Pre University Board 2006 P.U.C Economics 2nd Business Studies - Question Paper
Monday, 04 February 2013 11:35Web
Code No. 27-NS
Total No. of ques. : 36 ] [ Total No. of Printed Pages : 4
March / April, 2006
( Kannada and English Versions )
( New Syllabus )
Time : three Hours ] [ Max. Marks : 90
( English Version )
part – A
I. ans all ten ques. in a sentence every. every ques. carries one
mark. 10 × one = 10
1. provide an example for manufacturing industry.
2. State any 1 element of marketing mix.
3. What is Foreign Trade ?
4. Expand 'EXIM' Bank.
5. What is the name of the market providing short-term finance ?
6. Who is an insured ?
7. Write any 1 kind of warehouse.
8. Name the Legislation or Act under which consumers are protected.
9. What is career ?
10. Write any 1 kind of Accounting package.
part – B
II. ans any ten of the subsequent ques. in not more than 2 phrases
each. every ques. carries 2 marks. 10 × two = 20
11. provide the meaning of Air-conditioning.
12. What is publicity ?
13. Mention any 2 channels of distribution.
14. Who is a clearing agent ?
15. elaborate Retained earnings ?
16. Name any 2 kinds of Speculators.
17. What is telebanking ?
18. elaborate tramps ?
19. provide the meaning of business ethics.
20. Mention any 2 kinds of consumer organisations.
21. Name any 2 educational career opportunities for commerce
22. State any 2 uses of E-commerce.
part – C
III. ans any 6 of the subsequent in not more than fifteen lines every. every
ques. carries 5 marks. six × five = 30
23. Briefly discuss any 5 principles of plant layout.
24. Distinguish ranging from advertising and salesmanship.
25. discuss the advantages of foreign trade.
26. discuss the procedure for opening a Bank Account.
27. Mention any 5 disadvantages of Railway transport.
28. Write any 5 arguments for social responsibility of business.
29. discuss briefly the rights of consumers.
30. Mention the different career opportunities in marketing.
31. Briefly discuss the role of an Accountant in info technology
part – D
IV. ans any 3 of the subsequent in not more than thirty lines every. every
ques. carries ten marks. three × 10 = 30
32. discuss the different methods of remunerating salesmen.
33. Briefly discuss the export trade procedure.
34. discuss the different sources of business finance.
35. discuss the functions of Stock Exchange.
36. What is Marine Insurance ? discuss the various types of Marine
Insurance policies.
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