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Pre University Board 2008 P.U.C Physics, Chemistry, Maths & Biology " Biology " code 36 For English version see pager no 5 - Question Paper

Tuesday, 05 February 2013 01:25Web

Total No. of Questions : 42 ]    [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 8

March, 2008

Code No. 36


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]    [ Max. Marks : 90

( Kannada Version )

: i)    d    rtodod    Q.

6 co *    ot    y    i

ii) >rt rt>o rtodo,    odrt>bl >edi>rto4S<,-

- I (,5)

-    a

X>A 44rt$rt    oo    oo rod.d J 0 :

y oi    y    6    4    & c? -d

5 x 1 = 5

1.    dodido 00ddeo ?

2.    adrd ,oXeJX@ ( Non-sense codon ) odo id} XQ.

3.    ot<OO,J di& ( Aerobic respiration ) do Jo OTOOdroJ did ( Anaerobic respiration ) dod ,id/6 jd0 ,0n).

4.    edded Pdroftdod wd.0.0. (/>d)o ?

5.    pdd edXert>0 ( Complementary cells ) 0oddeo ?

-    b

x>n dn /)d dnn 2 oo 5 >>0 jo :

5 x 2 = 10

6.    Q.0 .0. <)ididjo/rtod i,r ,odd\} i 0odeo ? yi><ordeo ?

7.    ot&fX ortod 0odeo ?    do Jo |e3</rt$Adod /)sd 0ddo

d j n > Orr j d/Q.

8.     d rt>0 :

a)    ( Deplasmolysis )

b)    Jd ( Wall pressure )

9.    ,ieXp*    co@ 4>jrt>s 3$.

10.    >4rt(bs ( Growth ) z. (/>4)d) 0ddb >4rt adeX



11.    - , 4 &0X(bs ,3p,b4 XrarXsodo Ad4 4,ert4s 40.

-    c

x>a /)- <o@ 44$ 4,3(o4Xi 200 - 250 4rt><

4 , d idbO :    4 X 5 = 20

6 co

12.    48e, o4,e4}(b 444Sr40.

13.    e"    ( Gene therapy ) 0Ode ? 4d rt>s 4O. 4d ><b@ (brt > Or ( Applications ) 3$.

14.    yod 4 2r 4<eA, ono X    ( Tissue culture technique ) , o3,4 4O.

oOk 2

15.    4 on3ort>o4deb ? o4    rtbdb34 J4oQrt ,,,

Oe3(b ,>OJ 4fot otoo4s 4O.

16.    4si(bo 4 o4 |qoJ 4s 4O.

17.    a) 3(b 4sele,jOe" ( Cyclic photophosphorylation )

(e&4 4,3aaJ,4s dbO.

c$> Z/ * oS

b) C 4 - 44/rtr ( C 4 - Pathway ) 0o4de ? o4b d} XS.

-    D

I. X>A 4rt>, /4)d o 4 JO :    1x5 = 5

18.    a) 4J,O3 d e$X(b rnrtrt>b rtbdb34 o44 X.dOT

V ->    oa    *    ot,    oO

J4s dbO.

b)    R.Q. 0o4de ? R.Q. 4fic>w o43@oJ db4 ,4(b4 ,o(bbXo4s ,O&.

c)    4d" 4O}4b 0o4de ?

19.     X> A 4)rt$n yd rart > Or XS :

a)    S.0".0. d>; 4bbraQo4 J4& 4$rt>s ( Identical twins ) e4 4zdco 4eh,crtb4)S<,.

b)    S.0".0.(b 0ddb JoJbrtbrt>:b ( Strands ) J444'3Adb4)S(<.

c)    y4 <;nd e4Xert>, e3 (&fS) 4'3 ,S<J (4S) ot4j,&f (4 4d4 4se 4O}>4b edbJd.

d)    03 rooXbd ( Parthenocarpic ) rao rt>0 e&dJ rab rt>b.

co    -*    C3    rs

e)    3 b J(b 4b,3,o e4}(b    JA ,J 4.

'    t3    rs    6    co    ctn_o

II. X>A (d/didd o d, JO :    1 x 5 = 5

20.    nid oddd J,d {>Jrt d e$d Q,d> ,,.d 0d<di

   ot    y    cs>    cd    6

titf:il d0.


21.    a) XeroOj Xed1 d/ertd ddiinJ a ?

b)    ,> dpeleie& Xea>d<), ( Capillary tube ) dd,d di

aiJ d. aX ?


c)    na)dOM ,dr ( Respiroscope ) djertd rtiiid oddd Jdrfi

- ii

-    e

X>A d4,rt$rt dodXA odi dd dd odi dX.d J 0 : y ol    y    tr        & co -o

5 x 1 = 5

22.    O Xo rtiod) aX ,dr,X da ?

23.    $diod <d/rtoaX ( Global warming ) 0ode ?

24.    Xdi    d0dr,id Srad ,0&.

25.    ;,diFd ( Spermatid ) 0odei ?

26.    d$ed dpdJidii dz.

-    f

X>n dn, /d)ddd d&rtert 2 0od 5 dX6rt>), JO :

5 x 2 = 10

27.    QeA,* pUdg,* rtn iO.

28.    wdi di><di <d/d)ddd> dOdirti d d/S.

29.    aX,J eaJ ddrt> ( Patenting life forms ) 0ode ?

30.    wS)le (d/d)ddd> 0di yirn>0R d d/S.

31.    di d)o,Xjn /d)dd yran>0R

32.    XYd dnrd} ( Chloride shift ) 0odei ?

-    g

X> A /d)dd Se4 dnn dodX ,d/i 200 - 250 ddrt>Sn d ,>d d i0 :    4 x 5 = 20

6 co

33.    d1 &odedj* drarJoJirt> dPXdi XiOJi ( Chromosomal complement ) y>ra di J KX.rarti iO.

_0    oOk    c

34.    a) do    0ode ? /)3d 0ddo ,odX\}    $. b) d drt>0 d0 :

i)    3oXi>j dedrt> ( Endangered species )

ii)    dedrt> ( Sacred species )

iii)    d doedjd ( Afforestation )

35.    aari ded dX\}n>odeo ? ed&X Xod edXert>o ( Natural killer cells ) dodo o&dddrto d0.

_0    *    c

36.    oddd    riodo&d doart do add do&o oo drd} d0.

37.    d/d do$ exo ( Sagittal section ) 3>rt rtodod oddd


38.    &e>oX ( Cleavage ) 0od de ? Xdjo dl &e>oXo S/OOOr d0.

e)rt - H

I.     X>A    /d)d3dd o drt dp :    1x5 = 5

39.    d    0odeo ? dedid/, ,o3,dro>A d0.

c    oOk _0

40.    a) oded, oOo &ed)6rao 4 3/ort>dod    3C0j

n>Or, d/a.

b)    yd/d 0odeo ? <d/d)d3dd) 0ddo rt>0R ,0.

c)    &X*,d     ( Sickle-cell anaemia ) no l>05 wdod

co    co    co

,3 do wX,o,od doe wdo do ,0.

cp    <=i y    &    co <=i

II.     X>A    o drt dp :    1x5 = 5

41.    oddd rnrtrt> rtodod ddrad d ex ( T.S. of Testis ) do

   z)    CS    J ot


42.    a) do ,3Roort>o doo <dorod (doortAdod <d/d)d3dd) 3C0j

6 6    ol

b)    n30-dje,ij ( Granulocytes ) 0oddo ? /d)d3dd 0ddo

Or ,0&.

c)    d,(dod0R ( Sample ) dj/doodl ydXdoart ora d/ad. rad <d/d)e d 3d}/rtoda<,. d0od >ed) (d/d ed/FX@ doe0 ?

i)    Draw diagrams wherever necessary.

ii)    Unlabelled diagrams do not get any marks.


Answer the following questions in one word or in one sentence each :

5 ro 1 = 5

1.    What is duramen ?

2.    Give an example for non-sense codon.

3.    Name the phase which is common for both aerobic and anaerobic respiration.

4.    Which is the most abundant RNA in the cell ?

5.    What are complementary cells ?


Answer any five of the following in 2 to 5 sentences each : 5 ro 2 = 10

6.    What is semiconservative method of DNA replication ? What is the function of ligase ?

7.    What is annual ring ? List any two differences between tracheids and tracheae.

8.    Define the terms :

a)    Deplasmolysis

b)    Wall pressure.

9.    Write any four physiological role of Cytokinin in plants.

10.    Define growth. Mention any two growth inhibiting hormones.

11.    Describe balsam plant experiment to prove ascent of sap.


Answer any four of the following in about 200 to 250 words each wherever applicable :    4 <*> 5 = 20

12.    Explain translation of protein synthesis.

13.    What is gene therapy ? Explain the types. Add a note on any four of its applications.

14.    Briefly explain tissue culture technique using stem.

15.    What are meristems ? With a neat labelled diagram, explain the different types of meristems based on their position in the plant body.

16.    Explain potassium pump theory.

17.    a) Write the schematic representation of cyclic photophosphorylation. b) What is C 4 -Pathway ? Give an example.


I. Answer any one of the following :    1 <*> 5 = 5

18.    a.) Draw a neat labelled diagram of ultrastructure of T.S. of


b)    What is RQ ? Name the organic compound whose RQ value is more than one.

c)    What is Pasteur effect ?

19.    Give reasons :

a)    DNA finger printing cannot be used for distinguishing identical twins.

b)    Two strands of DNA cannot be identical.

c)    Turgidity or flaccidity of guard cells affect the rate of transpiration.

d)    All parthenocarps are seedless fruits.

e)    Very high temperature decreases the rate of photosynthesis.

( Questions only from the Practical syllabus )

II. Answer any one of the following :    1 ro 5 = 5

20.    With a neat labelled diagram explain the T.S. of dicot leaf.

21.    a) What is the significance of cobalt chloride experiment ?

b)    Level of mercury rises in the capillary tube of simple potometer. Why ?

c)    Draw a neat labelled diagram of Ganongs respiroscope experiment.


Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence each :

5 ro 1 = 5

22.    Why is blood group O called universal donor ?

23.    What is global warming ?

24.    Name the enzyme which converts fibrinogen into fibrin.

25.    What is spermatid ?

26.    Define species diversity.


Answer any five of the following about 2 to 5 sentences each : 5 ro 2 = 10

27.    Write a note on erythroblastosis foetalis.

28.    List any four consequences of acid rain.

29.    What is patenting life forms ?

30.    Mention any two functions of oxytocin.

31.    Mention any four causes of infertility in males.

32.    What is chloride shift ?


Answer any four of the following about 200 to 250 words each wherever applicable :    4 <*> 5 = 20

33.    Write about chromosomal complement, cause and symptoms of Downs syndrome.

34.    a.) What is conservation of soil ? Mention any two methods of soil


b) Explain the terms :

i)    Endangered species

ii)    Sacred species

iii)    Afforestation.

35.    What are non-specific body defences ? Explain the role of natural killer cells and interferons.

36.    With a neat labelled diagram, explain origin and conduction of heart beat.

37.    Draw a neat labelled diagram of sagittal section of human brain.

38.    What is cleavage ? Describe the process of cleavage in frogs egg.


I.    Answer any one of the following :    1 <*> 5 = 5

39. What is dialysis ? Briefly explain haemodialysis.

40. a.) List any four differences between oogenesis and spermatogenesis.

b)    What is Jaundice ? Mention any two types.

c)    Name the amino acid which replaces glutamic acid in sickle-cell anaemia.

( Questions only from the Practical syllabus )

II.    Answer any one of the following :    1 <*> 5 = 5

41. With a neat labelled diagram explain the T.S. of Testis.

42. a.) Write any four differences between cardiac muscle and smooth muscle.

b)    What are granulocytes ? Name any two types.

c)    Sample is mixed with Biuret reagent. There is no change in the colouration. What inference can be drawn from this ?


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You are here: PAPER Pre University Board 2008 P.U.C Physics, Chemistry, Maths & Biology " Biology " code 36 For English version see pager no 5 - Question Paper