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B.A-B.A Geography 1st Year (Gg-320 : Contemporary Issues and Geography)(University of Pune, Pune-2013)

Monday, 10 November 2014 01:44Nitha

(Gg-320 : Contemporary Issues and Geography)

Time : Three Hours                          Maximum Marks : 80

N.B. :—

(i) All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

(iii) Draw neat diagrams and sketches wherever necessary.

(iv) Use of map-stencils is allowed.



1. Answer the following questions in about 20 words each (any ten) : [20]


(1) Write the definition of terrorism.


(2) What is the meaning of EL-Nino ?


(3) Write any two examples of Non-exhaustible resources.


(4) What is meant by Ozone depletion ?


(5) Write any two causes of Swine-Flu.


(6) What is meant by revolution ?


(7) Give any two examples of major river water disputes in world.


(8) Write any two types of forest fire.


(9) Write any two types of contemporary issues.


(10) Give any two examples of pilgrim centers in India.


(11) Write any two characteristics of concept of Globalization.


(12) Define the concept of landslide.


(13) Give the definition of poverty.[4301]-338 6


2. Write notes on the following in about 50 words each (any two) : [10]


(1) Effects of AIDS


(2) Causes of Drought


(3) Biological Weathering


(4) Effects of Cyclone.


3. Answer the following in 150 words each (any two) : [20]


(1) Explain the causes and effects of earthquake.


(2) Explain the effects of conflicts due to caste.


(3) Explain the causes for creation of nuclear weapons.


(4) Describe the causes of migration.


4. Answer the following in about 300 words each (any two) : [30]


(1) What do you mean by Contemporary Issues ? Explain the nature of contemporary issues.


(2) Explain the causes and effects of over-population.


(3) Define the conflicts of race. Discuss the causes and effects of conflict due to race.


(4) Explain the types of migration with reference to Time and Distance.

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