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Pre University Board 2008 P.U.C Physics, Chemistry, Maths & Biology PUV " Physics " code 33 For English version see page no 9 - Question Paper

Tuesday, 05 February 2013 01:00Web

[ Total No. of Printed Pages : 16

Code No. 33

Total No. of Questions : 40 ]

March, 2008


( Kannada and English Versions )

Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]    [ Max. Marks : 90

( Kannada Version )

: i) ,a>o,X dX,rt>: ,oo    

*    t    t    ot        y    CO    CO CO

otirt>: XOTnjaq,. ii) S6>d:d drt>, ,oo /dez>/:o< d>a, /)de otirt>:i Xonao,.

>ri - A

I. X>A 0oa sl,2lrt$n    :    10 x 1 = 10

7 l    ->

1. 15 3,e a>oX : 8 Xe: oacb pXaod oi>rt:

2. X: o dort 0o: rt> ao,>rt o    ,0&.

3. J>: &<. ( Thin film ) oi>rt: eXdraX, o ad} Xa.

* co    '    6    u

4.    Jeo, od OTd}Coo ,0.

oi ct    ct

5.    d ro> d o ort {es rteeCo 3dd 3ddJrt idDO.

6.    oo ,> QyJd ( Dip ) otCo >es.

7.    ( Sinusoidal ) C/fCd do OT0Jd ( A.C. voltage ) Wd.0.0,'. ( r.m.s. )    ,-3,0 Crt> o ,00le ?

8.    Coo ddC/A 0FC/>n)X 00 3d} xs.

9.     d/rao eY oo is, 40)I3 A 0FC/3rt, 0 ypoart J&FC/rto oo dra C/d ?

10.    OR rtei ,30Xed    doO.

- b

II. d> n)rt>, C/)3d    JO :    10 x 2 = 20

1 1. 00    J>0 4Pjdrt> OTtfOd <Y raF KCoO&O/OO do

>ort>eo ?

12. ad &e>brtoaD sedd5" adJFDD dd<DD eyrtod d3,<eAd

co * y    *    ot    .>

d.d, <D oddad J,dD dDO.

6 cp    V ot

13.    aeFdeD daedJ ( Elliptically polarised ) dDJD dD daedJ ( Circularly polarised ) > dD 0od deD ?

14.    d)>O a<DdDdD add/ addd dD dS.

15.    2 x 10 - 8 don-aDe. dD Jd ( Moment ) doadDd OD adD adddD ( Electric dipole )5x10-5 NC-1 adDJ djeJd,, djd adDJ djejd art 30 ded d/dDdoJ dftd. n adDxdd dDe>rtDd dDd dD ( Torque ) dodaDO.

16.    addJ 0od deD ? J@& djeJd ( Critical field ) dZ da.

17.    adD {<d@ ,ooad 3>f dde aDdDd ddD, ado.

18.    <)d3,? a<DdDdy rteD ddd ddD, ,odeJrt>D ado.

CO    ot    CO    ?    ot

19.    d /FD adD64o /d)ddd 0ddD dJrt>Dct

20. ods dO}>ds 0oddes ? ds (d/d Oe3(d/d ddsX(d/Ad ?

21.    e,o*    <d/d)ddd 0dds rtsraddsFrt

22.    peleddiera 0oddes ? (d/d    ( Bias ) X<, ad r,sJ d ?


- c

III.     X> Ad)rt>, <d/d)ddd o dn Job :    1x5 = 5

23.    ods d>3 Sdrad), ,d/oJd Qsdsd    dJS(ds, dxdssdedrt oi>rtsd d>,F d< &X, ( Lateral Shift ) rtJeS (dss ddsO.

d    CO 6    -D    cl

24.    i) d/ Sdra dsJs d/ Sdrart> (d/d)ddd dsds


6 6    oi

ii) dPd3(djrt> (d/d)ddd 0dds dertrt>s

IV.     X> Ad)n>, <d/d)ddd 0rfdo dn Job :    2x5=10

25.    ods Xed ds63<X < dsJs woJOX dedrt>s dzab. Lds a<dsdds d<d>eftb, od Xe dsJs rod dedds doadsd ,d> ds,tod dS<ds ds,3dd>dX, rtJe3<dss ddsO.

6 &    co    6 ZS    v    _oct

26.    ,sd ,ds$ n.<,ed/dXd brooJds Xs.

6 oS    cp


27. i) da.on' arod     dodeo ddieAd

Ot        CO    8J)

JJzdo ado.

ii) e* dadJ" aoeddrad doo. ot ddieA dad do}dd <d/d)ddd) 0dd d/deAd ae} ado.

V.     X> Ad)rt> <d/>d)ddd 0dd drtrt Jo :    2x5=10

28.    i) od >d}(oart de& ,aovdd ado.

&    ot

ii) dd S/d/yo ( Nuclear reactor ) d J Jded ? dd Jd ,0n>

adedod d/dddd 0dd adrt>o $.

29.    od deQideaSdra d,oa d adJd ( Decay constant ) dJo dod/ ( Half-life )    dza*). dood6X d add ddd rtJeS dd ddoo.

CO    _D    c

30.    adoodo dJdoart CE ded, npn Is,-6, ddd ( Amplifier )

3/ddd ad o&.

VI.     X> Ad)n>, d/dddd dodo djSrtn Jo :    3x5=15

31.    od J d,dd ,ortddd 0-1 ax. d. od ,dJ< doed, dJb

ot        _0

J dodd 012 aoe. adod doed dd dddd ,eo, djd doddd o&od/d>Ad. n oid ,ortaodd ,od>e&d


,ortddd 018 aoe. 0od dodooad. d,dd deddoddd dodaoo.

32.    2 juF do Jo 4 juF d>dXJ dod 0ddo ddXrt>So* 6 V roort do {ead. dodo d>dXd do JddSo XodoaoO. <e oe&So ,ort;dd SaS XodoaoO.

33.    250 V, 50 Hz d</ro -adoJ" wXd dSo, ,di,dod 100 W, 50 V

do, Jaed dJo odo ddXX, ,do {ea,>Ad. w aedd doe

6    o    *    u    c>

JeodoJ, aedd) X<, adr,ey&idd dXd ddXJ 0o ?

34.    dd&S* d dd/raort od aar    dAdrt, dd, 0d3d n = 1 Sod n = 3 SrtdoJ d.

gj)    cp    -o

i)    wrt 0 eoXod SS 0do ?

ii)    w 0 yS1 dd<e    &odX@ Adrt J&rSrtod 3drad JdoTOoJddSo XodoaoO.


( dd< XX.d 0 yaS S S = - 13-6 eV

v    <A    co    sJ)    _o

doXS adJoX = 6-625 x 10 - 34 Js


0 yaS >do6ddeS = 1'6x 10-19 C adrJ d S den = 3 x 10 8 ms - 1 )


VII. X> ASd)rt>, /d)ddd o d;Sctn Jo :    1x5 = 5

35.    /d)ddd 0ddo rart$n odo dPjXd doS    dodd Xodoaood d,ertdoR do (dteXd XeSdSo Xd 0odo &&).

36.    odo dd X d <ed dboSd d,ed}(d ( Forward bias ) otXjX

dX,deZ<dSo 0>do, dd dood dedd deddSo Xodoaood d/>ert dSo dO.

VIII. oo O :    1 x 5 = 5

37. oe&d efi&, oo of,,    de

zz 0    rs

rtooXo Xooa<oo ,dertOn X>Xo eXrt    :



( C )

uotioQtfo do deriti tf

* CD *

( n )



( oe. )







Oo of;, De n> rto}>oXo X@ >3.

38. oo ,en    X>A orto >oo&d

ZJ co    _o

n6<ze/d    ,X\vOOr ( Current sensitivity ) XooSoO :

n6<ze/d De    = 100 H

063Xe    = 1-5 V


r ( n )

r (n )

0 ( div )













e)rt - D

IX. X> Add)rt> (d/d)ddd o dS 0 :    1x10=10

39.    a) (d:ond aesbrtoa 4eri, 0dd: e>rtoart> d:d6d od

1 a:.a:e. deddra drt> d n< 06 a:.a:e. d. ddddb, 025 a:e. ,odrt d, rto 075 a:.a:e. wrtod. djdertd

eo    -e    y    co

ddeAd d>3d dortdddd: Xod:a:0.    4


b)    ad: ed d:: ad: addd dz. d) ddoad

, ooddd: dd:Q.    4


c)    tidSrtid d;dX@dra ddd dd:, dd: ,oXert>d: ado. 2

40.    a) 10 ,rt$d:d od: ,d:$<d: dX 5 mA adddd dOdrt

,d:$<d: Xeodd 628 x 10- 8 T yaoX.e oi>rt:d. ,d:$<d:

y co    om y    _o

dd dX@ S.    4

b) odd'ad tfdoart, .a. ddd dertd ydradddd: ado. 4

c) 0d:Oj* ( Emulsion ) 0od ded: ? dX od: dd} Xa. 2

Note : i) Numerical problems solved without writing the relevant formulae carry no marks.

ii) Answers without relevant diagram / figure / circuit wherever necessary will not carry any marks.


I. Answer all of the following questions :    10 x 1 = 10

1.    What is the deviation produced by a thin prism of angle 8 and of refractive index 1-5 ?

2.    Name a phenomenon which cannot be explained by considering light as a wave.

3.    Give an example for interference of light in a thin film.

4.    Mention an example to show the importance of speed of light.

5.    Write the formula for the capacitance of a spherical capacitor when its outer conductor is earthed.

6.    Define magnetic dip at a place.

7.    What is the relation between r.m.sand average value of sinusoidal

A.C. voltage ?

8.    Give an example showing the conversion of energy into mass.

9.    Which is the particle emitted along with electron when a neutron is converted into proton in a nucleus ?

10.    Write the circuit symbol of OR gate.


II. Answer any ten of the following questions :    10 x 2 = 20

11.    What are the conditions for a pair of thin prisms to produce dispersion without deviation ?

12.    Draw the neat diagram of experimental set-up for Fraunhofer diffraction at a single slit.

13.    What are elliptically polarised and circularly polarised lights ?

14.    State Coulombs law and define unit charge.

15.    An electric dipole of moment 2 x 10 - 8 coulomb-m is placed in an electric field of 5 x 10 - 5 NC - 1 , with its axis making an angle of 30 with the field. What is the torque acting on the dipole ?

16. What is superconductivity ? Define critical field.

17. State and explain Kirchhoffs first law of electrical network.

18. Express Laplaces law in mathematical form and explain the symbols.

19. Name any two advantages of A.C.

20. What is Raman effect ? What type of scattering is it ?

21. Mention any two properties of LASER beam.

22. What is a photodiode ? In which biasing does it work ?


III. Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 5 = 5

23. Derive an expression for Lateral Shift produced when a ray of light passes through a parallel sided glass slab.

24. i) Write any three differences between Ordinary ray and Extraordinary ray.

ii) Mention any two applications of polaroids.

IV.    Answer any two of the following questions :    2 x 5 = 10

25.    Define and internal resistance of a cell. Obtain an expression for current in a simple circuit consisting of a cell and an external resistance using Ohms law.

26.    Give the theory of moving coil galvanometer.


27.    i) Explain the principle of Dunningtons method of finding m of

an electron.

ii) Write Einsteins photoelectric equation. Using that explain any two experimentally observed facts about photoelectric effect.

V.    Answer any two of the following questions :    2 x 5 = 10

28.    i) Explain nuclear fusion with an example.

ii) What is the principle of a nuclear reactor ? Mention any two methods of disposal of nuclear waste.

29.    Define decay constant and half-life of a radioactive substance. Derive an expression for half-life in terms of decay constant.

30.    With a circuit diagram, explain the action of a npn transistor as an amplifier in CE mode.

VI. Answer any three of the following questions :    3 x 5 = 15

31.    Focal length of a convex lens is 0-1 m. A liquid lens is formed between a plane surface and one face of this lens of radius of curvature 0-12 m. The converging combination formed is found to have a focal length 0-18 m. Calculate the refractive index of liquid.

32.    Two capacitors of capacitances 2 ,F and 4 ,F are connected in series across a 6 V battery. What is the potential difference across each capacitor ? Also calculate the total energy stored in the combination.

33.    An A.C. source of 250 V, 50 Hz is connected to a circuit consisting of an electric lamp rated 100 W, 50 V and a capacitor in series. What should be the capacity of the capacitor to work the lamp with rated value ?

34.    When certain energy is supplied to hydrogen atom, electron jumps from n = 1 to n = 3 state. Find

i)    the energy absorbed by the electron

ii)    wavelength of radiation emitted when the electron jumps back to its initial state.

( Energy of electron in first orbit = - 13-6 eV

Planks constant = 6-625 x 10 - 34 Js

Charge on electron = 1-6 x 10 - 19 C

VII.    Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 5 = 5

35.    Describe an experiment to determine the dispersive power of the material of a prism for any two colours ( Assume that the angle of prism is given ).

36.    Describe an experiment to draw the forward bias characteristics of a semiconductor diode and hence to determine forward bias resistance.

VIII.    Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 5 = 5

37.    The following readings were observed while determining the temperature coefficient of resistance of a thermistor using metre bridge.


( C )

Resistance in right gap ( ft )

Balancing length ( m )







Calculate the temperature coefficient of resistance of the thermistor.

38. Determine the current sensitivity of a pointer galvanometer from the

following observations recorded in an experiment :

Resistance of galvanometer = 100 H

e.m.f. of the cell    = 1-5 V

Trial No.

r ( ft )

R ( ft )

0 ( div )













( Note : Galvanometer is connected across r )


IX. Answer any one of the following questions :    1 x 10 = 10

39. a) In Young's double-slit experiment distance between the slits is

1 mm. The fringe width is found to be 0-6 mm. When the screen is moved through a distance of 0-25 m the fringe width becomes 0-75 mm. Find the wavelength of the light used. 4

b)    Define electric intensity and electric potential. Obtain the relation between them.    4

c)    Write the expression for resolving power of a microscope and explain the terms.    2

40. a) A current of 5 mA passing through a coil of 10 turns produces a

magnetic field of 6-28 x 10 - 8 T at the centre of the coil.

Calculate the radius of the coil.    4

b)    With a neat diagram, explain the working of G.P. Thomsons experiment.    4

c)    What is an emulsion ? Give an example for it.    2


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You are here: PAPER Pre University Board 2008 P.U.C Physics, Chemistry, Maths & Biology PUV " Physics " code 33 For English version see page no 9 - Question Paper