Pre University Board 2008 P.U.C History " " Code 21 For English version See Page no 5 - Question Paper
Code No. 21
[ Total No. of Printed Pages : 8
Total No. of Questions : 37 ]
June, 2008
( Kannada and English Versions )
Time : 3 Hours 15 Minutes ]
[ Max. Marks : 100
( Kannada Version )
: i) d*n> X,db ,0d/fi diQ,bd)di-
ii) B0 d&d dd ,oZw 31 - dSrt Xdb0 - D db djS. ,oZ, 31 0odb Xd>Ad.
co * co y <=i 6
iii) dl J0.
I. X>n d4,rt$rt ddodX, odb dd odb ro<d0 J 0 :
y ct y 6 4 & co -o
1) dJX@ ,dbb d/rtrdb Xodiroadd3di ?
2) d)cb%edd &33db3di ?
3) &dr drt rooJ0n)ddjdo ?
4) dpeSdb d/Sd Xd lbbQ d/dd ?
5) ,>dbX d3!>b {on Jodd3>cb ?
6) -jdd bd ,3 &ddd3db ?
rs cp
7) d)> 0 &ad ?
8) d/d dpddoart dde worte-dodo dbd XrtoaJ ?
9) -jd ssp dzron ddorobJb ?
10) XjrXd dd< dbbndbo, d/db ?
ii. x> A4n>, </4)ad 44 4ox@ 0ddo 4n>o 0ddo 4aX.rt> Ob : 10 x 2 = 20
6 co _o
11) Sdader d >ao 0ddo 4b 4rar rt>o 3$b.
12) &4ora<o 3eXdra 5, /do ? sd >e3 /)o ?
13) &o? /do ? OJ, </>4)o ?
14) 4)n>0t ;,Ob : WHO, FAO
15) 4 rare 0odeo ?
16) add 4orAe,do ,a&b </4)ad aco@ 4,aort>o ,Ob.
17) ad oor4Ob3o;o >e&b4dado ? </4art ?
4 CO Cp ct 4
18) rortonad 3Xdo 4X,4o 0ddo aar 43,Xrt>o 3$b.
19) ad 3eo da>%eo yaort,,? 4>< 0 doo ? -,X, JDo 4b 4dado ?
4 6 oOk c CO
20) Xar&X, &, ,a>n 0 doo ? </d ejzY doo ?
21) o,O jdo 4b Xo4dort>ado ?
22) Xd Xo<4)dedoo </do XdooaArf ? sd Xoo, ,Ob.
>rt - C
III. X> A4)rt> , /4)ad w 4n$rt 4oX@ 15-20 ,acort>, d doO : 6 x 5 = 30
23) 4do% ya< ,a >4rtDo 4Ob.
24) soOya ao ,ona,4oY {a{"r a&on?&? 4b 4a4o >Ob.
25) dro ya,o3rt yadrart>eo ?
26) 0dde 4oa><oo 4Oraaort>o ,o3,4 aA 4Ob.
Cp c eUk _D
27) ,o4<o ,an>oct ,oS\4oaA 4Ob.
28) 4a b X yadrart>oJ 4Ob.
co <=i
29) ,0? o{ar aO'd ,ad}rt> )rtn 4 doO.
30) 4od? de,ad4d ,a4/eX ,e4rt>o 4Ob.
- D
IV. X>A 0 :
5 + 5 =10
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31) A) aOort X.doO nsd X>A >X ,>rt>o rtodo,
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0,<>oo , > 0dOo o<rt> doO :
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a) &(OT) nn"
b) Poed"
c) X,
u 0
d) 0S
B) aOort X.doO nsd n0& X>A >X ,>rt>o rtodo,
' eJ co cp oi 7
0,<>oo , > 0dOo oX.rt> doO :
y cp n 6 co
a) X Xe!
' co
b) neoi
c) o>oae0
>rt - E
v. x> nO)n> /O)d 0-o oox@ 30-40 ,cort>< -
doO :
2 x 10 = 20
32) Oo>ys,o<o ysd rart>o Oo0o 00}>0ort>o POO.
33) n-eo 0)do%eO d{ 0 >0eo ?
34) odO 0/0 doA d,oOY ,d 00. PedoOdo 0 o,OO POO.
35) S. de0ds{ ddOd POO.
mri - F
a) ,ysd >od$
c) tjl OS</ >od$
d) ,?, OS</ dodd ,3 d
e) wdr ,d/K
37) X>A dtf 15-20 dd.rt>0 J0 :
1 x 5 = 5
' ZJ &L s\ r>
CO 0
X.eJjX, doodoS dtiod* aeSdod Xdortrtd d0.
mrt - D
31) x> a d,4,n 30 oo 40 ,<on> jo
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ddo , Sz JO-,OMdDd y&dran>o d0n).
goso ed doJo d0.
ii) Instead of Map work Question No. 31, alternative question is given for the blind students at the end of the question paper in Part-D as Question No. 31.
iii) Answer the questions according to the instructions given for the questions.
I. Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence each :
10 x 1 = 10
1. Who discovered the sea route to India ?
2. Who was the father of Renaissance ?
3. Who translated the Bible into German language ?
4. Which was the last battle fought by Napoleon ?
5. Who introduced Subsidiary Alliance system ?
6. Who was the founder of Ramakrishna Mission ?
7. Where was Tipu born ?
8. Name the treaty which ended the first Anglo-Mysore war.
9. When did the Russian revolution take place ?
10. Who was the first chief minister of Karnataka ?
II. Answer any ten of the following questions in two words or two sentences each : 10 x 2 = 20
11. Name the two famous paintings of Leonardo da Vinci.
12. Who was the architect of German unification ? What was his policy ?
13. Who was Hitler ? Name his autobiography.
14. Expand : WHO, FAO.
15. What is Apartheid policy ?
16. Mention any four Portuguese settlements in India.
17. Who declared National Emergency in India ? When ?
18. Name the two newspapers published by Bal Gangadhar Tilak.
19. Where was the first session of INC held ? Who presided over it ?
20. Where did the Salt Satyagraha take place in Karnataka and under whose leadership ?
21. Who were the two famous commissioners of Mysore ?
22. Who was known as the Kannada Kulapurohita ? Name his work.
III. Answer any six of the following questions in 15 to 20 lines each :
6 x 5 = 30
23. Explain the literary development of Renaissance period.
24. Describe the part played by George Washington in the American War of Independence.
25. What were the causes of Russian revolution ?
26. Briefly explain the results of the Second World War.
27. Briefly explain the achievements of UNO.
28. Explain the causes of Battle of Plassey.
29. Write a note on the reforms of Sir Mirza Ismail.
30. Describe the social services of Mother Teresa.
IV. Answer the following question as indicated : 5 + 5 = 10
31. A) Mark on the outline map provided the locations of the following historical places. Add explanatory notes for each in two sentences :
a) |
Jalianwalla Bagh |
b) |
Meerut |
c) |
Calcutta |
d) |
Dandi |
e) |
Oudh. |
B) Mark on the outline map provided the locations of the following historical places. Write the historical importance of each place :
a) Calicut b) Goa
c) Pondicherry d) Buxar
e) Hyderabad.
V. Answer any two of the following questions in 30 to 40 lines each :
2 x 10 = 20
32. Explain the causes and results of the French revolution.
33. What role did Raja Rammohan Roy play in the history of Indian Renaissance.
34. Discuss the role of Sir M. Vishweshwaraiah in making Mysore as a model state.
35. Describe the achievements of D. Devaraj Urs.
VI. 36. Arrange the following in chronological order : 5 x
a) Non-Cooperation movement
b) Battle of Plassey
c) Quit India Movement
d) Establishment of East India Company
e) Arya Samaj.
37. Answer the following question in 15 to 20 lines : 1 x
5 = 5
Explain the literary contributions of Krishnaraja Wodeyar III.
Write a note on Subhash Chandra Bose.
31. Answer the following question in 30 to 40 lines :
Explain the causes of the First War of Indian Independence.
Explain the life and achievements of Hyder Ali.
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