b    c

:t = :tt =    :77 by vector method.    4

sin A sin B    sin C J

37. a) Prove that the greatest size rectangle that can be inscribed in a circle of radius a is a square.    6

b) Find the general solution of


dx 1 38. a) Prove that I :- = = log

J cin v* x pno v*    #7T o


3 r~ 6

y2 + 1

sin x + cos x    y/2    1 y/2 - 1 4


b) Solve the differential equation djy = ( x + y - 1 ) 2 .    4


Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 10 = 10

39.    a.) Find the cube roots of 1 + i and represent the Argand diagram. 4

b)    Find the length of the chord intercepted by the circle

x 2 + y 2 - 8x - 6y = 0 and the line x - 7y - 8 = 0.    4

c)    Find the digit in the unit place of 7 123 .    2

40.    a) If | cT | = 13, | ~b | = 19, | cT + ~b | = 24, find | cT - ~b |. 4

b) Find J tan 4 x dx .    4

c) If y = log Vcos x , find djy .    2

[ Turn over

Code No. 36

Total No. of Questions : 42 ]    [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 8

March, 2008


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]    [ Max. Marks : 90

( Kannada Version )

: i)    d    rtodod

6 co *    y

ii) >rt rtodo,d    oXrt>o aedi>rtod)S<Y-

- I (,5)

-    a

X>A d4,rt$rt dodXA odo dd    odo diX.d 0 :

y    y    6    4    & co -o

5 x 1 = 5

1.    do6di>do 00ddeo ?

2.    addrX ,oXeX@ ( Non-sense codon ) odo did}

3.    di<oo, di& ( Aerobic respiration ) doo di<ood di&d ( Anaerobic respiration ) dod ,id/6 djdo ,0n).

4.    edXed pXdiAdod wd.0.0. (/>d)do ?

5.    ddX edXert> ( Complementary cells ) 0oddeo ?

-    b

X>A d$*rt> /d)ddd dnn 2 0od 5 diX6rt> 0 :

5x 2 = 10

6.    a.0.0. ddid/rtod d i,r ,odX\} i 0oddeo ? yi<ordeo ?

7.    di&rX ortod 0oddeo ? |e3d) doo |e3</rt$Adod </d)didd 0ddo

dbe n>0r, dj d/S.

8.     d d n>o dzi :

a.) div," ( Deplasmolysis )

b) Xed ( Wall pressure )

9.    ,!eXp* </d)dadd) aco@ dajrt>) $n.

10.    >drt)) ( Growth ) dzan. </d)dadd) 0dd) >drt adeX adeFrt>) $n.


11.    - , d &oX) ,aa,d drar&od Add dertd) don.

-    c

x>a />d)dadd <o@ dnn dodx 200 - 250 ddrt><

d4 ,>d d d)0 :    4 X 5 = 20

6 co

12.    dge*, oed}) daddctdon.

13.    e"    ( Gene therapy ) 0odde ? dd >drt>) don. dd 50)4

> ) ( Applications ) $n.

14.    yaod d ) deAn, onao    ( Tissue culture technique ) , os,d daA don.

oOk 2

15.    d ra onaort>odde ? oddad artrt>) ndond Jdoart ,,

0e) ,apaa0J dra onao4d) don.

16.    dpiano d od ndot d) don.

17.    a)    dgelea,aj0e ( Cyclic photophosphorylation )

ead daaJzd) dso.

c$> Z/ * oS

b) C 4 - dddrartr ( C 4 - Pathway ) 0odde ? od) ad} XS.

-    D

I. X>A dn /d)ad o dn Jon :    1x5 = 5

18.    a) dJ,do d ne$X artrt>) ncbnd oddad ,&X\.da

y ->    oa    4    oO

Jd) do.

b)    R.Q. 0odde ? R.Q. dJic>w od3@oJ dod ,ad<d ,oo>d)


c)    dad do}ad) 0odde ?

19.     X> A d)rtyad rart > ) X&S :

a)    S.0*.0. d>) dso,raao Jd& d$rt>) ( Identical twins )

ed d/dco deA,artd)a<,.

b)    S.0.0.) 0dd) JoJnrt>D ( Strands ) JdddaAd)d)ao.

c)    yad onad edXe4rt><), n (&fS) da ,S<J (dans) adj,r ddd d)e doad) ed)Jd.

d)    0a art roaod)d ( Parthenocarpic ) rt>0 e&dJ rt>)

co    -*    C3    rs

e)    b J< ds,,o4 ed}<    JA ,J d.

'    t3    rs    6    co    O    ctn_o

3    Code No. 36 jXjdod

II. X>A />d)ddd> o d, 0 :    1 x 5 = 5

20.    rnrtrt>o rtodod oddad ,d {rt    d e$d Q,d> ,,.d 0d<do

   ot    y    cs>    cd    6

doo ad0.


21.    a) XeroOj Xed d/ertd ddoon ao ?

b)    ,d> 4pelex& Xesa>d<), ( Capillary tube ) ddd,d do

ado d. aX ?


c)    naaOM ,dF ( Respiroscope ) djertd    rtodoid

oddad do a.

- ii

-    e

X>A d4,rt$rt dodXA odo dd dda odo daX.dS 0 :

y    y    6    4    6 co _o

5 x 1 = 5

22.    O d X rtood) aX ,adFX dsa ?

23.    $dood a&/rib>X ( Global warming ) 0odde ?

24.    Xdo    wA d0dF,od Srad ,0&.

25.    ;,doFd ( Spermatid ) 0oddeo ?

26.    ded dpdidoo dzan).

-    f

X>A dn, /d)dsdd    2 0od 5 dsX6rt>), 0 :

5 x 2 = 10

27.    QeA,* pUdg,* rtn d O0.

28.    wdo do><do <d/d)dadd> s<o@ d0raadort>o d d/a.

29.    aX,sa ea ddrt> ( Patenting life forms ) 0odde ?

30.    (zd)dadd> 0ddo 5aoFrt>o d d/a.

31.    d)odd d)o,XJn (zd)dadd> s<o@ yadrarto $.

32.    Xd dnsFd} ( Chloride shift ) 0oddeo ?

-    g

X> A (d/d)dadd> Se4 dnn dodX ,d/do 200 - 250 ddrt>Sn d ,>d d do0 :    4 x 5 = 20

6 co

33.    d1 &odedj* draFoort> dPXdo Xooo ( Chromosomal complement )

ysd ra doo <X.rart>o do0.

_0    oOk    c

34.    a)    0ode ? C/dddd .addo ,odX\} b) d drt>o d0 :

i)    dCoX@>dj d;en>o ( Endangered species )

ii)    d, dert> ( Sacred species )

iii)    d doded ( Afforestation )

35.    dedd dXj}rt>oddeb ? ,d>X Xad edXeirt> ( Natural killer cells ) doo o&ddrty d0.

_0    *    c

36.    oddid rtrt>o ribdonid doart ddCo ad    doo adFdraCoo d0.

37.    d/d dd$ eXC ( Sagittal section )    ndd oddid dR doo.

38.    e>X ( Cleavage ) 0od de ? Xd di|jCo<), e>X(C    dO.

&e)rt - H

I.     X>A di*rt>, C/dddd o d 0 :    1x5 = 5

39.    d C/ 0odde ? dedC/, ,oS,ddA do.

c    oOk _0

40.    a) ode, doOo eara 4 S/rtdd C/dddd 3co@

dbe n>o, dj d/a.

b)    yd/d 0oddeD ? C/dddd 0dd >drt>o d,0.

c)    &Xd*,d SoC/d ( Sickle-cell anaemia ) n    WdD d

co    co    co

do wX,D,Dd d,e wdD do d,0.

cp    <=i y    &    co <=i


II.     X>A C/dddd o dn 0 :    1x5 = 5

41.    oddid rnrtrt> ndd ddrad d e$X ( T.S. of Testis ) ,do

   z)    CS    y t


42.    a) ddCo    dod Codd ,,lCDort)fidbd C/dddd 3co@

6 6 t

b)    Mjod'e,lj ( Granulocytes ) 0oddo ? C/djddd 0ddo

ddoct ,o&.

c)    dCDdo ( Sample ) CDDdl ydXdoart oi;ra d/ad. rad C/dde d did}C/nod)a<Y. dood aed C/d ed/rX@ doeo ?

i)    Draw diagrams wherever necessary.

ii)    Unlabelled diagrams do not get any marks.


Answer the following questions in one word or in one sentence each :

5 ro 1 = 5

1.    What is duramen ?

2.    Give an example for non-sense codon.

3.    Name the phase which is common for both aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

4.    Which is the most abundant RNA in the cell ?

5.    What are complementary cells ?


Answer any five of the following in 2 to 5 sentences each : 5 ro 2 = 10

6.    What is semiconservative method of DNA replication ? What is the function of ligase ?

7.    What is annual ring ? List any two differences between tracheids and tracheae.

8.    Define the terms :

a)    Deplasmolysis

b)    Wall pressure.

9.    Write any four physiological role of Cytokinin in plants.

10.    Define growth. Mention any two growth inhibiting hormones.

11.    Describe balsam plant experiment to prove ascent of sap.


Answer any four of the following in about 200 to 250 words each wherever applicable :    4 <*> 5 = 20

12.    Explain translation of protein synthesis.

13.    What is gene therapy ? Explain the types. Add a note on any four of its applications.

14.    Briefly explain tissue culture technique using stem.

15.    What are meristems ? With a neat labelled diagram, explain the different types of meristems based on their position in the plant body.

16.    Explain potassium pump theory.

17.    a) Write the schematic representation of cyclic photophosphorylation. b) What is C 4 -Pathway ? Give an example.


I. Answer any one of the following :    1 <*> 5 = 5

18.    a.) Draw a neat labelled diagram of ultrastructure of T.S. of


b)    What is RQ ? Name the organic compound whose RQ value is more than one.

c)    What is Pasteur effect ?

19.    Give reasons :

a)    DNA finger printing cannot be used for distinguishing identical twins.

b)    Two strands of DNA cannot be identical.

c)    Turgidity or flaccidity of guard cells affect the rate of transpiration.

d)    All parthenocarps are seedless fruits.

e)    Very high temperature decreases the rate of photosynthesis.

( Questions only from the Practical syllabus )

II. Answer any one of the following :    1 & 5 = 5

20.    With a neat labelled diagram explain the T.S. of dicot leaf.

21.    a) What is the significance of cobalt chloride experiment ?

b)    Level of mercury rises in the capillary tube of simple potometer. Why ?

c)    Draw a neat labelled diagram of Ganongs respiroscope experiment.


Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence each :

5 & 1 = 5

22.    Why is blood group O called universal donor ?

23.    What is global warming ?

24.    Name the enzyme which converts fibrinogen into fibrin.

25.    What is spermatid ?

26.    Define species diversity.


Answer any five of the following about 2 to 5 sentences each : 5 & 2 = 10

27.    Write a note on erythroblastosis foetalis.

28.    List any four consequences of acid rain.

29.    What is patenting life forms ?

30.    Mention any two functions of oxytocin.

31.    Mention any four causes of infertility in males.

32.    What is chloride shift ?


Answer any four of the following about 200 to 250 words each wherever applicable :    4 ro 5 = 20

33.    Write about chromosomal complement, cause and symptoms of Downs syndrome.

34.    a.) What is conservation of soil ? Mention any two methods of soil


b) Explain the terms :

i)    Endangered species

ii)    Sacred species

iii)    Afforestation.

35.    What are non-specific body defences ? Explain the role of natural killer cells and interferons.

36.    With a neat labelled diagram, explain origin and conduction of heart beat.

37.    Draw a neat labelled diagram of sagittal section of human brain.

38.    What is cleavage ? Describe the process of cleavage in frogs egg.


I.    Answer any one of the following :    1 ro 5 = 5

39. What is dialysis ? Briefly explain haemodialysis.

40. a) List any four differences between oogenesis and spermatogenesis.

b)    What is Jaundice ? Mention any two types.

c)    Name the amino acid which replaces glutamic acid in sickle-cell anaemia.

( Questions only from the Practical syllabus )

II.    Answer any one of the following :    1 ro 5 = 5

41. With a neat labelled diagram explain the T.S. of Testis.

42. a.) Write any four differences between cardiac muscle and smooth muscle.

b)    What are granulocytes ? Name any two types.

c)    Sample is mixed with Biuret reagent. There is no change in the colouration. What inference can be drawn from this ?

Code No. 36

Total No. of Questions : 42 ]    [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 8

June, 2008


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]    [ Max. Marks : 90

( Kannada Version )

: i) dd d    rtodoSd rt>o SS.

6 co *    y

ii) n>o nodo,d oxn>oct aedo>rtod)S<Y.

- I

-    a

X>A d4,rt$rt doddA odo dd    odo dd.dS J OS :

y    y    6    4    6 co _o

5 x 1 = 5

1.    wdoy>O ,oXeJ ( Initiator codon ) do doO.

2.    ,,6n>Y ,d> edoJ ( Simple living ) on>odoct ,OS.

3.    odo,>,d ( Guttation ) do dZS.

4.    edXed Oo ( Energy currency ) do ,OS.

5.    dd>&Fd ( Biennial ) ,,>0 eon? ( Bolting ) rt y>drad>Adod d,dJ (>d>reo) d 0r ,OS.

-    b

x>n d,4tn> /d)ad dnn 2 ood 5 >0 jos :

5 x 2 = 10

6.    wd.0.0. ( RNA ) o0Y-od    d d/S.

7.    JoJ,q> ( Genetic engineering ) d0 deft&d ,oddrart>o dS.

8.    |,ed/ ( Trachea ) doJo |e3d ( Tracheid ) do d6J>6,rt>Ol doO.

9.    &d ( Water potential ) d0 dZS. dd &drt>o dS.

10.     >dno0 dZS. >dno Je&d ( Growth promoter ) doJ >dto aded ( Growth inhibitor ) rtrt ododo d>d} XS.

11.    0*0.0. ( NAA Naphthalene Acetic Acid ) o 0d do <ort>o dS.

-    c

x>as (/ddJdd se4 dnn dodx 200 - 250 n>Y

dS,d d J - doO :    4 X 5 = 20

6 co    -o

12.    J $ ,oXeJd do oXriS d d/S, dO.

13.    S.0.0. nd > o JoJqS ( DNA fingerprinting technique ) d    doJS dO.

14.    {j>Sod3dort> ,ojj do dSi&d    - nra dnjrd} ( Super-ovulation - embryo transfer ) Jo Jd <D<D doJrt>So <dO.

15.    SodoAX n>drt ( Secondary growth ) 0oddeo ? d donJoJO ( Extrastellar ) SodoAX n>drt(oSb, a,d> ,,.d0 dO.

<=i oi    6 C3

16.    dJjeAX d/dOoQrt doo" ,JdoX dd WdJ nJd ( Munch's mass flow hypothesis ) (oo dO.

17.    njdosS d Oort$,od oSrt JJ ( Law of limiting factors ) dSo doO. do, oS,e}(o dOdSo a(oo,,od (/ddJdd sjoo njd oSrt>So dO.

-    d

I.     X>A drtS, (/ddJdd d, JO :    1x5 = 5

18.    dpdrdjj (Preparatory) 3/ooQrt Xn X,    add} ( Schematic representation ) (oo doO.

19.     X> AS d)rt$n sjd rart > SOr XS :    5x1 = 5

a)    (osjers rto}jrao ( Gene ) rt>o &e>o ert>o ( Split genes ).

b)    d Sj ( Golden rice ) J d/dod AddSo IjSSs6, ( Transgenic ) SoRd-

c)    nj$(oo ed oJ njd,,&r(o dd o,J d.

* j    Zi &

d)    XeS oj&d njn< ( RQ ) 1 wAdo J d.

'    cr>    *    cp v c?    _,

e)    Xdej(jL ( Carotenoid ) doJ sjoJd' ( Xanthophyll ) riSo SooAX ( Accessory ) dooSej drarddnSoR j jd.


II.     X>A drtS, (/)djdd o djSn JO :    1x5 = 5

20.    a) >dS(o dddod 0>(o aXd> ,,.d neOS d e$X (, Od

D    C    D

odo njn) (o oddjd JdSo ddo nJrtrt>So* rtodo.    4

b) Sd> ,,6d sjodd ddPdtDor, ( Hypodermis ) SOod onjoSdSo dO.    1

21.    n d w,e,),;,e ( Potato osmoscope ) d/ert dSr njnrt >o rtodod Jdoatf dO.    5

-    e

X>A ti,4rt$rt ti,S(odA ob ti d3 ob d3d. S 0 : y ct    y    6    4    & co -o

5 x 1 = 5

22.    ad bS,S ,odd ( Monohybrid cross ) Odra ,b bti3>S ( Phenotypic ratio ) d b dbO.


23.    - eddra ( Afforestation ) 0O deb ?

24.    rt bld,5 ( Gametokinetic ) oSdob ddbOjdbd d,&S (3erb)

db, ,0&. ot

25.    b SS ( Cardiac output ) (bb, dz.

26.    S3b bS $ra b ti3Frt> >53 dbd {pd ,otidr ( Organic connection ) db, ,0&.


-    f

d>n tirt, /43d tirtrt 2 0o 5    J0 :

5 x 2 = 10

27.    S3b A rtoo&rt Sod B rtbo&rt    ( Heterozygous ) OTfidd, ,oSS(b ,3dbd ddo rtboti)rt>b ,e.

28.    tie dhpdS ( Species diversity ) dbSbo WOT, ddS ( Habitat diversity )

n> db d.sdb dbO.

6 6    ot

29.    db ,dd$dboddeb ? db ,odd,}b 0ddb    e.

rs    rs    <*A        ci    co

30.     ( T ) dbS a (B) op;,!5 db 0ddb drtb, dbO.

31.    sdS ( Hyperacidity ) 0od deb ? 0ddb 53drart>b <e,S&.

32.    e/rrab dbSb od3rabrt> db d,33.,rt>b ti, d/S.

_o    6 6    ot eo

-    g

X> /d)3dd >oo4 drtrt ti/Sodd ,d/db 200 - 250 tirt>< d S ,d d dbO :    4 x 5 = 20

6 co

33.    bd oebS ( Criss-cross inheritance ) oDb\     y y ot 6 6 co

d }roS ( Colour blindness ) Db 3d}oSrt <0.


34.    ed dpJ<b dbrtbnddboddeb ? ed dpJ<b dbrtbndrt 53draOTftdbd /d)3dd 3C0@ d/d db< ( Anthropocentric ) oSrt>bt d0.

35.    d3>& 3,<b ( Breathing ) bb, dz. d3>& 3,<b<b /oS;dS ( Mechanism ) bb, d0.

36.    ( Adenohypophysis ) Cj/d)d d dD ,d (>d>FeD) rt>o d d/S    ododD y3<DFdo 0/.

37.    dD jd<D 3,db<0Y PPd ort> PdO.

38.    0raDP ,)dF&X ( Generalised structure ) (DD. PdO.

I. X>A dip, /ddd o 44 O

1 x 5 = 5


39.    d/ d dDdD$ Se$X ( Sagittal section ) D Oddd d0 dD

x> a mrtrt>o ribd :


d,dDdj ( Cerebrum ), doj ( Cerebellum ), d" ( Pons ), dodooY Oriei ( Medulla oblongata ), ydF," Xde,dJ" ( Corpus Callosum ), ddPddD," ( Hypothalamus ), &&d6&0,    5

40.     X> A dn$ri y>rari > Dr XS :    5x1 = 5

I A dDO I B ,do dp< (dDDri, PXp ( Allele ) rt>D d><dooddY on<d d/Xd* dd/ra {</riod)dOod $&dD0d< dribPX ( Global warming ) Olribd.



c) 0olX,e," ri,D>&O<dD0




XdjdD <dDDri,& ( Zygote ) d Pd> ( Cleavage ) d ,dDDdp ,dD

dd,Pdi ri X dp no Xmd,d/ra    d.

   * ~~ ~~    Zs    t3 -C

co co

,,ePD<dD"ri> > (d/rib d.

CO 0    <yj 0    o

dwjdo djjri>o d/j)

X>A /d)ddd o d O :    1x5 = 5

41. a) dX 3D ( Hepatic lobule ) (dD d e$X(dD Oddd d0 dD, X>A rnrtrt>o ribd.

7    4

d5" &,(d/d", d5" yd"F, DDd",

( Central vein ), d"35" dddD, d"3l,<l

dX)oDr WdODd ,0<de&X onoi ( Connective tissue ) d

daXDD, d,On).




dodwd ddD

4 &    4




POeo ( Areolar ) OTOOid Oddd dD d roriri>

42. a)

>J ot        c




b) doddoed deAD dDd Dd Xe,D. >X d/dDd

ed,3<dD dOeX, ( Biochemical test ) (dDD d,On).


Instructions :

i)    Draw diagrams wherever necessary.

ii)    Unlabelled diagrams do not get any marks.


Answer the following questions in one word or in one sentence each :

5 x 1 = 5

1.    Write the initiator codon.

2.    Name the simple living tissue in plants.

3.    Define guttation.

4.    Name the energy currency of the cell.

5.    Name the hormone responsible for bolting in biennial plants.


Answer any five of the following in 2 to 5 sentences each : 5 x 2 = 10

6.    List the different kinds of nucleotides in RNA.

7.    Mention the tools used in Genetic engineering.

8.    Differentiate between trachea and tracheid.

9.    Define water potential. Mention its components.

10.    Define growth. Mention one example each for growth promoter and growth inhibitor in plants.

11.    Mention any two commercial applications of Naphthalene Acetic Acid ( NAA ).


Answer any four of the following in about 200 to 250 words each wherever applicable :    4 <*> 5 = 20

12.    List and explain any five features of Genetic code.

13.    Explain the steps involved in DNA fingerprinting technique.

14.    Explain the steps involved in super-ovulation and embryo transfer in cattle breeding.

15.    What is secondary growth ? Explain extrastellar secondary growth in dicot stem.

16.    Describe Munchs mass flow hypothesis with an experimental model.

17.    State Blackmans law of limiting factors. Explain any four external factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis.


I.    Answer any one of the following :    1 <*> 5 = 5

18.    Write the schematic representation of Krebs cycle with the preparatory phase.

19.    Give reasons for the following in one sentence each :    5 1 = 5

a.) Eukaryotic genes are split genes.

b)    Golden rice plant is a transgenic plant.

c)    As the wind blows the rate of transpiration increases.

d)    RQ value of glucose is 1.

e)    Carotenoids and Xanthophyll are called accessory photosynthetic pigments.

( Questions only from the Practical syllabus )

II.    Answer any one of the following :    1 <*> 5 = 5

20.    a.) Draw a neat labelled diagram of T.S. of young monocot root

( enlarged portion ) to show anatomical details.    4

b) Name the tissue in the hypodermis of Dicot stem.    1

21.    Explain potato osmoscope experiment with labelled diagram.    5


Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence each :

5 ro 1 = 5

22.    Write the phenotypic ratio of monohybrid cross.

23.    What is afforestation ?

24.    Name the gametokinetic factor.

25.    Define cardiac output.

26.    Name the organic connection between the mother and foetus that helps in

the physiological exchange.


Answer any five of the following in about 2 to 5 sentences each :

5 ro 2 = 10

27.    Mention the possible blood groups of the progeny whose mother is

heterozygous for Group-A and father is heterozygous for Group-B.

28.    Differentiate between species diversity and habitat diversity.

29.    What is soil erosion ? Mention any two methods of soil conservation.

30.    Write any two differences between T-Lymphocytes and B-Lymphocytes.

31.    What is hyperacidity ? Mention two causes.

32.    List the differences between sperm and ovum.


Answer any four of the following in about 200 to 250 words each wherever applicable :    4 ro 5 = 20

33.    Define criss-cross inheritance. Explain this with reference to colour

blindness in man.

34.    What is Biodiversity depletion ? Explain any four anthropocentric causes

of biodiversity depletion.

35.    Define breathing. Explain the mechanism of breathing.

36.    List any five hormones of the adenohypophysis ( anterior lobe ) and mention one function each of them.

37.    Explain the steps involved in urine formation.

38.    Explain the generalised structure of ovum.


I.    Answer any one of the following :    1 & 5 = 5

39.    Draw a neat diagram of the sagittal section of human brain and label the following parts :

Cerebrum, Cerebellum, Pons, Medulla oblongata, Corpus callosum, Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Sulcus.    5

40.    Give reasons for the following in one sentence each :    5 & 1 = 5

a.) Alleles IA and IB are co-dominant.

b) Accumulation of CO 2 in the atmosphere results in global warming.

c) In the absence of Enterokinase, protein digestion is incomplete.

d)    During fasting, the level of glucagon increases in blood.

e)    Cleavage in frogs zygote results in unequal blastomeres.

( Questions only from the Practical syllabus )

II.    Answer any one of the following :    1 & 5 = 5

41.    a.) Draw a neat diagram of hepatic lobule and label the following

parts :    4

Hepatic triad, Hepatic chord, Sinusoids, Central vein, Hepatic artery, Hepatocyte.

b) Name the connective tissue covering of liver.    1

42.    a.) Draw a neat labelled diagram of areolar tissue.    4

b) Name the biochemical test to detect the presence of glucose in the urine of diabetic.    1

[ Total No. of Printed Pages : 16

Code No. 33

Total No. of Questions : 40 ]

March, 2008


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]    [ Max. Marks : 90

( Kannada Version )

: i) ,a>o,X dX,rt>: ,oo    

*    t    t    ot        y    CO    CO CO

otirt>: XOTnjaq,. ii)     drt>, ,oo /dez>/:o< dad, (zrfe otirt>:i Xonao,.

>ri - A

I. X>A 0oa sl,2lrt$n    :    10 x 1 = 10

7 l    ->

1. 15 3,e a>oX : 8 Xe: oacb pXaod oi>rt:

2. X: o dort 0o: rt> 0,>rt o    ,0&.

3. J>: &<. ( Thin film ) oi>rt: eXdraX, o d} Xa.

* & co v    '    6    u

4.    Jeo, od OTd}Do ,0.


5.    d ro> d o ort {es rteeo dd 3ddJrt doo.

6.    od ,> 85j ( Dip )    >es.

7.    ( Sinusoidal ) (/F(D    OT0Jd ( A.C. voltage ) wo.0.0,'. ( r.m.s. ) dOo ,-,0 rt> o ,00eD ?

8.    oo    0Frorib)X od >-} ds.

9.     d/rao eY od is, 48jI A 0Jr/>rt, 0 ydoan J&F/rto od dra /)d ?

10.    OR rtei ,oded    doo.

- b

II. X> n)rt>Y /)d    J0 :    10 x 2 = 20

11.    od J>o 4Pjdrt> OTrtod <y rar    do >ort>eo ?

12. ad &e>DrtoSD sided' >drDD dd<DD eyirtod dijefid

co * y    *    ot    j/

d.d, <D oddd ,dD dDO.

6 cp    V ot

13.    aeFdeD dped (Ellipticallypolarised) dDD dD dDed) ( Circularly polarised ) > dD 0od deD ?

14.    d>o SDdDdD dd/ >dD6dlded dZDD, X&S.

15.    2 x 10 - 8 X)>o-De. dDd z2r ( Moment ) doadDd OD D adddD, ( Electric dipole )5x10-5 NC-1 dD Xd,, dj$) dD,w Xd as@rt 30 Xd d/dDdo d>Ad. n adDxdd dDe>rtDd dDd dD ( Torque ) dodDroSDO.

16.    addd 0od deD ? @& X\exd ( Critical field )    XS.

17.    adD.w' {iX@ ,ooad 3f dde aDdDd ddD, dO.

18.    oidi, aDdDdD, rteD ddd ddD, ,oXert>D dO.

CO    c    CO    7    c

19.    d /fd dD,w4o /d)didd 0ddD X<rt>D

20. d3do" dO}>do 0odeo ? Oe(/ doX/Arf ?

21.    e,o* </4d 0ddo rtoraddorrt

22.    peleddiera 0odeo ? (/d    ( Bias ) X<, >d r,oS ?


- c

III.     X> A)rt>Y /)sd o dn Sp :    1x5 = 5

23.    oo >3 3dra, ,d/oSd Qodod    ds<o, ><ooQe>rt oi>rtod >,F d &X, ( Lateral Shift ) rtSeS oo ddoO.

d    co 6    -e    ot

24.    i)    Sdra doSo d/ 3drart> /)d dodo

6 6    oi

ii) p<djL#n> /d)d 0ddo dertrt

IV.     X> Ad)rt>, /)d 0ddo dnn Sp :    2x5=10

25.    odo Xd do,>X < doSo woSOd dert>o    Ldo ><ododo d<>eA, odo Xe doSo dedo doQdod ,d> o,tod dS<o do,3d;OTdX, rtSeSoo ddoO.

6 &    eo    6 .>    u    _oct

26.    S,od ,do$ n3.,ed/dXd &rooSdo Xs.

6 oS    cp    <=4,


27. i) da,0n*&'     d0dD&aD ddieAd

ct        CO    S5)


ii) e* dDd ,DeddradD dDO. dct ddieA dD&ds6, d0}>dDd </d)ddd) 0ddD s/eAd edj} d0.

V.     X> n)rt>Y <d/>d)ddd 0do drtrt J0& :    2x5=10

28.    i) 0dD d3d}d0Srt >e& .OdD, d0.

ii) dd S/d/yO ( Nuclear reactor ) dD JJjdeD ? dd sd ,rt> ed>0<dD <d/d)ddd) 0ddD >dart>D $.

29.    0D dea<de3dra d, djdD dDd ( Decay constant ) dDD drdDDd/ ( Half-life ) rt>D dzn). drdDDd ddD ><dD30d ddd rtJeS dDD ddDO.

CO    _D    c

30.    D6v0d< Jjdoan CE ed*Y npn    d,ddrdd ( Amplifier ) 3/dDdD d 0&.

VI.     X> n)rt>Y <d/>d)ddd dodo drtrt JO :    3x5=15

31.    0D J dD,dd ,0rtdDd>d 0-1 De. d. 0D ,dDJ< dDed, dDt

ct        _0

J dD,dd 012 De. KdDd dDev dd djdd ,e0, d,d dDddD 0&Dd/d>nd. n 0id ,0rtD,Dd ,0<d>e&(dD


,0rtdDdd 018 De. 00dD d0dD0Qd. d,dd d,ed0ddD d0d0aDO.

32.    2 juF DDo 4 juF sdtiJ dD 0dtiD adtirt>0 6 V OTQrt diD {esrf. <>od dti >$OT0do tiotiDmSDQ. <o ,0<>e&(Y ,Ort; <DD tiotiDmSDQ.

33.    250 V, 50 Hz /fd dD wtid Dr, ,dD,dD 100 w* 50 V D,3ae dd od >dtiX, ,dD {ea,>Arf. w ae De

6    o    *    u    c>

deQo, Qe4 X<, aFm,y&d dti dti 00 ? 34.     d/raDn od aar <dd    d,D 0d3d n = 1 Q0 n = 3 rt(DD .

SaJ)    cp    _o

i)    wn 0 yd meQXoti Dj ?

ii)    w 0 ss* <e    moX@ Asrt &Frtoti 3dra d0TO0dD tiotiDmSDQ.


(    tiX.D 0 3d 5 = - 13-6 eV

v    oOk    co    sJ)    _o

0ti a<D0ti = 6-625 x 10 - 34 Js


0 5,a D,w>le = 1'6 x 10 - 19 C aF 5 rfert = 3 x 10 8 ms - 1 )


VII. X>    /)d o Q :    1x5 = 5

35.    0dtiD    od 4Pjti ,Do    ,sd6fDr tiotiomsDD Q (pjti XeDR 0od m).

36.    0D - ti ti <eti* DDti ,ed}D ( Forward bias ) OTtiti ti,deZDDi 0>d, - DDti ,ed}D deO tiotiomsDO <>ert Dr Q.

VIII. oo O :    1 x 5 = 5

37. oe&d efi&, oo oF,,d*    de

zz 0    rs

rtoodo dooa<oo ,dertOn X>do edjprtb    :



( C )

uotioQtfo do deriti tf

* r? *

( n )



( oe. )







Oo of,- de n> rto}>odo d@ >3.

38. oo ,en    d>A orto oo&o

ZJ    co    _o

n6<ze/d    ( Current sensitivity )

dooSoO :

n6<ze/d de    = 100 H

0w3Xe    = 1-5V


r ( n )

r (n )

0 ( div )













(, : r o n,/odA do d)

e)rt - D

IX. X> Add)rt> (d/>d)dadd o dS 0 :    1x10=10

39.    a) (d:ond aesbrtoa 4eri, 0dd: e>rtoart> d:d6d od

1 :.:e. deddra drt> d n< 06 &:.&:e. d. dddid:: 025 :e. ,odart d, rto 075 &:.&:e. wrtod. djdertd

eo    s    y    co

ddeAd d>3d dortdddd: Xod:a:0.    4


b)    d: ed d:: d: ddd dza. d) ddod , ooddd: dd:Q.    4


c)    tidSrtid d;dX@dra jsaddd dd dd: oXertd dO. 2

40.    a) 10 ,rt$d:d od: ,d:$<d: dX 5 mA -adddadd) dOdart

,d:$<d: Xeodd 628 x 10- 8 T yaoX.e oiart:d. ,d:$<d:

y CO    oOk y    _0

dd dX@ aS.    4

b) oddad tfdoart, .&. dadd dertd sar&daddd: dO. 4

c) dDQjS ( Emulsion ) 0od ded: ? dX od: dad} Xa. 2

Note : i) Numerical problems solved without writing the relevant formulae carry no marks.

ii) Answers without relevant diagram / figure / circuit wherever necessary will not carry any marks.


I. Answer all of the following questions :    10 x 1 = 10

1.    What is the deviation produced by a thin prism of angle 8 and of refractive index 1-5 ?

2.    Name a phenomenon which cannot be explained by considering light as a wave.

3.    Give an example for interference of light in a thin film.

4.    Mention an example to show the importance of speed of light.

5.    Write the formula for the capacitance of a spherical capacitor when its outer conductor is earthed.

6.    Define magnetic dip at a place.

7.    What is the relation between r.m.sand average value of sinusoidal

A.C. voltage ?

8.    Give an example showing the conversion of energy into mass.

9.    Which is the particle emitted along with electron when a neutron is converted into proton in a nucleus ?

10.    Write the circuit symbol of OR gate.


II. Answer any ten of the following questions :    10 x 2 = 20

11.    What are the conditions for a pair of thin prisms to produce dispersion without deviation ?

12.    Draw the neat diagram of experimental set-up for Fraunhofer diffraction at a single slit.

13.    What are elliptically polarised and circularly polarised lights ?

14.    State Coulombs law and define unit charge.

15.    An electric dipole of moment 2 x 10 - 8 coulomb-m is placed in an electric field of 5 x 10 - 5 NC - 1 , with its axis making an angle of 30 with the field. What is the torque acting on the dipole ?

16. What is superconductivity ? Define critical field.

17. State and explain Kirchhoffs first law of electrical network.

18. Express Laplaces law in mathematical form and explain the symbols.

19. Name any two advantages of A.C.

20. What is Raman effect ? What type of scattering is it ?

21. Mention any two properties of LASER beam.

22. What is a photodiode ? In which biasing does it work ?


III. Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 5 = 5

23. Derive an expression for Lateral Shift produced when a ray of light passes through a parallel sided glass slab.

24. i) Write any three differences between Ordinary ray and Extraordinary ray.

ii) Mention any two applications of polaroids.

IV.    Answer any two of the following questions :    2 x 5 = 10

25.    Define and internal resistance of a cell. Obtain an expression for current in a simple circuit consisting of a cell and an external resistance using Ohms law.

26.    Give the theory of moving coil galvanometer.


27.    i) Explain the principle of Dunningtons method of finding m of

an electron.

ii) Write Einsteins photoelectric equation. Using that explain any two experimentally observed facts about photoelectric effect.

V.    Answer any two of the following questions :    2 x 5 = 10

28.    i) Explain nuclear fusion with an example.

ii) What is the principle of a nuclear reactor ? Mention any two methods of disposal of nuclear waste.

29.    Define decay constant and half-life of a radioactive substance. Derive an expression for half-life in terms of decay constant.

30.    With a circuit diagram, explain the action of a npn transistor as an amplifier in CE mode.

VI. Answer any three of the following questions :    3 x 5 = 15

31.    Focal length of a convex lens is 0-1 m. A liquid lens is formed between a plane surface and one face of this lens of radius of curvature 0-12 m. The converging combination formed is found to have a focal length 0-18 m. Calculate the refractive index of liquid.

32.    Two capacitors of capacitances 2 ,F and 4 ,F are connected in series across a 6 V battery. What is the potential difference across each capacitor ? Also calculate the total energy stored in the combination.

33.    An A.C. source of 250 V, 50 Hz is connected to a circuit consisting of an electric lamp rated 100 W, 50 V and a capacitor in series. What should be the capacity of the capacitor to work the lamp with rated value ?

34.    When certain energy is supplied to hydrogen atom, electron jumps from n = 1 to n = 3 state. Find

i)    the energy absorbed by the electron

ii)    wavelength of radiation emitted when the electron jumps back to its initial state.

( Energy of electron in first orbit = - 13-6 eV

Planks constant = 6-625 x 10 - 34 Js

Charge on electron = 1-6 x 10 - 19 C

VII.    Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 5 = 5

35.    Describe an experiment to determine the dispersive power of the material of a prism for any two colours ( Assume that the angle of prism is given ).

36.    Describe an experiment to draw the forward bias characteristics of a semiconductor diode and hence to determine forward bias resistance.

VIII.    Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 5 = 5

37.    The following readings were observed while determining the temperature coefficient of resistance of a thermistor using metre bridge.


( C )

Resistance in right gap ( ft )

Balancing length ( m )







Calculate the temperature coefficient of resistance of the thermistor.

38. Determine the current sensitivity of a pointer galvanometer from the

following observations recorded in an experiment :

Resistance of galvanometer = 100 H e.m.f. of the cell    = 1-5 V

Trial No.

r ( ft )

R ( ft )

0 ( div )













( Note : Galvanometer is connected across r )


IX. Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 10 = 10

39. a.) In Young's double-slit experiment distance between the slits is 1 mm. The fringe width is found to be 0-6 mm. When the screen is moved through a distance of 0-25 m the fringe width becomes 0-75 mm. Find the wavelength of the light used. 4

b)    Define electric intensity and electric potential. Obtain the relation between them.    4

c)    Write the expression for resolving power of a microscope and explain the terms.    2

40. a) A current of 5 mA passing through a coil of 10 turns produces a

magnetic field of 6-28 x 10 - 8 T at the centre of the coil.

Calculate the radius of the coil.    4

b)    With a neat diagram, explain the working of G.P. Thomsons experiment.    4

c)    What is an emulsion ? Give an example for it.    2

[ Total No. of Printed Pages : 16

Code No. 33

Total No. of Questions : 40 ]

June, 2008


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]    [ Max. Marks : 90

( Kannada Version )

*    t    t    ot        y    CO    CO CO

</de odrt>ot Xdaartoaq,. ii) d Scbd dd o-n> ,oop /deza,/dbod dad /)de odrt>ct Xdcaribaq,.

>ri - A

I. X>A 00a dS.rtgrt 0 :    10 x 1 = 10

7 l    ->

1.    drar    reo ?

2. asad d.edd rad aroddb, dd d,a,,d rte3<dbS Xa.

& >    *    * > >    _o    co

3. XdSrXd dddra    zap.

4.    dorto    <ert rtoO ao ?

5.    ,ao o,J oo aoodrio e$.

cp    6    ot,

6.    cDoe&o ad # JJ, oed X<, /d6J ?

y ti>    d    -o

7.    deo{ aoodo.


8.    Yod art> ,0jo rtorart>o ( Saturation properties e$Xo Fde ?

9.    sadsn aoo d} Xa.

10.    >d-wd D* ( Half-adder ) 0Ode ?

*    CZ

- b

II. X>A)rt>Y /)d    JO :

10 x 2 = 20

n JeS oo


11.    d d 3,edoX rtJeo adoO. 0,    a&de ?

12.    >xo x oJb Jdon    ooJ ?

d    o    oi 4    <=i    -o

13.    dF dbb Sdd6, dF(db 0ddb    X&S.

14.    dbd&bzd)> dd,p dS<db >& dbrad    dbO dbb ort>bJ dO.

_0    c

15.    db ad >rt> db" ad dbd/rt> Feo ?

16.    Sod d dddd d>dd(dbb dooa&dbd /)jD 0ddo ort>ct db>Q.

17.    > {<d dbododb, d dob dd ,dbed rte3(dbb

CO    0    c    _D    _D    c

DbO. 18.    db ,db$<db ( Loop ) yjoeb ad db/d Feo ? dd S.I. db>d/ d b, DbO.


19.    12 mH ,,bo-jeddJbb>, odb ,db$<dbb AC dbod<dSd. dd

oi    Z>    &    co

dbbzod 50 Hz wdF ,oZ6b AC .adbdJdd) dOrort ,db$(db d,edd ddb, Xodb&SbO. 20.    dez eoX de 0odde ? odo dJd} X&S.

Code No. 33    4

21. 5400 A    de d    sr    (

Work function ) d@ S.

os5" h = 6625 x 10 - 34 J-s

CO    Cp

aro>FS    C = 3 x 10 8 ms - 1 .


22.    0<jS*rt>ode ? oD d} Xs>&.

- c

III. X>A)rt>Y /)d    0 :    1 x 5 = 5

23.    o D,>d D,d eddfDr zn). d S.I. d/d OdO. oD Dd d\X@ oootA o&d/d deeD reo ? 0dD J>d D,drt> d odrort, w D,drt> ,oeD    ,ortDd rteS dd dDO dd ort>D

_D    c    _0    c

24.    w<o eoX (Dra ararJ) 0ode ? oD d} Xs. peodjrt > </4d dOd <Drt>Dct dDO.

IV. d> Ad)rt> </d)dadd    0

25.    0d db deddrt>b sazaodd, {>eadart saza .adbdadrt n eS rt>. adj &.

_0    c cJ _o

26.    ti </rb dbdadd ( Alternating current ) drdeb ? odb ,dbg<bb adddd deaeb addoart adddd yao d.ed ,b dbdart,

oOk    CO    0 0    7

,dbg<bY d,e0dartbd baj e.m.f. rteS, alA 27.    artrt>b rtbdbd ,doart d,d6 dortrt>b dddabd G.P. dadb d/ertd yabrdb, ad0.

V. d> nd)n> <zd)da>dd 0ddb tinrt 0 :    2x5=10

28.    ed ti,3tiadrt>b ( Postulates ) da. ed da od odb

ZS    ot    cp

abbb dba.


29.    a.m.u. dbb eV rt>b,

_o    ct i) i)

1 a.m.u. = 932 MeV 0odb >e0.

dpnad, od N = 6-022 x 10 23

adar d S adC = 3x108 ms-1 dbb

CO    _0

1 eV = 1-602 x 10 - 19 J.

30.    p-n ,oa {ea 0oddeb ? db-&rd ded* art pel-d <edrt>oddeb ? db-&rd ddied art& pele-ded*rt> ododb zbrt >b, dba.

VI. X> Ad)rt> /ddd odo

31.    0-12 m    ,d/Dod    4Sd od dond doed

a sdrapodo 51 30'    xeoan    oind

,rS < &dD d3A

d    CO    oi    75

n 4S<d dedod = 1562.

32.    6 nC d roded od od ne>ao 0j .adsn SdJrtDedD ? d.rode SoQd rte>dD dd i>,rt, -

6    <*    co eJ

ddorfDod 006 m dddd ody dXed edr dSi.

33.    2 A -adddSdDd deD ,dD$<D d\ doed ,dD$(D dDdodod 006 m ddCbd oDy SeD 3 ,o,D dOd/rad ( Magnitude ) dodDroSDO    ,Cb$(D dbdodD, se y5) ,o< dOd/rad da@&.

,dD$<dD0 dod ,d n> ,oZ. = 20

co    0    >

,Cb$<dD ,d,O X&W = 005 m

34.    1 TOP deS<dDdJ-226 d&Dd) ( Activity ) 3-7 x 10 10    s- 1 wAd. deSDdj*-226 dr2odbR ,XoS, d3@&.

VII.        oo 0 :    1 x 5 = 5

35.    adpw Xert> ,de&3e&d<), > dodb&So dert

36.    0 dd3d d(5d    ded} ( Forward bias ) OTdd deZo 0>D3 dert 0.

VIII.     X> A)rt>Y /)ad oo 0 :    1x5 = 5

37.    X> A ed\}n>OR (eA &3f;,o* a rtraaod dodSO.

db$, de = 500 H .



$&c< oe. >

a CO





38. X>n ddo eX\}n>OR (eA na6<<je/d ,X\v33r ( Current sensitiveness ) dodb&SoO :

doded    = 1-32 V

na6<ze/d de    = 210 H .

ft 0 r

co *

ft 0 &>eR

CO *

Qtip & ( 0 ) &$art>

cJ CO v * * CO










e)rt - D

IX. d>A)rt> /4dd o tp :    1 x 10 = 10

39. a) oon aesbrtoa diertd old eddra eo

>rt a>e BO<n> ( Fringes ) 0oort> o dd 3@&.

&e>ort oart >  otd = 1-1 x 10 - 3 m

3 tdortdd = 5893 nm

&e>ortoart$o ddAdo &d = 13 m.    4

b)    ddrt > /4dd otco@ <Drt>ocR    4

c)    oo a d dt# n    dn> 5,o tn

* *    J/ rs

rsle ?    2

40. a) 50 n de n6<zed/dddbR 0-50 mA roo ve&d

Of,co dd zo< {ea,ey    deo


n.<,ed/d rtOal ad,<    o&o/o eyrto

6 cJ    co        eJ co    <=i

>o6tiOT = 15 mA.    4

b)    e,ort> /4dd otco@ cz<ort>o o>Q.    4

c)    ,o,do Od#    ,o,d Odn> drsleo ?    2

Note : i) Numerical problems solved without writing the relevant formulae carry no marks.

ii) Answers without relevant diagram / figure / circuit wherever necessary will not carry any marks.


Answer all the following questions :    10 x 1 = 10

1.    What is meant by dispersion of light ?

2.    Give the condition in mathematical form for destructive interference in terms of path difference.

3.    Define limit of resolution of a microscope.

4.    What is the aim of Michelsons rotating mirror experiment ?

5.    State Coulombs law in electrostatics.

6.    Give the principle on which meter bridge works.

7.    State Lenzs law.

8.    Nuclear forces exhibit saturation properties. What does this

statement mean ?

9.    Give an example of Hadrons.

10.    What is half-adder ?


II. Answer any ten of the following questions :    10 x 2 = 20

11.    Write an expression for refractive index of the material of the prism in terms of its angle. Is the expression true for all the positions of the prism ?

12.    When does light possess particle nature and wave nature ?

13.    Give two differences between Fresnel diffraction and Fraunhoffer diffraction.

14.    Write the expression for specific rotation for a slab of optically active solid and explain the terms.

15.    What is meant by electric dipole and electric dipole moment ?

16.    Mention any two factors on which the capacitance of a cylindrical capacitor depends.

17.    Draw Wheatstones network and write the condition in mathematical form for its balance.

18.    What is meant by magnetic dipole moment of current loop ? Write its

S.I. unit.

19.    An inductor of self-inductance 12 mH is in an AC circuit. Find its inductive reactance if an AC current with frequency 50 Hz flows through it.

20.    What is line absorption spectrum ? Give an example.

21.    Calculate the photoelectric work function for a metal of threshold


wavelength 5400 A.

Given : Plancks constant h = 6-625 x 10 - 34 J-s

Speed of light in vacuum C = 3 x 10 8 ms - 1 .

22.    What are emulsions ? Give an example.


III. Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 5 = 5

23.    Define power of a lens. Write its S.I. unit. What is meant by linear magnification produced by a lens in a direction perpendicular to its axis ? Write the expression for equivalent focal length of coaxial combination of two thin lenses separated by a finite distance and explain the terms.

24.    What is dichroism ? Give an example. Write any three applications of


IV.    Answer any two of the following questions :    2 x 5 = 10

25.    Derive the expressions for branch currents when two resistors are connected in parallel.

26.    What is meant by alternating current ? Derive the expression for sinusoidal e.m.f. induced in a coil rotating with uniform angular speed in a uniform magnetic field.

27.    With a neat labelled diagram, explain the working of G.P. Thomsons experiment to confirm matter waves.

V.    Answer any two of the following questions :    2 x 5 = 10

28.    Give Bohrs postulates. Mention a limitation of Bohrs theory.

29.    Define a.m.u. and eV. Show that 1 a.m.u. = 932 MeV.

Given :

Avogadro number N = 6-022 x 10 23 ,

Speed of light in vacuum C = 3 x 10 8 ms - 1 and 1 eV = 1-602 x 10 - 19 J.

30. What is p-n junction diode ? What are light emitting diode and

photo-diode ? Mention an application each of light emitting diode

and photo-diode.

VI. Answer any three of the following questions :    3 x 5 = 15

31.    A ray of light is incident on one of the faces of a parallel sided glass

slab of thickness 0-12 m at an angle of incidence 51 30 1 . Calculate the lateral shift produced.

Given : Refractive index of the glass slab = 1-562.

32.    How many electrons have to be removed from a metal sphere such

that it aquires a charge of 6 nC ? Calculate electric intensity at a point 0-06 m from the centre of the charged sphere when it is placed in vacuum.

33.    Find the magnitude of magnetic induction at a point 0-06 m from the

centre and along the axis of a circular coil carrying a current of 2 A. Also calculate the magnitude of magnetic induction at the centre of the coil.

Given : Number of turns in the coil = 20 Mean radius of the coil = 0-05 m.

34.    Activity of 1 gm of radium-226 is 3-7 x 10 10 distintegration s _ 1 .

Calculate the half-life of radium-226 in seconds.

Given : Avogadro number = 6-022 x 10 23

VII.    Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 5 = 5

35.    Describe an experiment to determine the dispersive power of the material of a prism by measuring its angle and angles of minimum deviations for any two colours using a spectrometer.

36.    Describe the experiment to draw forward bias characteristics for a semiconductor diode.

VIII.    Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 5 = 5

37.    Determine the temperature coefficient of resistance of the thermistor using the following data :

Resistance in right gap = 500 H .

38. Calculate current sensitiveness of a given galvanometer using the

following data :

e.m.f. of the given cell = 1-32 V

Resistance of the given galvanometer = 210 H .

Resistance r in ft

Resistance R in ft

Deflection 0 in divisions











any one of the following questions :    1 x 10 = 10

IX. Answer 39. a)

Calculate the distance between the centres of 4th and 7 th bright fringes in an interference pattern produced in Youngs double slit experiment.

Given : Separation between the slits = 1-1 x 10 - 3 m Wavelength of light used = 589-3 nm Distance of the screen from the slits = 1-3 m.


Mention any four applications of capacitors.    4



What is meant by superconductivity and critical temperature of a superconductor ?    2

40. a) Determine the small resistance to be connected in parallel with

a galvanometer of resistance 50 n in order to convert it into an

ammeter of range 0 - 50 mA.

Given : Current required to produce full-scale deflection in the galvanometer is 1-5 mA.    4

b)    Mention any four applications of lasers.    4

c)    What is meant by coherent scattering and incoherent scattering ?    2


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